Activity 7: Use Scallop for a finishing operation

In this activity, you will use a Scallop strategy to finish the part. There is now 0.1 mm of remaining material on most of the part. There is a little more on top of the base surfaces, inside the 4 mm fillets, and on the lower part of the fillets at the base surfaces.

before and after

Part with Scallop applied for shallow areas (left). Part after using Scallop for finishing (right).



  1. From the Scallop dialog, Select the Ø6mm ball tool.

    1. On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select 3D > Scallop scallop icon.
    2. On the Tool tab tool tab icon, click Select to access the tool library.
    3. Select the tool 21 - Ø6 mm - ball from the Tutorial4 library.
    4. Click Select to close the Select Tool dialog.
    Note: The slope range was limited in the previous operations to confine machining to steep areas. In this operation we want to machine the entire part in one go to obtain a consistent amount of stock left. Machining is performed down to the flat area of the part, omitting the rectangular base.
  2. Specify the machining passes.

    1. Click the Passes tab passes tab icon.
    2. Set Tolerance to 0.02 mm.
    3. Choose Inside -> Out from the Inside/Outside Direction drop-down menu.
    4. Set Stepover to 1 mm.
    5. Enable the Stock to Leave checkbox.
    6. Set Radial Stock to Leave to 0.05 mm.
    7. Set Axial Stock to Leave to 0.05 mm. This value should update automatically.
    8. Click OK to automatically start calculating the toolpath. A preview appears on the canvas.

calculated toolpath

Activity 7 summary

In this activity, you used a Scallop strategy as a finishing operation on the part.