Compare nest studies

  1. Right-click the nest study node in the Browser and click Compare.

    right-click study

    The Compare dialog opens.

    compare dialog

  2. To switch between information on sheets, nests, or the study node itself, select from the drop-down menu at the top left of the dialog.

    nest and sheet

  3. To change the layout of items, use the buttons at the top right corner of the dialog.

    • Assign colors assign colors icon: Assign colors to shapes as defined in the Process Material Library.
    • Reset zoom reset zoom icon: Reset to the default zoom level.
    • Show/hide data show hide icon: Opens a list of data types you can show or hide, such as cost, efficiency, and so on.
    • Grid/tile toggle grid tile icon: Switch between grid and tile view.

You can also right-click nest and sheet nodes in the Fusion browser and click Compare to see information on those items.