Activity 1: Find specific nets and components

  1. In the SmartMeter project, open the schematic design. Note that it is spread across four sheets.


  2. On the Design Manager Browser tab, select Nets, under All Sheets select Sheet 2/4, under Net Classes/Busses select Net Class, default. In the Nets section, note the listing of nets.

    Design manager

  3. Click individual nets to see them marked in the schematic. The Row and Column entries in the Nets table also indicate the net location by sheet grid row and column.

  4. Note also in the Inspector, the Properties of Wires, where you can change attributes, and the Selected Objects, where you can see the start (X1,Y1) and end points (X2,Y2) of each net. You can check these values by placing the cursor on the points and noticing the values that appear at the top of the design window.

    Cursor location

  5. In the Nets Search field, enter N$6 and select Net N$66. In Properties of Wires panel, change Style to longdash to clearly see this net, and when it changes, note that this net diagonally crosses the selection box. When finished, change the Style back to continuous.

    Line style

Review components using the filter

  1. In Design Manager, select the Filter tab.

  2. Set up a filter with Name = C* AND Value = 0.1uF. Note how this builds in the Expression field, and presents all such capacitors in the Results field.

    Filter setup

  3. Click individual capacitors and note how they are highlighted in the schematic. If you Select-Click two or more capacitors, a box is drawn around the group, and shared properties appear in the Inspector panel.

Show specific parts

  1. Check that both Design Manager Show controls are active.

    Show controls

  2. In Design Manager, Browser tab, remain on Sheet 2, switch the view to Components, and choose a part to show, for example, J5.

  3. Zoom out to see all or most of the schematic sheet.

  4. Click Show, then in the command line, enter @ J5 (or whichever component you choose). The component is highlighted with a black box.