Generative study

A generative study is a set of data that describes a design problem you want to define using generative design.

In the generative study you can input specific design objectives, including functional, manufacturing, and mechanical requirements. You can also define material type and performance criteria. Once the study setup is defined, you can generate a set of designs that meet these requirements. For more information, see Setup requirements for a generative study.

You can create a new generative study using the New Generative Study new generative study icon command from the Study panel of the Generative Design toolbar. You can also clone an existing study in the browser, by right-clicking a study and selecting Clone Study from the context menu.

You can create multiple studies and define different design problems in your generative model. For more information, see Work with multiple studies.

Additionally, if you want to use a different set of geometry, for example a starting shape, you can create a new generative model. This way, in the same document, you can have different generative setups and their outcomes. For more information, see Modify a generative model (Edit Model).

Additional tips

Quick tip: Generative synthesis

Quick tip: Clone and edit to maximize generative solutions