Setup requirements for a generative study
A study is ready to generate outcomes, if the study setup meets the following requirements.
- A generative model must have at least one preserve geometry body.
- A study setup must include at least one material.
- You must apply at least one constraint to a preserve geometry body.
- You must apply at least one load to a preserve geometry body. A load and constraint can't be on the same face, edge, or vertex.
- If your model includes a starting shape body, it must be in contact with all preserve geometry bodies.
Also note that:
- If you don't assign a geometry type to a body, it is ignored in the generation of outcomes.
- Starting shapes are optional. You can assign a starting shape to only one body in your study.
Pre-check enables you to validate that the setup of the active generative study meets the requirements to generate outcomes. The icon changes color according to the study status:
- If the study setup doesn't meet some requirements, you see an exclamation mark on a red background . You can't generate outcomes until you fix the setup.
- If there are potential issues with the study setup, you see an exclamation mark on a yellow background . If the pre-check is showing the warning, you can generate outcomes but the best practice is to review your inputs before generating.
- If the study setup meets the requirements to generate outcomes, you see a check mark on a green background .