If you are a hub administrator, you control many aspects of the hub site and its members.
Within the hub site, as an administrator, you control the following settings:
Hub settings
Members and Roles
You can change the hub name on the Team Settings page of the Admin tools.
As an administrator, you control the use of file sharing. You can allow hub members to share files by links or not. The default is to allow file sharing.
When file sharing is disabled, any previously shared file links are disabled until file sharing is enabled again.
As an administrator, you control what happens when new hub members are invited. The options include:
Admin invite only. Only an administrator may invite new hub members.
Admin approval required. Any member may invite a new hub member, but the new member must by approved by the administrator.
No admin approval required. New members may be invited to the hub by existing members without the administrator's approval.
A toggle switch called Enables advanced settings for members from the domains below. controls access by domains. When toggled on, domains are specified. For each domain, specific actions are allowed, including: