Activity 2: Edit features using direct modeling

In this activity, you switch to direct modeling mode to alter the angle of bearing arm, and then you restart the design history.

Note: When you switch to direct modeling, the Timeline at the bottom of the canvas is deleted, and you lose the design history. When you switch back to parametric modeling, new changes you make are captured on the timeline.



  1. Change to direct modeling.

    1. Click the gear icon in the bottom right corner of the window.
    2. Click Do not capture Design History design history icon.
    3. In the Warning dialog, click Continue to delete the timeline and switch to direct modeling.
    Note: The timeline disappears from the bottom of the canvas, and all the modeling items are captured in the Browser.
  2. Select the 17 faces of the arm, as the objects to move.

    1. Click Design > Solid > Modify > Move/Copy move/copy icon.
    2. In the Move/Copy dialog, set the Move Object to Faces.
    3. Click on the 17 faces of the arm, to select them as the Move Objects.
    Note: Confirm that 17 objects are selected in the Move/Copy dialog.

    17 arm faces

  3. Move the pivot point to the center of the upper edge of the top, long exterior face of the arm.

    1. In the Move/Copy dialog, click Set Pivot set pivot icon.
    2. Click the center of the upper edge of the top, long exterior face of the arm.

    17 arm faces

    1. In the Move/Copy dialog, click Set Pivot confirm pivot icon.
  4. Move the bearing arm upwards 30 degrees about the x-axis.

    1. In the Move/Copy dialog, change the X Angle to -30 deg.
    2. Click OK to finish the command and close the Move/Copy dialog.
  5. Re-enable the Design History, to switch back to parametric modeling.

    1. In the Browser, right-click on the Bearing_Bracket component component icon.
    2. Click Capture Design History design history icon.
    Note: The timeline has restarted, with a single base feature.

Activity 2 summary

In this activity, you switched to direct modeling mode to alter the angle of bearing arm, and then you restarted the design history.

You accomplished this task using the following commands: