Export flat pattern as DXF

Export the Flat Pattern to a *.dxf file type for laser cutting.

Outer profiles, interior profiles, bend center lines, bend extend lines and text will each be assigned to a different layer in the DXF file.

Note that for non-normal cuts, only the opening will be exported.

  1. Create a Sheet Metal Flat Pattern.
  2. On the toolbar, click Export DXF export dxf icon.
  3. Optional: Check the Convert Splines to Polylines box to enable conversion of splines to polylines. We recommend to use it if your laser cutting machine does not support splines. Tolerance specifies the maximum allowable deviation between the converted polylines and the original splines.
  4. In the Export DXF dialog, click OK.
  5. In the Save As DXF dialog:
    • Specify the filename.
    • Select the Save as type option of *.dxf.
  6. Click Save.