Multi-step curves in quasi-static analyses
You can create a different curve for each prescribed constraint, or transient load that you set, and each curve can have a different number of steps.
Note: All curves start and end at the same time in the simulation, regardless of the number of steps you set, or whether they describe prescribed constraints or transient loads.
Where a study has multiple curves with differing numbers of steps, the event simulation uses the highest number of steps to define the analysis. For each curve that prescribes fewer steps, the final step is elongated, in a linear fashion, so that it ends in concert with the curve with the highest number of steps.
Note: If, in the Settings, you set the Number of Result Intervals per Step to 25, and you have defined two different curves, one with two steps and one with three steps, the number of steps used by the solver is the higher value (three) and the total results output is (25 x 3) = 75.