Activity 3: Apply constraints and loads

The support beam is constrained at both ends, and loaded in the vertically downward direction, producing bending about the stiffer, stronger beam axis. There is no transverse load. The bending load is applied to the middle portion of the top flange as a normal force.

In this activity, you



  1. Constrain the small bottom face of the beam in all directions, at the +X end of the beam.

    1. Click structural constraints icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Constraints panel > Structural Constraints) to open the Structural Constraints dialog.
    2. In the Structural Constraints dialog, ensure that Type is set to Fixed.
    3. Click the bottommost corner of the ViewCube, where FRONT, RIGHT, BOTTOM meet, to show the bottom of the beam and the +X end.
    4. Select the small face at the +X end of the beam, to select it as the Target.

      fixed constraint
    5. Click OK to accept the command and close the dialog.
  2. Constrain the small bottom face of the beam in the Y and Z directions only, at the -X end of the beam.

    1. Click structural constraints icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Constraints panel > Structural Constraints) to open the Structural Constraints dialog.
    2. In the Structural Constraints dialog, ensure that Type is set to Fixed.
    3. Click on Ux to deactivate the X axis, and restrict motion in the Y and Z directions.
    4. Select the small face at the -X end of the beam, to select it as the Target.

      uy uz constraint
    5. Click OK to accept the command and close the dialog.
    6. Click viewcube home icon Home above the ViewCube to return the model to the default isometric viewpoint.
  3. Apply a 300 kN bending load to the middle portion of the top flange, in the Normal direction.

    1. Click structural loads icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Loads panel > Structural Loads) to open the Structural Loads dialog.
    2. In the Structural Loads dialog, ensure that Type is set to force icon Force.
    3. On the beam model, select the middle of the three top faces as the Target.
    4. In the Structural Loads dialog, set the Direction Type to normal direction icon Normal.
    5. Set the Magnitude to 300 kN or 300000 N.

      force load
    6. Click OK to accept the command and close the dialog.

Activity 3 summary

In this activity, you