Activity 1: Create a new dynamic event simulation study

In this activity you create a new study, Study 1 - Event Simulation, to determine the stresses experienced by the two plastic bodies as they connect. To set up the study you:



  1. Open the starting shape model, SnapFit in the Z up direction, from the Basic Training folder in the Data Panel.

    1. If the Data Panel is not currently shown, click data panel icon Show Data Panel at the top of the screen.
    2. The top level (home view) of the Data Panel is divided into two subsections: ALL PROJECTS and SAMPLES. Scroll down until you reach SAMPLES.
    3. Double-click the Basic Training folder to open it.
    4. Double-click the 11 - Simulation folder to open it.
    5. Double-click the SnapFit model to open it in the canvas.
    Note: The sample model is read-only, so you must save a copy of it to a personal project
  2. Identify a personal project in which to save the model.

    1. Click save as icon (File > Save as).
    2. Enter a name, such as SnapFit, in the name field.
    3. Expand the arrow button next to the Location field.
    4. Locate and click on an existing project, or click New Project to start a new project.
  3. Identify or create a folder in which to save the model.

    1. Double-click on a folder in the project to select it, or create a new folder.
    2. To create a new folder, click New Folder.
    3. Type a name, such as SnapFit for the folder.
    4. Press Enter.
    5. Double-click the folder to make it the current file saving location.
    6. Click Save.
  4. Select Event Simulation as the new simulation study.

    1. Click on the Change Workspace drop-down menu at the top left end of the toolbar and select Simulation.

      Simulation workspace

    2. In the New Studies dialog box, select Event Simulation study Event Simulation.

  5. Set the Event Duration to 0.006 s.

    1. In the upper right corner of the large thumbnail image, click settings icon Settings to access the Settings dialog.

      settings dialog location

      The General settings appear initially.

    2. In the Settings dialog type 0.006 s in the Total Event Duration field.

  6. Change the Number of Results Save Intervals to 12.

    1. In the Settings dialog, type 12 as the Number of Results Save Intervals.

      Note: The solver outputs the initial condition and twelve calculation increments for the event simulation.
  7. Set the mesh size to 3 mm.

    1. In the Settings dialog, select Mesh from the left frame of the dialog to display the mesh settings.
    2. Click Absolute Size and type 3 mm in the input field.
    3. Click Back to apply the changes.
    4. In the New Study dialog, click Create Study to create the study and close the dialog.
  8. Change the units system to Metric (SI).

    1. In the Browser on the left of the canvas, hover over change units icon Units then click edit icon Edit.
    2. In the Units Settings dialog, choose Metric (SI) from the Default Unit Set drop-down list.
    3. Click OK to accept the change and close the dialog.

Activity 1 summary

In this activity, you switched to the Simulation workspace to create a Event Simulation study, and then you defined its parameters. You