Solver Data

This page describes the information that can be found in the Solver Data dialog.

Solver data information is available for the following study types:

There are two options in the Solver Data dialog: Solver Data and Solver Output.

Solver Data details

Solver Data shows details about the mesh from the analysis and any solver errors or warnings. The details of the mesh can provide insight for troubleshooting an analysis. A large mesh element count typically causes a longer runtime. The information about the different aspect ratios may provide insight to a poorly formed matrix giving erroneous results.

Solver Output file

The Solver Output is a text file that contains the solver settings and information about the solve. Warnings and error messages are also listed in this file.

The bottom of the page has the time statistics for the solver. Warning and fatal error totals are also listed there.

Additional information for specific error codes can be found at this Nastran resource. To find information about a specific error it is best to dive down using the table of contents on the left.