Edit Inspection Details

If an inspection is submitted with any incorrect details, it is possible to make corrections in Info360 Asset.

Tip: To detect any inspections that are not correctly associated to an asset, you can filter on the 'Linked Asset' column in the inspection list.

Inspection details can be edited only when the inspection is not in an approved status.

Full-access users can edit any inspection, while field inspectors can only edit inspections they uploaded.

To edit inspection details:

  1. Go to Activities and select the Inspection Type.
  2. Locate the inspection in the list and click on the Inspection ID to open it.
  3. Go to the Details tab and scroll down to the Properties section.
  4. Click the Edit button and update the information as needed.
  5. Click Submit to save the changes.
    Note: This will not submit the inspection or change its status.

A note will be added automatically to log the changes. The system will also check for and update the associated asset if this was missing or incorrect.

See also: