Map Fields for Sanitary Sewer Pipes

When importing your asset GIS layers, you are required to map the fields in your source to the fields in Info360 Asset (target fields). This table explains each of the target fields.

Target fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Target Field Field Type Field Description Name shown in Asset Details (if different)
assetId * string Unique ID for the asset.
dsNodeId * string Downstream manhole/node ID. Downstream Mh, Downstream Node ID
length * float Pipe length. Make sure to select the correct unit of length when mapping.
usNodeId * string Upstream manhole/node ID. Upstream Mh, Upstream Node ID
accessRestrictions string Any restrictions on gaining access to the land in which the pipe is located. E.g., Private Land.
backdropDiam float Diameter of the backdrop.
capacity float Capacity of the pipe flowing just full. E.g., cfs or m3/s
criticalit string Criticality: A measure of the likely impact of asset failure. E.g., High, Low.
drainageCode string Drainage area code. Sewer system is divided into discrete drainage areas for planning purposes.
dsDepthFromCover float Distance between cover level and pipe invert level at the downstream end of pipe. Downstream Depth from Cover
dsInvert float Invert level for the downstream end of the pipe, measured above system datum. Downstream Invert
flowControl string How the flow is controlled during the survey.
gradient float Slope of the pipe.
groundType string Surface ground type or land use.
height float Dimensions of the sewer height or diameter if circular pipe shape.
installedBy string Organization responsible for the original installation of the asset.
liningMaterial string Pipe lining material. E.g., Plastic.
liningType string Lining type. E.g. Structural, Non-structural.
location string Address or description of site at which asset is located.
material string Pipe material. E.g., CI, PVC.
owner string The proprietor of the asset.
pipeShape string Cross-sectional shape of the pipe.
pipeType string The type of pipe. E.g., gravity main, force main, lateral, etc. Type, Pipe Type
pressureValue float Specified minimum pressure used to test integrity of pipe.
security string The security of the asset from unauthorized access/tampering. E.g., Vulnerable, Secure.
segmentId string If any of your pipes are divided into segments (between two manholes), see Import Segmented Pipes for how to map the pipe segment ID. If they are not, do not map this field.
siteCondition string Surface ground type or land use.
systemType string System type/ use. E.g., Foul, Surface, Combined, etc.
usDepthFromCover float Distance between cover level and pipe invert level at upstream end of pipe. Upstream Depth from Cover
usInvert float Invert level for the upstream end of the pipe, measured above system datum. Upstream Invert
width float Width/diameter of the cross-section of the pipe.
yearLaid datetime The date when the asset was installed. Make sure to select the correct date-time format when mapping. Install Date