Phase Management

The Phase Management option on the Tree view provides options for adding, duplicating, deleting, and renaming phases as well as the ability to decide if they should be analyzed or not.

The Phase Management option appears in the Tree view below the Design level options and just before the Phase Selector. This provides a quick view on the available phases together with an image to indicate if they are being analyzed or not. Expanding the node will show you the list of available phases, which are grouped by phase type (either Storm phase and Sanitary phase).

Including in Analysis

A phase can be included in the analysis by clicking the or not  icons. To keep analysis times down, it is recommended that you turn off any phases or scenarios you are not currently interested in. They can be turned back on later.

Creating a Phase

Right-clicking the Phase Management will display a menu that provides the Add Storm Phase or Add Sanitary Phase option. Selecting this option will create a new, empty phase and will select it on the Phase Selector ready for editing.

Right-clicking an individual phase shown under the Phase Management will display a menu that provides the following options:

Duplicating a Phase

Selecting this option will create a duplicate of the selected phase and will select it on the Phase Selector ready for editing.

Deleting a Phase

Selecting this option will remove the phase from the design and will update the current phase shown on the Phase Selector, if needed. This option will be enabled if you have two or more phases. It is not possible to delete the only phase in a design. 

Renaming a Phase

Selecting this option will enable you to rename the phase selected, which then allows a new name to be entered for the phase. Clicking the node, or pressing enter, will confirm the name change.

Making a Phase current

Selecting this option will make the selected phase current in the same way as a selecting a phase on the Phase Selector.

Adjusting Phase order

It is possible to adjust the order of a phase within the phase list. Selecting Move Up will result in the phase being shown higher up the list, while Move Down will move the phase lower in the list.

Switching Phase type 

It is possible to switch the type of the phase. Right-clicking a Storm phase would display the option Switch to Sanitary

Right-clicking a Sanitary phase would display the option Switch to Storm.

Importing a phase 

To import a phase using the tree view:

  1. Right-click the Phase in the Tree view and then select Import Phase.

  2. Locate the phase that you want to import and then click Open.
  3. In the Template Picker dialog, select the items accordingly.

  4. Click OK, and the phase will be imported in your model.