To edit existing styles
Click Manage
(Style Palette).
On the left side of the Style Palette, click the tab for the style catalog that contains the desired style to edit.
Select the appropriate style catalog from the drop-down list. Choose the style to edit.
It is a good idea to copy an existing style instead of changing the original version.
Select the style you want to edit and click
to duplicate an existing style before you edit it.
Double-click the new copy of the style to edit its properties.
You can also select the style and click
In the Style Editor, your options depend on the type of style you are editing:
- Length: The length of one barrier segment
- Height: How tall the barrier is
- Thickness: The buffer along the polyline representing the barrier
- Spacing: How far apart each barrier is from the next when you draw multiple barriers. (All dimensions use the default unit of measurement).
- Material: The material used for any face of the barrier
- Click and drag in the preview to rotate the barrier image. To return to the original preview orientation, click Reset Preview.
Bridges are created as assemblies of parametric parts that can be saved as bridge templates. Modify bridge components individually in-canvas. See To modify parametric bridge and tunnel components.
- Fill Style: The material used for the interior area of the coverage
- Outline Style: The material used for the borders of the coverage
- Outline Width: The width of the border
- The coverage and border materials can be a material or color, a material group, a semi-transparent material, or none. You can apply more than one fill/border combination to a subset or a data source, using a style rule.
3D Model
See Add a 3D Model Style for details on these settings.
- Textures can use either a texture or a color.
- Color: The hexadecimal value for the color or open the file that represents it.
- Texture: A PNG or JPG file.
- Width and Height: The size (in the default unit of measurement)) of the tiles for the texture. You may not see the direct effect of your changes, as the seams of the tiles are not visible, but the texture will appear looser or tighter when it is applied.
- TexCoord Anchor: The anchor point for a texture (by default, 0,0).
- Rotation Angle: Rotates the texture at the angle you specify, from the anchor point specified.
Material Group
- Material groups are used for complex styles, such as roads and railways.
- Material: The material or color for a component of the material group
- To add a component to the material group style, click
(Add Material).
- To remove a component, select it and click
(Remove Selected Material).
Pipe Connector
- Type: The shape of a pipe connector style. Tip: For diamond-shaped connectors, use a rectangle Type and change the Orientation to 45 degrees.
- Width and Height: The dimensions of the connector style (in the default unit of measurement))
- Tube Material: The material used for the connector tube
- Cap Material: The material used for the connector cap. If the cap is offset from the tube, enter a value in the Cap Offset field.
- Click and drag in the preview to rotate the connector image. To return to the original preview orientation, click Reset Preview.
Type: The shape of a pipe style.
Tip: For diamond-shaped pipes, use a rectangle Type and change the Orientation to 45 degrees.
Width and Height: The dimensions of the pipeline (in the default unit of measurement)).
Surface Effect: The material used for the pipe surface
Click and drag in the preview to rotate the pipe image. To return to the original preview orientation, click Reset Preview.
You cannot edit terrain styles, but you can theme terrain by elevation, slope or aspect and you can make terrain transparent.
Tunnels are created using parametric cross section components that are extruded between the tunnel start and end stations to create tunnel segments.
You can use parametric tunnel components available in the Style Palette, or create custom parametric tunnel components in Autodesk Inventor then add them to the InfraWorks Style Palette. See To modify parametric bridge and tunnel components.
See About Watershed Analysis.
Water Area
Buffer Width: The border between the water feature and surrounding features
Bank Width: The ground surrounding the water feature
Water Level Offset: The depth of the water
Note: To set negative water levels, click the box to the left of the Water Level Offset and select a negative value. Then set the slider to negative levels.
Surface Material and Bank Material: The material used for the water surface or for the bank. The Water Shader style animates the water surface.
Integrate With Terrain: Represents the water feature as having actual depth (for example, if there are viewable structures under the water). Otherwise, the water is simply draped on the terrain.
Road, Railway, and Building Facade