
// Copyright (c) 2010 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// CREATED: August 2010
#if defined(JAMBUILD)
#include <Mudbox/mudbox.h>
#include "../../include/Mudbox/mudbox.h"
#include "../../include/MapExtractor/MapExtractorInterface.h"
#include "../../include/UVlessPainting/UVGeneratorInterface.h"
using namespace mudbox;
using namespace mapextractionmodules;
class PtexPaintExporter : public PaintLayerExporter
// This function returns the supported file types by this class.
virtual QVector<FileExtension> SupportedExtensions( void ) const;
// This function does the exporting.
virtual void Export( const QString &sFileName, int iFileTypeIndex, const Mesh *pSourceSurface, TexturePool *pSource );
// This function performs a fast export, without doing a map extraction internally. This is faster, and preserves texture queality.
template < typename tType, int iMultiplier >
void FastExport( const QString &sFileName, int iFileTypeIndex, const Mesh *pSourceSurface, TexturePool *pSource, const UVGeneratorNode *pUVGenerator );
abool m_bUseBaseLevel;