
#if !defined PTEX_IMPORTER
// Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// DESCRIPTION: PTEX texture importer
// CREATED: January 2011
#if defined(JAMBUILD) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <Mudbox/mudbox.h>
#include "../../include/Mudbox/mudbox.h"
#include "../../include/UVlessPainting/UVGeneratorInterface.h"
#include "../../include/EdgeBleeding/EdgeBleeding.h"
#include "ptex/Ptexture.h"
using namespace mudbox;
// We will refuse to import ptex files with polys larger than MAX_EDGE_COUNT
// Don't make this too large -- staticly sized arrays on the stack will
// be sized based on this. It should be more than 5, definitely less than 500.
// It is very possible that other parts of Mudbox will break when presented with
// a 100 edge poly -- I've never tried it....
#define MAX_EDGE_COUNT 100
// Cross reference our face ids with the ptex face ids.
// Each ptex face will create 1 or more Mudbox faces.
// The map is indexed by PTex parent Face ID, and for each of those, will give the
// start MudboxFaceID and the number of triangles the PTexFace
// has been tessellated into. It also gives the Ptex subface index for the first
// subface.
// The Mudbox FaceIDs for those faces will
// be m_MBFaceID, m_MBFaceID+1, ... m_MBFaceID+m_NumTessellatedFaces-1
class FaceMapEntry { // there is one of these for each PTex Face / n-gon poly.
int m_NumTessellatedFaces; // How many Mudbox triangles has this been tessellated into.
int m_NumEdges; // how many edges in the poly.
int m_MBFaceID; // Index of the first triangle in the Mudbox Mesh (or of the quad if its an all quad mesh).
int m_PTexSubfaceID; // indes of the first ptex subface where the texture data can be read from the ptex file
FaceMapEntry() : m_NumTessellatedFaces(0), m_NumEdges(0), m_MBFaceID(0), m_PTexSubfaceID(0) {};
class PtexImporter : public Importer
// Make sure everything is initialized, if only to ensure determinism.
PtexImporter() : m_allQuads(false),
memset(m_hist, 0, MAX_EDGE_COUNT * sizeof(int));
// Returns the file extension and description of the supported file by the plugin.
QVector<FileExtension> SupportedExtensions( void ) const
return ret;
// Import a file, main function of the class.
virtual void Import( const QString &sFileName, Scene::LoadData &cData );
// This function creates a mesh from the metadata in a ptex file. If there is no mesh
// metadata in the ptex file, it will return NULL.
Mesh *CreateMeshFromPtex( const QString &sFileName, bool makeMesh = true, bool silent = false );
// If there is no mesh data in the ptex file, you can call this to build the cross reference
// tables to go from ptex ids to mudbox and back.
void BuildMapsFromBaseMesh(Mesh *pMesh);
bool m_allQuads; // true if the ptex file is all quads
int m_iFaceCount; // count of ptex polys (quads, tris and ngons each count as 1)
int m_iSubFaceCount; // in this many quad faces (tris and ngons subdivided into quad subfaces)
int m_maxFaceSize; // min and max edge count for the ptex faces
int m_minFaceSize;
int m_iTotalTesselatedFaceCount; // how many triangles are we making in total for the mudbox mesh
FaceMapEntry *m_FaceMap; // map of ptex faces to mudbox faces and ptex subfaces
int *m_ReverseFaceMap; // map from Mudbox faceID to ptex face (not subface) id
// to get the subface, take the result of this map and index into the FaceMap
int m_hist[MAX_EDGE_COUNT]; // a histogram of PTex poly edge counts