QtGui/qmenubar.h Source File

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37 **
39 **
40 ****************************************************************************/
42 #ifndef QMENUBAR_H
43 #define QMENUBAR_H
45 #include <QtGui/qmenu.h>
53 #ifndef QT_NO_MENUBAR
55 class QMenuBarPrivate;
57 class QWindowsStyle;
58 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
59 class QMenuItem;
60 #endif
62 class Q_GUI_EXPORT QMenuBar : public QWidget
63 {
66  Q_PROPERTY(bool defaultUp READ isDefaultUp WRITE setDefaultUp)
67  Q_PROPERTY(bool nativeMenuBar READ isNativeMenuBar WRITE setNativeMenuBar)
69 public:
70  explicit QMenuBar(QWidget *parent = 0);
71  ~QMenuBar();
74  void addAction(QAction *action) { QWidget::addAction(action); }
75 #else
76  using QWidget::addAction;
77 #endif
78  QAction *addAction(const QString &text);
79  QAction *addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member);
81  QAction *addMenu(QMenu *menu);
82  QMenu *addMenu(const QString &title);
83  QMenu *addMenu(const QIcon &icon, const QString &title);
86  QAction *addSeparator();
87  QAction *insertSeparator(QAction *before);
89  QAction *insertMenu(QAction *before, QMenu *menu);
91  void clear();
93  QAction *activeAction() const;
94  void setActiveAction(QAction *action);
96  void setDefaultUp(bool);
97  bool isDefaultUp() const;
99  QSize sizeHint() const;
100  QSize minimumSizeHint() const;
101  int heightForWidth(int) const;
103  QRect actionGeometry(QAction *) const;
104  QAction *actionAt(const QPoint &) const;
106  void setCornerWidget(QWidget *w, Qt::Corner corner = Qt::TopRightCorner);
107  QWidget *cornerWidget(Qt::Corner corner = Qt::TopRightCorner) const;
109 #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
110  OSMenuRef macMenu();
111  static bool macUpdateMenuBar();
112 #endif
114 #ifdef Q_WS_WINCE
115  void setDefaultAction(QAction *);
116  QAction *defaultAction() const;
118  static void wceCommands(uint command);
119  static void wceRefresh();
120 #endif
122  bool isNativeMenuBar() const;
123  void setNativeMenuBar(bool nativeMenuBar);
125 public Q_SLOTS:
126  virtual void setVisible(bool visible);
129  void triggered(QAction *action);
130  void hovered(QAction *action);
132 protected:
133  void changeEvent(QEvent *);
134  void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
137  void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
138  void leaveEvent(QEvent *);
139  void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
140  void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
141  void actionEvent(QActionEvent *);
142  void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *);
143  void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *);
144  void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *);
145  bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *);
146  bool event(QEvent *);
147  void initStyleOption(QStyleOptionMenuItem *option, const QAction *action) const;
149 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
150 public:
151  QT3_SUPPORT_CONSTRUCTOR QMenuBar(QWidget *parent, const char *name);
152  inline QT3_SUPPORT uint count() const { return actions().count(); }
153  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member,
154  const QKeySequence& shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1) {
155  return insertAny(0, &text, receiver, member, &shortcut, 0, id, index);
156  }
157  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QIcon& icon, const QString &text,
158  const QObject *receiver, const char* member,
159  const QKeySequence& shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1) {
160  return insertAny(&icon, &text, receiver, member, &shortcut, 0, id, index);
161  }
162  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, const QObject *receiver, const char* member,
163  const QKeySequence& shortcut = 0, int id = -1, int index = -1) {
164  QIcon icon(pixmap);
165  return insertAny(&icon, 0, receiver, member, &shortcut, 0, id, index);
166  }
167  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QString &text, int id=-1, int index=-1) {
168  return insertAny(0, &text, 0, 0, 0, 0, id, index);
169  }
170  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QIcon& icon, const QString &text, int id=-1, int index=-1) {
171  return insertAny(&icon, &text, 0, 0, 0, 0, id, index);
172  }
173  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QString &text, QMenu *popup, int id=-1, int index=-1) {
174  return insertAny(0, &text, 0, 0, 0, popup, id, index);
175  }
176  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QIcon& icon, const QString &text, QMenu *popup, int id=-1, int index=-1) {
177  return insertAny(&icon, &text, 0, 0, 0, popup, id, index);
178  }
179  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, int id=-1, int index=-1) {
180  QIcon icon(pixmap);
181  return insertAny(&icon, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, id, index);
182  }
183  inline QT3_SUPPORT int insertItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, QMenu *popup, int id=-1, int index=-1) {
184  QIcon icon(pixmap);
185  return insertAny(&icon, 0, 0, 0, 0, popup, id, index);
186  }
187  QT3_SUPPORT int insertSeparator(int index=-1);
188  inline QT3_SUPPORT void removeItem(int id) {
189  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
190  removeAction(act); }
191  inline QT3_SUPPORT void removeItemAt(int index) {
192  if(QAction *act = actions().value(index))
193  removeAction(act); }
194 #ifndef QT_NO_SHORTCUT
195  inline QT3_SUPPORT QKeySequence accel(int id) const {
196  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
197  return act->shortcut();
198  return QKeySequence(); }
199  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setAccel(const QKeySequence& key, int id) {
200  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
201  act->setShortcut(key);
202  }
203 #endif
204  inline QT3_SUPPORT QIcon iconSet(int id) const {
205  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
206  return act->icon();
207  return QIcon(); }
208  inline QT3_SUPPORT QString text(int id) const {
209  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
210  return act->text();
211  return QString(); }
212  inline QT3_SUPPORT QPixmap pixmap(int id) const {
213  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
214  return act->icon().pixmap(QSize(22,22));
215  return QPixmap(); }
216  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setWhatsThis(int id, const QString &w) {
217  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
218  act->setWhatsThis(w); }
219  inline QT3_SUPPORT QString whatsThis(int id) const {
220  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
221  return act->whatsThis();
222  return QString(); }
224  inline QT3_SUPPORT void changeItem(int id, const QString &text) {
225  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
226  act->setText(text); }
227  inline QT3_SUPPORT void changeItem(int id, const QPixmap &pixmap) {
228  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
229  act->setIcon(QIcon(pixmap)); }
230  inline QT3_SUPPORT void changeItem(int id, const QIcon &icon, const QString &text) {
231  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id)) {
232  act->setIcon(icon);
233  act->setText(text);
234  }
235  }
236  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool isItemActive(int id) const { return findActionForId(id) == activeAction(); }
237  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool isItemEnabled(int id) const {
238  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
239  return act->isEnabled();
240  return false; }
241  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setItemEnabled(int id, bool enable) {
242  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
243  act->setEnabled(enable); }
244  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool isItemChecked(int id) const {
245  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
246  return act->isChecked();
247  return false; }
248  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setItemChecked(int id, bool check) {
249  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
250  act->setChecked(check); }
251  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool isItemVisible(int id) const {
252  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
253  return act->isVisible();
254  return false; }
255  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setItemVisible(int id, bool visible) {
256  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id))
257  act->setVisible(visible); }
258  inline QT3_SUPPORT int indexOf(int id) const { return actions().indexOf(findActionForId(id)); }
259  inline QT3_SUPPORT int idAt(int index) const {
260  return index >= 0 && index < actions().size()
261  ? findIdForAction(actions().at(index))
262  : -1;
263  }
264  inline QT3_SUPPORT void activateItemAt(int index) {
265  if(QAction *ret = actions().value(index))
266  setActiveAction(ret);
267  }
268  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool connectItem(int id, const QObject *receiver, const char* member) {
269  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id)) {
270  QObject::connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), receiver, member);
271  return true;
272  }
273  return false;
274  }
275  inline QT3_SUPPORT bool disconnectItem(int id,const QObject *receiver, const char* member) {
276  if(QAction *act = findActionForId(id)) {
277  QObject::disconnect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), receiver, member);
278  return true;
279  }
280  return false;
281  }
282  inline QT3_SUPPORT QMenuItem *findItem(int id) const {
283  return (QMenuItem*)findActionForId(id);
284  }
285  QT3_SUPPORT bool setItemParameter(int id, int param);
286  QT3_SUPPORT int itemParameter(int id) const;
288  //frame
289  QT3_SUPPORT int frameWidth() const;
291  QT3_SUPPORT void setFrameRect(QRect) {}
292  QT3_SUPPORT QRect frameRect() const { return QRect(); }
293  enum DummyFrame { Box, Sunken, Plain, Raised, MShadow, NoFrame, Panel, StyledPanel,
294  HLine, VLine, GroupBoxPanel, WinPanel, ToolBarPanel, MenuBarPanel,
295  PopupPanel, LineEditPanel, TabWidgetPanel, MShape };
296  QT3_SUPPORT void setFrameShadow(DummyFrame) {}
297  QT3_SUPPORT DummyFrame frameShadow() const { return Plain; }
298  QT3_SUPPORT void setFrameShape(DummyFrame) {}
299  QT3_SUPPORT DummyFrame frameShape() const { return NoFrame; }
300  QT3_SUPPORT void setFrameStyle(int) {}
301  QT3_SUPPORT int frameStyle() const { return 0; }
302  QT3_SUPPORT void setLineWidth(int) {}
303  QT3_SUPPORT int lineWidth() const { return 0; }
304  QT3_SUPPORT void setMargin(int margin) { setContentsMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin); }
305  QT3_SUPPORT int margin() const
306  { int margin; int dummy; getContentsMargins(&margin, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy); return margin; }
307  QT3_SUPPORT void setMidLineWidth(int) {}
308  QT3_SUPPORT int midLineWidth() const { return 0; }
310  //menubar
311  enum Separator { Never=0, InWindowsStyle=1 };
312  inline QT3_SUPPORT Separator separator() const { return InWindowsStyle; }
313  inline QT3_SUPPORT void setSeparator(Separator) { }
315  QT3_SUPPORT void setAutoGeometry(bool);
316  QT3_SUPPORT bool autoGeometry() const;
319  QT_MOC_COMPAT void activated(int itemId);
320  QT_MOC_COMPAT void highlighted(int itemId);
322 protected:
323  inline QT3_SUPPORT QRect itemRect(int index) {
324  if(QAction *act = actions().value(index))
325  return actionGeometry(act);
326  return QRect();
327  }
328  inline QT3_SUPPORT int itemAtPos(const QPoint &p) {
329  return findIdForAction(actionAt(p));
330  }
331 private:
332  QAction *findActionForId(int id) const;
333  int insertAny(const QIcon *icon, const QString *text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member,
334  const QKeySequence *shorcut, const QMenu *popup, int id, int index);
335  int findIdForAction(QAction*) const;
336 #endif
338 private:
341  Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_actionTriggered())
342  Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_actionHovered())
343  Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_internalShortcutActivated(int))
344  Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_updateLayout())
346 #ifdef Q_WS_WINCE
347  Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_updateDefaultAction())
348 #endif
350  friend class QMenu;
351  friend class QMenuPrivate;
352  friend class QWindowsStyle;
354 #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
355  friend class QApplicationPrivate;
356  friend class QWidgetPrivate;
357  friend bool qt_mac_activate_action(MenuRef, uint, QAction::ActionEvent, bool);
358 #endif
359 };
361 #endif // QT_NO_MENUBAR
367 #endif // QMENUBAR_H
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *)
bool event(QEvent *)
Definition: qglobal.h:128
#define Q_PROPERTY(text)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:80
QString whatsThis() const
void removeAction(QAction *action)
Definition: qnamespace.h:1456
Definition: qglobal.h:141
virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *)
GLXFBConfig Pixmap pixmap
Definition: GLee.h:10237
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *)
virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *)
virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *)
GLXDrawable GLXDrawable member
Definition: GLee.h:10556
#define Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, signature)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:73
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
#define Q_SLOTS
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:71
#define Q_SIGNALS
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:72
void setContentsMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
Definition: qicon.h:60
QList< QAction * > actions() const
Definition: qpoint.h:53
virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *)
Definition: qglobal.h:127
static bool disconnect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member)
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *)
Definition: qmenu.h:72
virtual QSize sizeHint() const
GLuint GLuint GLsizei count
Definition: GLee.h:872
#define Q_OBJECT
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:157
MenuRef OSMenuRef
static bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: GLee.h:1742
Definition: qrect.h:58
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: GLee.h:5416
void addAction(QAction *action)
Definition: qsize.h:53
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition: GLee.h:1704
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
virtual int heightForWidth(int) const
virtual void setVisible(bool visible)
struct OpaqueMenuRef * MenuRef
friend class QPixmap
Definition: qwidget.h:748
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *)
void getContentsMargins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) const
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: GLee.h:1775
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const
Definition: qaction.h:176
Definition: qglobal.h:142
void setWhatsThis(const QString &)
GLfloat param
Definition: GLee.h:1364
virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent *)
GLuint index
Definition: GLee.h:1704
virtual void actionEvent(QActionEvent *)
#define SIGNAL(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:227
virtual void changeEvent(QEvent *)