Paint layer masks overview

You can add masks to a paint layer to alter the effect of the layer without changing the paint layer itself.

You can access most layer mask functions by right-clicking the layer mask, or using the Paint Layers window menu button .

To... Do this
Add a layer mask to a selected paint layer Click in the Paint Layers window.
Adjust the effect of a paint layer mask Adjust the layer mask Strength value in the Paint Layers window.
Duplicate a layer mask Right-click the layer mask and select Duplicate Selected.
Hide or show a paint layer mask Click the dots in the Visibility column (below the eye icon ) next to each layer mask . (See also Hide or show a paint layer.)
Move a paint layer mask Select and drag layer masks to move them to another paint layer or rearrange them within the Paint Layers window.
Refresh a paint layer mask Right-click the layer mask (or select the Paint Layers window menu button ) and select Refresh Selected.
Import a paint layer mask from Photoshop Right-click the layer mask and select Import Channel from PSD.
Export a paint layer mask to Photoshop Right-click the layer mask and select Export Channel to PSD.
Convert a paint layer mask to freeze values on a mesh Right-click the layer mask and select Freeze from Selected. See also Freeze mesh based on a paint layer.
Adjust the color of a paint layer mask Right-click the layer mask and select Adjust Color to open the Adjust Color window.

Related Topics

Add or remove a paint layer mask

Merge paint layer masks

Import or export paint layer mask image files