Import UVs

Mudbox can import UV texture coordinates onto a model in the 3D View. Supported file formats include: .obj, .mud, and .fbx.

Importing UV texture coordinates onto an existing model is useful when:

  1. UVs can be imported to only one model at a time. Do either of the following:
    • If one model is in the 3D View, proceed to step 2.
    • If two or more models appear in the 3D View, select the model you want to have the UVs applied by selecting it in the Object List or using the Object select tool in the Select/Move tools tray.
    Note: UVs can only be imported onto the base subdivision level of a model (Level 0). Use the Page Down key to return the model to the base subdivision level. See Display a different subdivision level.
  2. Select File > Import UV.

    The file browser appears.

  3. Select the model file whose UVs you want to import and click Open.

    An Import Options window appears.

  4. Set the Import Options as follows:
    • If the model whose UVs are being imported is topologically identical to the model in the 3D View (that is, has not been edited in any way that would affect the number of vertices or vertex IDs), select the Match by: Vertex ID option. This is the default setting.
    • If the model being imported is identical to the one in the 3D View, but has been edited in some way that has resulted in a modification to the vertex IDs or vertex order, select Match by: Position. This option attempts to match the UVs based on the world space positions of the vertices on the model.

Related topics

Prepare a model for sculpting

UVs overview