Stamp and Stencil hotkeys

If a shortcut entry is blank in the shortcut table it means that there is currently no shortcut assigned to the action, but it is available for reassignment. See Customize keyboard shortcuts for information on how to reassign keys for different actions.


Windows and Linux

Mac OS X


Rotate stencil S + drag S + drag The stencil rotates about its center.
Translate stencil S + middle-drag S + middle-drag The stencil moves in a sideways motion.
Scale stencil S + right-drag S + right-drag The stencil resizes larger or smaller.
Scale stencil 2 Click + middle-drag + S Click + middle-drag + S Alternate method to resize a stencil.
Edit stencil R R Opens the Edit this stencil window.
Activate/Deactivate stencil Q Q Turns the stencil on or off.
Activate/Deactivate stamp Shift + Q Shift + Q Turns the stampt tool on or off.
Toggle randomize

Turns the Randomize options for the tool stamp on or off.

Related topics

Customize keyboard shortcuts

Hotkeys window

Create a stencil