Save your work frequently using the following commands in the File menu:
- Select File > Save Scene to overwrite your existing file with any updates since the last save.
- Select File > Save Scene As to create a new file with a new filename.
- Select File > Increment & Save (hotkey Ctrl + Alt + S) to save a new version of the scene file with the same name, but appended with an incremental value. The original file is closed, and the new version becomes the current file.
By default, the new version is named <filename>.0001.mud, and the file names are incremented by 1 each time you create a new version.
- Select File > Export Selection to save a selected portion of a scene or model as a new file with a new filename in one of the following file formats: .obj, .mud, and .fbx.
For more information on these supported file formats, see Model file formats.
Note: Mudbox does not support file, attribute, or directory paths that use double-byte characters in the names (such as found in Japanese, Korean, Chinese languages). Text strings should be restricted to single byte characters only (Latin alphabet). Using text strings that contain double-byte (extended ASCII) characters may result in an error or data loss.
Note: If you plan to export your model to another 3D application and it is particularly large in terms of file size and/or polygon count, you’ll need to consider extracting a texture map of the sculpted detail from the high resolution version of the model. You can then apply the output normal or displacement map to a lower resolution version of the model. For more information, see
Texture extraction overview.