What's New from Previous Releases

See features and enhancements from previous releases of Fusion Lifecycle and Fusion 360 Manage.

June 25th, 2024

You can now customize My Outstanding Work by setting filters, sorting, and changing the order and size of columns.


See My Outstanding Work.

April 30th, 2024

The Action Notifications tab is now available in the modern interface. See Action Notifications.

April 10th, 2024

Effectivity Date of Managed Items is now accessible within Scripts. Use the new property item.workflowItems[i].effectivityDate within the workflowItem array for reading and writing the Effectivity Date. See item Workflow Items array.

March 26th, 2024


Autodesk has rebranded Fusion 360 Manage as Fusion Manage. This aligns Fusion Manage with Fusion, Autodesk's integrated cloud CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB software platform.

See also:

Autodesk Fusion Manage: Cloud PLM that connects your people, processes, and data

March 25th, 2024

These fields have been added to the Reporting and Workspace views:



February 6th, 2024

Increased field length

Paragraphs and Single Line fields can now have a default value of up to 500 characters.

Release in Place

With release in place, you can deactivate the released version of a revision-controlled item without incrementing the version number or release letter. Deactivation is done through change control. If needed, the item can be activated again. Deactivating and activating the item, in this case, implies no change in form, fit, and function of the item.

The option for this is at Administration-> System Configuration-> General Settings > New Working Version for Release in Place. It is disabled by default.

When enabled:

Note: Import does not support Release in Place; that is, it does not support creating or updating items that are released in place (items belonging to the same item lineage and having the same revision or version).



January 9th, 2024

Quickly bookmark frequently-used menu items:

December 7th, 2023

When customizing your workspace view, you can now click the filter icon Filter at the top right to view, edit, and manage all filters being used in the current workspace.


November 1st, 2023

October 25th, 2023

October 16th, 2023

The App Store is now known as the Template Library and includes these three new templates (formerly known as "apps").

Icons in the library have been refreshed, and templates are sorted in alphabetical order, with newest templates appearing at the top.

October 4th, 2023

September 14th, 2023

August 14th, 2023

May 18th, 2023

April 5th, 2023

March 9, 2023

Advanced Search has been improved.

See Use Advanced Search for details.

October 5th, 2022

Two-factor authentication

Administrators can now enforce two-factor authentication for all site users. See Manage Users.

June 21st, 2022

Markup for attachments

You can now add markup when viewing design and drawing attachments. See Work with Markup on Attachments.


April 19th, 2022

New product icon

We are proud to introduce the new Autodesk Fusion 360 Manage product icon.


Attachment count

The Attachment Count displayed on tab headers now includes direct and related attachments. Place your mouse over the Attachment Count. A tooltip displays the count of direct attachments and related attachments separately.


December 6th, 2021

The new Project Management tab is now available.

November 29th, 2021

Workflow transitions in the Classic interface now work the same way as in Modern, for better resiliency and security. This is especially beneficial with password protected transitions.

August 16th, 2021

July 29th, 2021

July 21st, 2021

July 8th, 2021

May 18th, 2021

May 4th, 2021

March 17th, 2021

Fusion Lifecycle is Now Fusion 360 Manage

We’re excited to announce that we’ve changed the name of our product lifecycle management offering, Fusion Lifecycle, to Autodesk Fusion 360 Manage.

For more about the new name, check out Under the Hood, the Autodesk blog dedicated to all things PDM and PLM.

New RTF Editor

March 9th, 2021

Februrary 11th, 2021

December 10th, 2020

November 9th, 2020

November 3rd, 2020

October 20th, 2020

September 10th, 2020

Other filter enhancements

March 18th, 2020

February 18th, 2020

January 8th, 2020

What's New: December 11th, 2019

What's New: November 12th, 2019

What's New: October 10th, 2019

What's New: September 24th, 2019

What's New: September 17th, 2019

Create multiple items

What's New: August 27th, 2019

What's New: August 21st, 2019

The latest Fusion Lifecycle features and enhancements:

Add item dialog

Quick create

June 2018

Improved Column Management Widget

The column management widget now displays an icon on categories that contain columns with filters.

Now you can create links to existing revisioning items (e.g., change orders) from revisioning items on the Workflow tab.

Improved Feedback when Field Entries Fail Validation

When in CREATE mode of an item, fields outside of matrices that fail validation are now highlighted.

New Viewer Updates

Enabled viewing of Office-compatible documents and PDFs inside the browser.

New Preview Tag

When accessing the sandbox or preview instances of a site, a preview tag is now displayed beside the Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle title.

Production sites are not impacted by this change.

View and Layout Enhancements

Several changes have been made to enhance your viewing and layout experience.

May 5, 2018

View CAD Models in the Modern User Interface

Now you can view single-file CAD designs from the Attachments Tab using a new viewer. With the viewer, you can interact with the design in many ways, including:

The following file types are supported by the viewer: .dwf, .dwfx, .ipt, .idw, .sat, .stp, .step, .stepz, .3dm, .3ds, .sldprt, .dwg, .f3d, .neu, .stl, .prt, .dxf, .max, .rvt, .iges.

New Managed Items List Notifications in the Modern User Interface

The Managed Items List on a revisioning item now notifies you when revision controlled items are already attached to an archived revisioning item. This feature makes it easier to find archived items and add them to the new revisioning item.

In addition, the Managed Items List for non-revisioning items now notifies you when revision controlled items have already been added so you don't have to worry about duplications.

Additional Information for Transitions on the Workflow Map in the Modern User Interface

Added the ability to see the Approvers for transitions from a selected state on the workflow map for an item.

Create Workspace Views in the Modern User Interface

Now you can create new workspace views from scratch with the Create new view feature.

Additional Enhancements to the Modern User Interface

March 27, 2018

Better Data Display in the Modern User Interface

Improved data density and alignment of elements across the modern user interface.

New Go-To Behavior for Linked Revisioning Items

Now when you click the green stamp on the working version of an item, you are automatically taken to the associated revisioning item.

March 3, 2018

New Undergoing Change Stamp in Modern User Interface

Now in the modern user interface, a green stamp displays on the working version of a Revision Controlled item when it is managed by a revisioning item.

View Site Content in the Item Details in the Modern User Interface

This release introduces enhancements to iframes tags in the modern user interface, allowing content located elsewhere in the site to be rendered in the Item Details tab.

Units of Measure Now Available in Item Details in the Modern User Interface

Now when you view, edit, create, clone, and quick create items, units of measure are displayed for fields in the Item Details tab.

New Workspace Views Switching Feature for the Modern User Interface

Now you can view workspaces in split view, resize the split view, and horizontally scroll in the split view.

Additional Enhancements

February 2018

New Support for Image Fields in the Modern User Interface

This release introduces the following new capabilities for image fields:

Improved Readability in the Modern User Interface

Many areas have been updated to make it easier to read and manage your content, including charts, workflow maps, field labels, and item headers.

Picklist Improvements

Improved Rich Text Format (RTF) Fields

Controls for RTF fields are now more compact and display only when a field has focus. This release also provides improved tab control when editing RTF fields.

Optimized BOM Performance

BOM tab performance is greatly improved for this release.

Improved Usability

Many other areas have been updated to provide a smoother, more informed user experience, including:

Resolved Issues, Bug Fixes, and Enhancements

For a detailed list of resolved issues and enhancements in this release, see Release Notes

October 2017

Multiple User-Interface Enhancements for the Modern User Interface

This release introduces button enhancements and improved accessibility and messaging for more streamlined workflows.

Updated Create Item Button

The Create Item button has been renamed with a plus sign and is now visible in both the Workspace List and in Split View in the modern user interface.

Enhanced Workflow Actions Button

The Workflow Actions button is now visible on all Item tabs in the modern user interface. You no longer need to go into the menu for Workflow Actions.

In addition, the Workflow Actions button now indicates whether Workflow Actions are available.

Updated Workflow State Button

The Workflow State Button is now located next to the Workflow Actions button in the modern user interface to support a more natural workflow.

Check box Enhancement

Check boxes are now more consistent throughout the modern user interface.

Project Management Feature Now Available for Modern User Interface

Users can now use the following project management features on theProject Management tab in the modern user interface:

In addition, project type items and items with milestones are visually distinguishable on the Project Management tab.

Attachments Tab Updates for the Modern User Interface

The features and actions available on the Attachments tab have been updated to support a smoother, more intuitive user experience in the modern user interface.

Upload New Version

Now you can replace an existing file with a new version of the same file in the modern user interface.

Attached Files History

You can now view the history of attached files in the modern user interface.

Lock Attachments

A new lock feature lets you lock attachments in the modern user interface so that the file cannot be removed or replaced with a new version.

Upload to Folders

Organize your files into folders when you upload in the modern user interface with the new Upload To feature. Create a new folder or select an existing folder on the Upload dialog and your file will be placed in that folder when it finishes uploading.

Improved Upload Experience

Now when you start a new upload or upload a new version of an existing file, the selected files for upload are displayed at the top of the attachment list in the modern user interface. In addition, the files are sorted by chronological order during the upload.

Any new files uploaded while another upload is in progress are shown as a new stack on top of the list.

Grid Tab Enhancements for the Modern User Interface

Now you can add, edit, and remove rows on the Grid Tab in the modern user interface.

Note: You must be in Edit mode to remove a row.

Improved Change Log for the Modern User Interface

The Change Log for the modern user interface now displays more information about changes to an item.

Improved Performance of the My Outstanding Work Refresh Time when Using Precondition Scripts

If you use precondition scripts, you will see a substantial improvement in your refresh time for My Outstanding Work on the dashboard.

You can use precondition filters to replace the isOwner and Users, all by name picklist precondition scripts in workflows for additional performance benefits.

June 2017

New Copy Item Ability for Modern Interface

You can now copy items in the modern interface with the Clone command. Copying an item creates a new item with all of the source item's details, including all tab data, such as attachments, BOM listings, and relationships.

New Description View When Creating an Item

You can now view the description of a field when creating an item in the modern interface.

Workspace Now Displays the Number of Items

You can now view the number of items in a workspace.

New Escalation Time Range

Escalation time can now be set to 999 days or fewer.

April-May, 2017

New Report Delete Endpoint for API v1

Starting May 2, 2017, you can use the new DELETE report method to delete a report based on its ID.

Upload and Attach a File

Starting May 1, 2017, you can upload files to attach to an item directly from within the Add Attachment dialog. The uploaded files are added to the selected project.

See Attach a File for more information.

BOM Compare on the Affected Items Tab

The modern interface now includes the ability to compare pending changes to the latest revision from the Affected Items tab.

Resolved Issues and Bug Fixes

The April 2017 release of Autodesk® Fusion Lifecycle focuses on resolving issues and quality improvement. For a detailed list of resolved issues and enhancements, see Release Notes

March 2017

Configuration Management Improvements for the Modern Interface

BOM Compare

BOM comparison with visual feedback is now available in the modern interface.

Where Used Tab

View parent items that use the current item on the Where Used tab.

Workflow Tab

Move items through workflows using the new Workflow tab.

Improved Quick Create Workflow

The Quick Create workflow is improved and now available for multiple workspace relationships, not just revisioning.

Additional Enhancements

Dashboard Charts

Add and remove responsive charts to your dashboard view. Up to 9 charts generated from your reports can be included in your dashboard for real-time tracking.

Run On-Demand Scripts from the Actions Menu

The modern interface now includes the ability to run on-demand scripts directly from the Actions menu.

Powerful Workspace Filtering

Apply custom filters to any column in a workspace view using AND and OR operators to create exactly the view you need.

If your site uses a Fusion data hub, you can now search for hub content.

More View-Only Tabs with Scripting Support

New view-only tabs in the modern interface include:

November 2016

Create Custom Workspace Views

You can create custom workspace views in the modern interface. Drag-and-drop columns, as well as save, duplicate, and rename your custom views.

Search Enhancements in the Modern Interface

Search is now available in the modern interface. Search using item properties and filter across available workspaces and revisions. Results include a collapsible overview of item properties.

Flat BOM View

The modern interface now includes a flat view. The new flat view supports all BOM views and shows values that vary across occurrences that can be expanded to show the individual occurrences.

Improved Excel Exporting

Exporting a BOM to Microsoft Excel supports the new flat view including values that vary, individual occurrences, and cloud PDM file names.

Script Access for Cloud PDM Attachments

The script commands previously used for accessing item attachments now work for accessing cloud PDM attachments.

September 2016

Improved Report Management

Administrators can transfer the ownership of a report to another user. Did someone create a report and then leave the company? No problem. Transfer the report to another user.

Better E-mail Notifications

All e-mail notifications sent by Fusion Lifecycle are now tracked in an e-mail log.

Clone Import Projects

Clone an import project for quickly importing more stuff into a workspace without creating a whole new project.

Search for More, Find More

Linking picklist values are now indexed and searchable. You can now locate items based on picklist values.

May 2016

Autodesk® PLM 360 is now Autodesk® Fusion Lifecycle

PLM 360 is now part of the Autodesk product innovation platform, Fusion, which is redefining the way products are designed, made and used. Fusion brings together a unique set of cloud-connected design, manufacturing and IoT tools.

To reflect this change, PLM 360 is being renamed to Fusion Lifecycle. Still the same great product lifecycle management solution, but now on a single technology platform.

Learn more about the Fusion product innovation platform

Resolved Issues and Bug Fixes

The May 2016 release of Autodesk® Fusion Lifecycle focuses on resolving issues and quality improvement. For a detailed list of resolved issues and enhancements, see Release Notes

February 2016

Resolved Issues and Bug Fixes

The February 2016 release of Autodesk PLM 360 focuses on resolving issues and quality improvement. For a detailed list of resolved issues and enhancements, see Release Notes

December 2015

Classification Enhancements

Picklist values can now be re-ordered in Classification Manager.

Class descriptions are displayed next to the class names when classifying items. Class Manager sort order is now case-insensitive.

August 2015

Updated Classifications Experience

The updated Classifications Manager features a refined interface and provides additional methods for organizing classes.

New 3rd Party License

The new third party license grants outside vendors appropriate access to your PLM 360 site.

Enhanced Participant Functionality

Users with the PLM Participant license can now compare BOMs and change BOM configurations.

May 2015


Major new functionality added for item classification and the creation of catalogs.

Asynchronous Data Importing

Performance improvements to importing greatly reduce the time to import item and BOM data.

In-Session Scripting

With in-session scripting, a script can now act on items spawned by that script. For example, a script can establish relationships with other existing or spawned items, add grid rows, milestones, and perform other operations that can be done on a newly created item.

November 2014

You can now add related BOM items to a managed items tab in a revisioning workspace. Choose to add children and/or parents from the item's BOM. Items are added by default if the Working revision is different from the Released revision AND if the item is Unreleased. Related items are added only if they are not already linked to another revisioning item.

On-Demand Script

Administrators can now add multiple on-demand action scripts to a workspace. Users select an action script from the Run menu in the workspace page header.

Code Complete

Code Complete provides contextual scripting assistance by suggesting and completing the names of relevant functions and fields as you code custom scripts.

Named Sequencers

Scripting enhancements now allow you to create a sequencer for any string and give it a starting number and a step. Functionality is provided through scripting.

September 2014

On-Demand Workspace Scripts

Administrators can now add an action script to a workspace that can be run at any time by users with read/write permissions on items. Items in a locked workflow state are not affected.

If a workspace is configured with an on-demand action script, click Run when editing an item to perform the action.

Improved Matrix Layout

You can now add a matrix to an Item Details tab using an improved drag-and-drop interface. The new WYSIWYG control shows administrators a truer representation of the final Item Details tab and makes adding matrix fields to Workflow Notifications even easier.

Workflow Notification Enhancements

Workflow notifications are now more efficient. When Notify owner by e-mail on occurrence is turned on for a transition in the Workflow Editor, only the owner of the item is notified when the transition is performed. When Notify users who have permissions to perform the action is turned on, those users are notified when the item enters the next state. Members of approval board transitions are notified only when the item enters the next state instead of on each time a member approves the transition.

New Guided Tour

The guided tour has been redesigned from the ground up and is now interactive. For those who are new to the PLM 360 experience, go to the Help menu and select PLM 360 Tour (English only).

For a detailed list of resolved issues and enhancements, see Release Notes.

May 2014

Change/Workflow Management

This release continues the development of Change Management capabilities with a new type of workflow escalation (Escalate Using Permissions), a brand new Delegations feature, and improvements to My Outstanding Work.

Escalate Using Permissions

The new Escalate Using Permissions feature enables escalation of workflows by allowing additional users to perform a pending transition after a specified amount of time has elapsed. Administrators can set up an escalation for each transition going out from a workflow state. To select the additional users for a transition, administrators assign an ad hoc workflow permission to the transition in order to give those users the required rights only during the time the escalation is in effect.

Permissions assigned to escalated transitions can be existing ones or, if needed, can be created in the Workflow Editor State Properties flyout or Permissions Summary. Same as regular workflow permissions, administrators grant these ad hoc permissions to the users through setup of Users, Groups, and Roles in Security.

New Feature: Delegations

A new Delegations feature complements Escalations and Reminders introduced in a previous release. Like Escalations and Reminders, Delegations are designed to address bottlenecks in change management workflow but their focus is on the outstanding change management work of individual users for a specific workspace.

My Delegations

All users now have a My Delegations feature in their Profile. Through My Delegations, users can temporarily delegate their outstanding work for a selected workspace to another user. Users can set up delegations for any workspace they are permitted to work in, including multiple delegations for a single workspace, as long as there are no time period overlaps.

Delegation Manager

The new Delegation Manager lets administrators set up and manage delegations for other users. In each delegation, administrators specify the user whose work is being delegated (From user), the user to whom the work is being delegated (To user), the workspace for which work is being delegated, and the start and end dates of the delegation period.

Improvements to My Outstanding Work

My Outstanding Work on the Home Page now shows My Delegations and My Escalations so users can stay on top of their delegated and escalated work.

Bill of Materials

Improved Access to Attachments

Files attached to BOM items can now be viewed and downloaded directly from the Bill of Materials tab.

More Selection Options in BOM Compare Mode

While in BOM Compare mode, users can now select a different Revision, As of date, and Configuration for both the Open (baseline) item and the Compare To item.

Improved Where Used Logic

The integrity of the Where Used calculation has been improved through new logic that identifies all parent items that use a specific Item Revision at a specific point in time.

February 2014

Change/Workflow Management

This release continues the development of Change Management capabilities with a new type of workflow escalation (Escalate Using Permissions), a brand new Delegations feature, and improvements to My Outstanding Work.

Escalate Using Permissions

The new Escalate Using Permissions feature enables escalation of workflows by allowing additional users to perform a pending transition after a specified amount of time has elapsed. Administrators can set up an escalation for each transition going out from a workflow state. To select the additional users for a transition, administrators assign an ad hoc workflow permission to the transition in order to give those users the required rights only during the time the escalation is in effect.

Permissions assigned to escalated transitions can be existing ones or, if needed, can be created in the Workflow Editor State Properties flyout or Permissions Summary. Same as regular workflow permissions, administrators grant these ad hoc permissions to the users through setup of Users, Groups, and Roles in Security.

New Feature: Delegations

A new Delegations feature complements Escalations and Reminders introduced in a previous release. Like Escalations and Reminders, Delegations are designed to address bottlenecks in change management workflow but their focus is on the outstanding change management work of individual users for a specific workspace.

My Delegations

All users now have a My Delegations feature in their Profile. Through My Delegations, users can temporarily delegate their outstanding work for a selected workspace to another user. Users can set up delegations for any workspace they are permitted to work in, including multiple delegations for a single workspace, as long as there are no time period overlaps.

Delegation Manager

The new Delegation Manager lets administrators set up and manage delegations for other users. In each delegation, administrators specify the user whose work is being delegated (From user), the user to whom the work is being delegated (To user), the workspace for which work is being delegated, and the start and end dates of the delegation period.

Improvements to My Outstanding Work

My Outstanding Work on the Home Page now shows My Delegations and My Escalations so users can stay on top of their delegated and escalated work.

Bill of Materials

Improved Access to Attachments

Files attached to BOM items can now be viewed and downloaded directly from the Bill of Materials tab.

More Selection Options in BOM Compare Mode

While in BOM Compare mode, users can now select a different Revision, As of date, and Configuration for both the Open (baseline) item and the Compare To item.

Improved Where Used Logic

The integrity of the Where Used calculation has been improved through new logic that identifies all parent items that use a specific Item Revision at a specific point in time.

November 2013

BOM Configurations

This release introduces pre-set BOM Configurations you can select to specify which revisions of items to display at all levels of a BOM. When you select a BOM Configuration, the associated bias rule is applied so you can view the BOM assembly in one of four states:

Released Revisions

Displays the Released Revision of each item in the BOM effective as of the selected BOM View as of date. Apply this configuration to view the approved state of the BOM assembly as of any selected date. This is the default configuration.

Working Revisions

Displays the Working Version of each item in the BOM, when available. Select this configuration to view the working state of the BOM assembly as of the selected BOM View as of date (Today or any date in the future).

Pending Changes

Displays the Working Version of pending items in the BOM that have the same associated Change Order as the open item. For items that do NOT have the same associated Change Order, the Released Revision effective on the selected BOM View as of date is displayed. Select this configuration to view the state of the BOM assembly assuming the open item's associated Change Order has been approved.

All Pending Changes

Displays the Working Version of ALL items in the BOM that have a pending change. For items that do NOT have a pending change, the Released Revision effective on the selected BOM View as of date is displayed. Select this configuration to view the state of the BOM assembly assuming all associated Change Orders have been approved.

BOM Compare

This new feature allows you to compare BOM item data in two ways. It replaces existing BOM redlining functionality.

At the item level

BOM Compare at the item level compares data in the open item against a different item or a different revision of the same item. You can narrow the comparison by specifying a Revision and/or As Of date, and by applying a BOM Configuration. The method is useful when you want to identify changes at the item field or attribute level.

The Open item is always the comparison baseline, and differences are marked up in the Open item in relation to the Compare To item. The scope of the comparison includes text, images, icons, check box and multi-select values, and Attachments metadata (as appropriate). Data in the Open item that is NOT in the Compare To item or that is different in the Compare To item is shown in bold blue. Data in the Compare To item that is NOT in the Open item or that is different in the Open item is shown in strikethrough red.

From Change Order

BOM Compare from Change Order initiates a comparison between a Change Order's pending item (Working Version) and the item's latest Released Revision, directly from the CO's Affected Items tab. The method is especially useful when you want to see what changes will take effect when a Change Order is approved.

Clicking the corresponding BOM Compare icon in the tab opens the item in the Bill of Materials tab in Compare Mode with the appropriate BOM Configurations already selected (Pending Changes and Released Revisions). If an Effectivity date is set in the Change Order, the As Of date in the Bill of Materials tab is set to that date, and the date is assumed to be the Change Order's approval date. Otherwise, the As Of date is set to Today, and Today is assumed to be the Change Order's approval date.

October 2013

New Change Management Features: Reminders, Escalations and Quick Transitions

Escalations and Reminders are designed to eliminate bottlenecks in workflow that can occur when approvers are away from work or even when they are not aware a pending change requires their approval.


You can configure states in a workflow to automatically send out notifications to the appropriate users when a transition from the state becomes pending. You can set up reminders to occur every 1 to 30 days, repeated up to 9 times. For example, a reminder can be sent out every 2 days repeated 5 times. For more help, see Set Up Workflow Reminders.


Escalations allow you to configure states in a workflow so that one of two actions are triggered automatically after a specified period of time elapses. The first type automatically performs a selected workflow action. The second type runs a selected script, typically one that modifies the list of users who can perform a transition from the state. Time periods are measured in days and can include weekends. In both cases, the escalation can be set up to notify one or more users when it occurs. For more help, see Set Up Workflow Escalations

Quick transitions

You can now transition an item to the next workflow state directly from the Item Header and the Item Preview Data Card.

Enhancements to BOM Views

Change Pending flag

Add a Change Pending column to a BOM view to flag items that have a pending change. Clicking the Change Pending flag opens the item's associated Change Order.

Attachments column

Include an Attachments column in a BOM view to display the number of files attached to each line item (if any). Mousing over the number displays attachment titles. Clicking the number opens the item's Attachments tab.

Display of field UOMs in column headers

For fields in a BOM view with Units of Measure (UOM), the UOM appears in the field column's header instead of in each item's cell.

Support for BOM View As Of in Flat View

You can now view a BOM configuration as of a specific date in Flat View as well as Nested View.

For more help on these enhancements, see View BOM Data and Configure BOM Views.

August 2013.2

Enhancements to BOM and Item Details Imports

Export only the BOM data that you need by selecting a BOM view or configuration in the Bill of Materials tab

When you export a BOM to Excel, the exported data is exactly as you see it in the Bill of Materials tab, including the same columns and a single Item Number column. So you can now export just the data that you need and work with that data much more easily in Excel. By also selecting a BOM configuration for a specific revision or as of a specific date, you can target data more closely right in the BOM tab and not in Excel after the export. For help on BOM Views, see Work with BOM Views. For help on exporting BOM data, see Export BOM Data.

Reimport BOM data using the same exported Excel file

Since exported BOM data is now exactly as you see it in the Bill of Materials tab, you can use the same exported Excel file to reimport data with no prior massaging. For more help, see Reimport BOM Data. To make your reimport as smooth as possible, pay special attention to the BOM export guidelines we provide in Export BOM Data.

Import BOM and item data to read-only fields

In a BOM or Item Details import, you can now map incoming data to read-only fields. You get a warning to make sure that the mapping is intended, but you are able to proceed with the import. Data imported to these fields is protected the same way as data in other read-only fields. To learn more, see Import Item Details and Import Items and BOMs.

Import BOM and item data to filtered picklist fields

You can now also import BOM and item data to filtered picklist fields. The mapping is validated by verifying that import values as well the combination of multiple values are valid. If not, you can choose to error out or use blanks to complete the import. In addition, when you import some values in a combination that result in a single option for another field in the combination, the import automatically populates the field with the correct value. To learn more about filtered picklist fields, see Picklist Fields. To learn more, see Import Item Details and Import Items and BOMs.

View the active item and Item Details at the top of the item's BOM

The active item now appears in the top row of the Bill of Materials table, with the BOM tree nested one level below. The row is numbered 0.0 and displays rollups and total cost. This addition allows you to view Item Details in the Bill of Materials tab as well as BOM data in context of the active item. To view the change, see About the BOM Tab.

See next milestone due dates in your Outstanding Work on the Home Page

My Outstanding Work on the Home Page now has a sortable Due Date column showing the next milestone due date of each workflow item in the list. With this addition, you have visibility into not just what's on your To do list, but what item on the list to tackle first. To view the change, see the My Outstanding Work section in The Home Page

August 2013.1

Customizable BOM Views

Site administrators can now create multiple custom views for a single BOM using a drag-and-drop editor. This customization allows users to choose the BOM view that makes the most sense for them. To learn more about BOM views, see Work with BOM Views. For help on setting up BOM Views, see Configure BOM Views.

UI Improvements

Item Preview Enhancements

We've made the Item Preview popup easier to use and added a number of features to the Item Preview Card including bookmarking and quick edit access. To learn more, see Get to Know the UI.

View Workflow History in the Workflow Tab

We've made workflow maps easier to work with by displaying a quick view of Workflow History on a slideout panel next to the workflow map. The panel is visible when you open the Workflow Actions tab, but you can slide it out of the way for more screen space to work on the map. The Workflow History window is still available to view complete history details. To learn more, see Workflow Actions.

Additional Enhancements

Import Item Lifecycle and Revision Properties

When importing revision-controlled data, you can now include lifecycle state, revision number, release date, and effectivity date. For more help on how these properties are handled in imports, see Validation of Item Revisioning Data.

Pre-Filter Picklist Values

You can now apply filters to workspace picklists to narrow down the set of values available for selection in a picklist field. For help on filtering picklists, see Filter a Workspace Picklist.

New Fusion Lifecycle Help

Fusion Lifecycle Help has a new home at help.autodesk.com/view/PLM/ENU/.

June 2013

Download BOM Attachments

You can now download all of the files attached to the items in a BOM. The attachments are packaged in a single Zip file.

Import BOM and Item Improvements

It is now possible to import BOM and item data directly to multi-select fields.

For help on importing BOMs, see Import a BOM.

Scripting Access to User Records

A new Security.searchUsers function provides scripting access to user records by matching against specified user property values.

For help on using this method in your scripts, see the Scripting Reference.