Assign Supports

Learn how to add supports for the structure.

  1. Continue working in your project, or open the project Tutorial_Alpha_Columns.rstructure.
    Note: To open the project, click Explore Tutorials from the Welcome Screen or navigate to the Tutorials folder C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk React Structures Tech Preview\Tutorials.
  2. In the status bar, click (Node numbers) to display the node numbers in the drawing area.
    Note: For more information about the status bar, see User Interface.
  3. Click Model Select.
  4. Press and hold Ctrl, and then click the bottom nodes (21, 23, 25, 27, and 29) of columns located in the Axis E.

    The selection appears in the Properties pane.

  5. Click Model Attributes Supports.

    The Assignment and Support panels display in the ribbon.

  6. In the Assignment panel, ensure that the Selection mode is selected.
  7. In the Support panel,
    1. Ensure that the Nodal support is selected.
    2. Select Fixed from the drop-down menu to choose the support type.

    The supports are assigned to the selected nodes.

  8. In the status bar, click (Node numbers) to hide the node numbers in the drawing area.
  9. Save the project as Tutorial_Alpha_Supports.rstructure.