Learn how to add floors, and how to specify the parameters for them.
- Continue working in your project, or open the project
Note: To open the project, click
Explore Tutorials from the Welcome Screen or navigate to the Tutorials folder C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk React Structures Tech Preview\Tutorials.
- Click the
Plan View tab to switch to a plan view of the model.
- Click
Model Structural Elements
The Mode and Floor Properties panels display in the ribbon.
- In the Mode panel, click
Rectangle to create a rectangular floor.
- In the Floor Properties panel, select
Shell from the drop-down menu to assign a calculation model type.
- In the Floor Properties panel, select
Add New from the Floor Thickness drop-down menu.
The Thickness dialog opens.
- Add a new thickness by setting the following parameters:
- Label:
- Th:
- Material:
- Click
- Click the
Orthotropic tab to switch to the properties of the orthotropic thickness.
- Add an orthotropic thickness by setting the following parameters:
- Label:
- Select:
slab composed with trapezoid plate
- h:
- h1:
- Material:
- Click
Direction X.
The Orthotropy Direction dialog opens.
- Select
According to Y axis to define the main orthotropy direction.
- Click
The Roof parameters include:
- Click
Add and close the Thickness dialog.
- In the Floor Properties panel, select
Slab from the Floor Thickness drop-down menu.
- In the drawing area, click the point of axis intersection
(x:0.00, y:15.00) to specify the first point of the floor.
- In the drawing area, click the point of axis intersection
(dx:80.00, dy:60.00) to specify the next point of the floor.
The floor displays in the drawing area.
- Press
Esc twice to exit the floor tool.
- Click the
3D View tab to switch to a 3D view of the model.
- Save the project as