Add Floors

Learn how to add floors, and how to specify the parameters for them.

  1. Continue working in your project, or open the project Tutorial_Alpha_Beams.rstructure.
    Note: To open the project, click Explore Tutorials from the Welcome Screen or navigate to the Tutorials folder C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk React Structures Tech Preview\Tutorials.
  2. Click the Plan View tab to switch to a plan view of the model.
  3. Click Model Structural Elements Floor.

    The Mode and Floor Properties panels display in the ribbon.

  4. In the Mode panel, click Rectangle to create a rectangular floor.
  5. In the Floor Properties panel, select Shell from the drop-down menu to assign a calculation model type.
  6. In the Floor Properties panel, select Add New from the Floor Thickness drop-down menu.

    The Thickness dialog opens.

  7. Add a new thickness by setting the following parameters:
    • Label: Slab
    • Th: 10.00
    • Material: CONCR_4.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click the Orthotropic tab to switch to the properties of the orthotropic thickness.
  10. Add an orthotropic thickness by setting the following parameters:
    • Label: Roof
    • Select: slab composed with trapezoid plate
    • h: 5.00
    • h1: 2.00
    • Material: CONCR_4.
  11. Click Direction X.

    The Orthotropy Direction dialog opens.

  12. Select According to Y axis to define the main orthotropy direction.
  13. Click Apply.

    The Roof parameters include:

  14. Click Add and close the Thickness dialog.
  15. In the Floor Properties panel, select Slab from the Floor Thickness drop-down menu.
  16. In the drawing area, click the point of axis intersection A1 (x:0.00, y:15.00) to specify the first point of the floor.
  17. In the drawing area, click the point of axis intersection E5 (dx:80.00, dy:60.00) to specify the next point of the floor.

    The floor displays in the drawing area.

  18. Press Esc twice to exit the floor tool.
  19. Click the 3D View tab to switch to a 3D view of the model.
  20. Save the project as Tutorial_Alpha_Floors.rstructure.