Copy Elements to Additional Stories

Learn how to copy the content of a story to other stories.

  1. Continue working in your project, or open the project Tutorial_Alpha_Walls.rstructure.
    Note: To open the project, click Explore Tutorials from the Welcome Screen or navigate to the Tutorials folder C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk React Structures Tech Preview\Tutorials.
  2. Click Model Stories Copy Top Story.

    The Story 2 displays in the drawing area.

  3. Repeat step 2 twice to create the next two stories.

    The Story 3 and Story 4 display in the drawing area.

  4. Click the Front of the ViewCube to change the current view of the model.
  5. In the drawing area, select elements located in the Story 4 by drawing a selection window from right to left as shown below.

    The elements highlight in blue.

  6. Press Delete to remove the selected elements.
  7. Click the Go Home icon of the ViewCube to display the default view of the model.

    The model displays as shown below.

  8. Click Model Structural Elements Floor.

    The Mode and Floor Properties panels display in the ribbon.

  9. In the Mode panel, click Rectangle to create a rectangular floor.
  10. In the Floor Properties panel:
    • Select Shell from the drop-down menu to assign a calculation model type.
    • Select Slab from the drop-down menu to assign a floor thickness.
  11. In the dynamic input tooltip, specify the first point of the floor:
    • Enter the 0.00 absolute coordinate in the x: input box, press Tab,
    • Enter the 15.00 absolute coordinate in the y: input box, press Tab,
    • Enter the 40.00 absolute coordinate in the z: input box, press Enter.
    Note: For more information about the dynamic input tooltip, see About Using Dynamic Input Tooltips.
  12. In the dynamic input tooltip, specify the next point of the floor:
    • Enter the 40.00 relative coordinate in the dx: input box, press Tab,
    • Enter the 60.00 relative coordinate in the dy input box, press Tab,
    • Enter the 0.00 relative coordinate in the dz: input box, press Enter.

    The new floor displays in the Story 4.

  13. In the Object Inspector, right-click the Story 4, and then select Copy Above from the context menu.

    The Story 5 displays in the drawing area.

    Note: For more information about the Object Inspector, see Object Inspector.
  14. Save the project as Tutorial_Alpha_Stories.rstructure.