

Click Settings, alt in the header to change the options for Polar Tracking, Object Snaps, Units, and Navigation.

All settings can be modified while a command is active.

Snap tracking

Turn polar tracking on or off, and set the degree increment for polar tracking.

Object snaps

Turn object snaps on or off.


Choose the linear format, linear precision, angular format, and angular precision in the drawing.

Change the zoom direction between Standard and Reverse. While set to Standard, rolling your mouse wheel forward will zoom in. While set to Reverse, rolling the mouse wheel backward will zoom in.

Note: If the mouse wheel is a panning instead of zooming, or if you are seeing other abnormalities when trying to pan or zoom, it is usually because your mouse wheel is using smooth scrolling. You can go to the mouse's driver settings and disable smooth scrolling to fix the issue.

You can also hold Ctrl (Windows) or ⌘ (Mac) while rolling the mouse wheel to zoom.

Dark theme

AutoCAD defaults to a dark theme. Turn dark theme on or off within the user profile drop-down in the top-right of the header.

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