
About Trace

Trace provides a safe space to add changes to a drawing in the web and mobile apps without altering the existing drawing. The analogy is of a virtual collaborative tracing paper that is laid over the drawing that allows collaborators to add feedback on the drawing.

Create traces in the web and mobile apps, then send or share the drawing to collaborators so they can view the trace and its contents.

Using trace

  1. In the AutoCAD web app or AutoCAD mobile app, create a trace or open an existing trace.
  2. Add markup or additional design details to the trace.
  3. Save the drawing, then share it with a colleague or collaborator.

When colleagues open the drawing in AutoCAD desktop (Windows only), they’re notified of any new traces. Recipients can open the trace to see what was added, then make decisions on the feedback that’s included.

Note: Traces are only supported in drawing file formats 2010 or later and they are not supported in the DXF format.

Desktop, Mobile, and Web Functionality

Functionality differs slightly depending whether you're using the desktop (Windows only), web, or mobile version of AutoCAD. While you can view traces in the desktop, web, or mobile apps, you can only create or edit traces while using web and mobile.

Functionality Web and Mobile Desktop
Create a trace X
Edit, delete, or rename a trace you create X
Add and remove contributions to a trace created by others X
View traces from others X X
Edit drawing while viewing trace X X

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