
Export and Import Asset Properties

Generate a spreadsheet that lists all the assets in your layout and their properties and then import the spreadsheet.

To export asset properties

The Factory Assets Export Properties option generates an Excel spreadsheet listing the assets in the active layout and their associated properties. This export feature provides an easy way for you to share asset data with other systems you use. The spreadsheet includes information entered on the Summary and Project tabs when each asset was created as well as any asset tags or descriptors added to the assets. Export files are saved in .xls and .xlsx format.

  1. Open the layout containing the asset properties you want to export.
  2. Click Export Properties in the Factory Assets panel on the Factory ribbon.
  3. Name the file, select a save location, and then click Save.

To import asset properties

The Import Properties command imports spreadsheets with asset properties, previously exported from a layout through the Export Properties command, to load back into a layout and apply to the current assets.

  1. Open the layout containing the assets whose properties you want to import.
  2. Click Import Properties in the Factory Assets panel on the Factory ribbon.
  3. Select the properties file and click Open.

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