
About BFX Output Nodes

A Batch FX pipeline always terminates with a BFX Output node. This node is created automatically when entering Batch FX from the timeline and cannot be deleted.

Both RGB and alpha results can be generated from a BFX Output node to the timeline.

Since an effect created in Batch FX is a setup applied directly to one or more timeline segments, BFX can be rendered directly in Batch FX or upon returning to the timeline. If rendered in Batch FX, a clip may be previewed by clicking the Player button.

Naming Output Nodes

The BFX Output node and Batch FX inherit the timeline segment name by default. To help organize outputs, an Output node can be automatically named as any output socket in the process tree. To do this, select the Output node in the schematic, then press N and click any node output: the name of the Output node is updated accordingly. To change the Output node name or to change the name of the original output socket, simply redo this naming process.

Renaming the BFX Output node automatically renames the segment at the timeline level as well as the Batch FX in the Media panel. Renaming the timeline segment similarly updates the BFX Output node and the Batch FX.

Note: Once the Batch FX name is explicitly modified, the timeline segment and BFX Output Node names are no longer automatically updated.

Render and Write File Nodes in BFX

Render and Write File Nodes are also available in BFX. Use the Render or Write File nodes to render portions of BFX trees (intermediate renders) and generate new media.

Note: While a Write File or Render node may be connected anywhere in the BFX tree, it is ultimately the BFX Output node that is patched back into the timeline. This behaviour cannot be bypassed.

Outputting an Alpha to the Timeline

Alpha results may be outputted in addition to the RGB result from a BFX Output node. Connect the RGB result to the front input of the BFX Output node, and the alpha result to the matte input of the BFX Output node. The output node now displays BFXa. Both results are updated on the timeline.

A Comp Timeline FX is automatically added on output, provided that the Add Comp On Matte Output button in the Batch FX section of the Preferences menu is enabled (default).

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