The Domain is a temporary subset of network components. The domain can be used for a variety of purposes such as group editing, mapping, annotating, contouring, and restricting model results. The Domain Manager is used to create, edit, and delete elements contained within a domain.
In other words, the domain is a dynamic selection of elements within InfoWater Pro. The elements within the domain are shown in red by default. Note that removing some elements from the domain does not mean it will delete those elements from the model. The domain operation has no impact on hydraulic simulation.
To perform domain operations, click on the Domain Manager
button in the
InfoWater Pro ribbon.
Apply to Active Facility Only: This checkbox applies to active facilities in the network. If left unchecked, the domain selection will include all elements in the network regardless of active/inactive status.
- Map Selection: Picks the network components to be included in the domain in the map view. Using the mouse, drag and drop a rectangle around the area to be selected or select individual elements. When the selection is completed right click and either select Enter to accept the selection or Cancel to disregard the selection and exit.
- DB Query: Defines those network components to be included in the domain by way of a database query statement.
- Query Set: Defines those network components to be included in the domain with a query set (a collection of individual database query statements).
- Selection Set: Includes those components in an existing selection set into the domain.
- Special Query: Includes all network components that meet the criteria of one of the special predefined queries. Examples of special queries are all fireflow nodes, all controlled elements, all pipes with check valves, etc.
- Network: Includes all network components, or alternatively, all components of a single component type, in the domain.
- Network Path: Allows you to select a group of elements along a path by selecting the beginning and end node. A path is automatically selected connecting the beginning and end points and entered in the domain. The path selection process will attempt to find the shortest distance between selected node points. If a particular path is desired, short segments can be selected and joined together or added to an existing domain.
Other Buttons:
Add connecting Nodes: This option will add to the selected set; all end nodes that were not selected from a map selection.
The Run Manager disregards any selected domain during a model run. If you wish to model a subset of your network, use the Facility Manager to create a facility set rather than a domain.
Add: Adds the specified components (using an option from the Element Source panel) to add to the active domain. Once elements have been added, you may optionally remove facilities from the active domain using the
Replace: Replaces the existing domain set with a new selection.
Remove: Removes the specified components (using an option from the Element Source panel) from the active domain. This option is active only after you have added components with either the Activate All or Add
Sub-Select: Re-selects a graphically selected set of components from the current domain and removes from the active domain those elements not selected by the Sub-Select.
Inverse: Reverses the selected elements. Those elements selected become unselected and the unselected elements become selected.
Clear: Clears the selected domain.
Save: Remembers the currently active domain. You can retrieve this domain at any time by choosing the Restore
Restore: Retrieves and activates the most recently saved domain.
Close: Closes the dialog box.