The Usage Partition dialog box is used to associate meters with junctions and categorizes the junctions by usage pattern. It has 5 methods of assigning meters to junctions. Click on the DemandAnalysts - Usage Partition button to view the Usage Partition dialog box.
Assignment Methods
Polygon Containment - assigns a junction to meters within a specified polygon
The polygon containment method allows you to assign a junction ID to meters within a specific polygon. Each polygon is linked to a junction.
Closest Junction – locates the closest junction and assigns it to meters.
For each of the meters, the closest junction is first located. The junction ID is then assigned to meter.
Domains may be created to selectively apply this method to user-specified junctions.
Closest Pipe – locates the closest pipe and assigns junction IDs to meters
For each of the meters, the closest pipe is first located. Then the closest junction on that pipe located and the junction ID is assigned to the meter.
Searching Distance - Select searching distance or use the button to graphically select the distance on the map screen. By using this option, large models will run faster when allocating demands to a small area.
InfoWater Pro DemandAnalyst also provides the flexibility to manually create and modify any of the above meter assignment data.
Meter-Junction – User-defined meter assignment to system junctions
Load a table of meters in which junction ID's are populated.
Meter-Pipe – User-defined meter assignment to system pipes
Load a table of meters in which pipe ID's are populated.
Polygon Configuration
Polygon Layer - Select an active polygon layer from the drop-down menu.
Junction ID Field - Select the existing field that stores the associated Junction ID.
Meter Configuration
Meter ID Field - Select the existing field that stores the associated Meter ID.
Junction ID Field - Select the existing field that stores the associated Junction ID.
Purge IDs - Removes all existing junction IDs from the Junction ID field.
New Field - Specify a new field name to store the pipe ID associated with this meter.
Pipe ID Field - Select the existing field that stores the associated pipe ID.
Meter Layer - Used to specify which existing InfoWater Pro layer contains the desired consumption/meter data.
Usage Configuration
Polygon Layer - Select an active polygon layer from the drop-down menu.
Usage Type Field - Designates the field that contains the water duty type data.
Meter Layer Usage Type Field - Designates the field that contains the water duty type data.