
Solver Enhancements for 2021.2

Enhancements have been implemented to improve the performance of analysis solvers, and to provide you with better solutions.

Improved Warpage Calculation Accuracy for 3D Cases

The residual stress calculation for 3D cases have been changed. For some cases, the accuracy of 3D Warp predictions is improved significantly. Further, the accuracy of some 3D Warp analyses without manual constraints depends on the automatic selection of constraint nodes to fix the rigid body motion. In the new release, the automatic constraint selection has been improved. This change may bring minor result changes in all 3D Warp cases.

Removed Memory Limitation for 3D Warp

In the past, there was a limitation on the maximum mesh size which can be run by 3D Warp due to limitations in the memory management scheme. This mesh size limitation restricted the complexity of models which could be run by 3D Warp. In the new release, this memory limitation has been removed.

Allow Mesh Aggregation for Large Deflection Warpage Analysis

The "mesh aggregation" option can now be used for "large deflection" warpage analysis type for 3D cases. This allows much faster calculation for "large deflection" warpage analysis for 3D cases.

Improved Part to Insert Contact for 3D Warp

The determination of contact between a 3D part and any part inserts or overmolding components has been improved. The accuracy of the 3D Warp analysis is significantly improved in some overmolding cases.

Changed Results for the Corner Effects Feature when using Anisotropic Materials

The calculation of corner effects during a Midplane or Dual-Domain Warp analysis has been significantly improved for materials with anisotropic mechanical properties, including fiber filled materials.

Actual Part Surface Temperature Display for 3D Flow Results

In the past, the input mold temperature was displayed for the flow analysis temperature result on the surface of a part for 3D cases. Now, the actual calculated part surface temperature is displayed for 3D cases.

Allow V/P Switch-Over After the End of Filling for Some 3D Cases

In the past, V/P switch-over was always forced to occur at the end of filling if it had not already occurred. In the new release, V/P switch-over can occur for 3D molding cases after the end of filling if the V/P switch-over option is set by "ram position", "injection pressure", "hydraulic pressure", "clamp force", "pressure control point" or "injection time" and those triggering conditions were not reached during the filling phase. This new behavior provides a match to what happens in actual injection molding practice.

Venting Analysis Improvement

The accuracy of venting analysis for 3D cases has been improved. This may show more short shot cases for 3D venting analyses.

Shear Stress Effect in 3D Core Shift Analysis

The effect of shear stress calculated by the flow analysis is included in core shift analysis for 3D cases.

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