
Older Releases

See new features and enhancements in older releases of Process Analysis.

Features Released in June 2018

These features were released in Process Analysis in June 2018.

Percentage option available for output routing type

The new Output Routing Percentage option helps you more closely simulate a real production line by controlling how the finished parts at the output port are distributed to connected operations located downstream.

The specified percentage for each downstream operation is achieved over time. For Output Routing Percentages where multiple operations are present, the sum of these operations need to total 100%.

For more information about Output Routing, see Edit the Output Routing.

Support for local assets available in Process Analysis

You can now publish an asset in AutoCAD or Inventor, save the asset locally, then access that same asset in the Process Analysis Asset Browser.

For more information about assigning assets to placeholder objects, see Work with Assets.

Features Released in April 2018

These features were released in Process Analysis in April 2018.

Enhancements to increase operator efficiency

An Operator can now work more efficiently, and move between a series of operations more freely than before. Operators can start new work while other operations are still in process. Previously, Operators had to complete one operation before moving on to another operation.

For more information about Operations, see Working with Operations.

Added flexibility with processor operations

With these new enhancements to provide multiple inputs into your operations, you now have more flexibility to further customize your process model. In this release of Process Analysis, you can Include multiple inputs from various Sources into your Operations in a single processor. Merge is also supported and can be used in all your operations.

For more information about Operations, see Working with Operations.

Features Released in 2017

These features were released in Process Analysis in 2017.

Line balancing activities, data, and reporting

  • New line balancing simulation chart and takt time calculations help to ensure your production line runs smoothly and meet your production schedule.
  • Processor cycle time calculations and reporting data provide more insight into a Processor's contribution to the end product.
  • New grouping feature added to combine multiple Processors cycle time for line balancing.

For more information about line balancing, see About Line Balancing.

Cycle time and line efficiency summary reports

  • View a Processor Cycle Time chart and reporting data to help you visualize the results of your simulation to improve your process model.
  • View a Cycle Time summary report of your process model's production, blocked time, idle time, and down time to more clearly understand your throughput data.
  • View a Line Efficiency report that provides deeper insight into your process model through production summary data, object, asset, and connection utilization reports.

For more information about Line Efficiency and Cycle Time summary reports, see About Reports.

User interface menu added to simplify the ribbon

The Process Analysis ribbon has been simplified by including ribbon options into a single drop-down menu of selectable dialogs. Expose the Asset Browser, Process Properties, Simulation Settings, and View Settings through this new User Interface command.

Placeholder objects and Factory assets are now an integral part of the Asset Browser

The navigational toolbar is removed and toolbar commands are now a part of the Asset Browser palette and taskbar menu.

To change the view of your process model using the Pan command, you can now hold down the middle mouse button and drag the cursor to pan

For more information about the Asset Browser, see Placing Assets and Objects.

Select to speed up performance of large process models by disabling animations

The option to turn on or off animations in your process model allows you the flexibility to speed up performance, or view animated details of your process model during a simulation.

For more information about the Enable Animations option, see Work with Simulation Settings.

Change an object type after being placed on the canvas

This new Process Property option provides you with extra flexibility in your process modeling.

For more information about changing an object type after it has been placed on the canvas, see Work with Process Properties.

Drag and drop assets or objects from the Asset Browser

Drag and drop a placeholder object or Factory asset from the Asset Browser directly onto your process model canvas.

For more information about the drag and drop feature, see Place Assets and Objects.

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