Quantity Note dialog box

Changes the display of the quantity note property in punch notes. Quantity Note is not displayed if the Punch Note is used in the context of a Punch Table or if the quantity is less than 2.


Right-click a punch note, and select Edit Punch Note from the menu or double-click a punch note. In the Edit Punch Note dialog box, click Edit Quantity Note.

Click Manage tab Styles and Standards panel Styles Editor , click a style in Dimensions, and open the Notes and Leaders tab. Then select the Punch Note Settings option, and click Edit Quantity Note.

Edit Field

Edits the quantity note text.

Adds the quantity (QTY) property to the quantity note.

Selects a symbol from the list to add to the punch note.

Number of like punches in pattern or feature

If selected, the QTY property displays the sum of like punches in the pattern or feature.

Number of like punches in model

If selected, the QTY property displays the sum of like punches in the model.