Project Contour Roll Profile Geometry

In this exercise, you project the edges of the existing Contour Flange and add a straight line as the axis of revolution. However, you can use any open profile consisting of lines, arcs, splines, and elliptical arcs to create a Contour Roll feature.

Note: The Contour Roll feature will transform sharp sketch corners into bends in the finished part using the bend radius value. This behavior is like the Contour Flange feature and is not apparent in the following exercise.
  1. If necessary, orient your sketch using the View Cube or View Face so that you are looking at the sketch plane.
  2. On the ribbon, click Sketch tab Draw panel Project Geometry , or right-click and select Project Geometry from the marking menu.
  3. In the graphics window, click to select the lines and arcs that define the outside edge of the Contour Flange feature as shown:
    Note: Be sure to select individual lines and arcs rather than the face loop of the detail faces.
  4. Click Sketch tab Draw panel Line , or right-click and select Line from the marking menu.
  5. Create a line to represent your axis of revolution as shown:
    Note: The length of this line is not important; however, the line should be parallel to the short, horizontal line segments that you projected into your sketch. You can either imply the parallel constraint as you draw the line or add a parallel constraint after the line has been drawn.
  6. Click Sketch tab Constrain panel Dimension , or right-click and select General Dimension from the marking menu. Place a 100-mm dimension between the line you created and the short, horizontal line segment that you projected into your sketch.
  7. Click Sketch tab Exit panel Finish Sketch , or right-click and select Finish 2D Sketch from the marking menu.
  8. If necessary, right-click and select Home View from the overflow menu (or press F6) to reorient your view to an isometric view.

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