Sheet Metal Parts 2
Topics in this section
About this tutorial
Lofted Flange - Select Profile Sketches
Lofted Flange - Create the Flange
Rip (continued)
Flatten the Ripped Lofted Flange
Bend Order Annotation
Directed Reorder
Sequential Reorder
Cosmetic Centerlines - Create Sketched Lines
Cosmetic Centerlines - Convert Sketched Lines
Contour Roll
Project Contour Roll Profile Geometry
Create a Contour Roll
Create a Second Contour Roll
Add another Contour Flange
Flatten the Rolled Tube
Unfold and Refold Feature Pair
Continue Unfold Selection
Partially Unfold the Tube
Complete the Unfold Feature
Add a Hole
Pattern the Hole
Add Two Refold Features
Parent topic:
Autodesk Inventor Tutorials