Run a Fill+Pack analysis and learn how to use the Summary pane.
Note: The tutorial is based on the classic interface. To locate the same command within the ribbon interface, use the Command Search feature. A short tutorial explaining this feature is located at .
Before running a
Fill+Pack analysis, set an injection location, select a material, and enter process settings.
- Click
. The Analysis Wizard dialog appears.
- Select the Sequence tab. Clear the Gate Location analysis sequence checkbox, scroll down and select Fill + Pack from the Select analysis sequence list. The Analysis information box displays a warning if there are any parameters required before this analysis can be run and outlines the analysis results.
- Click Start Analysis!.
The analysis starts and the Model pane displays an outline of the model and simulates how the part is filled as the analysis progresses.
- Click OK when the analysis is complete.
Tip: You can use the Molding Window analysis to help you choose good processing conditions for your part. You may find it useful to run a Molding Window analysis before the Fill+Pack analysis.
The Summary pane shows general and specific information about the model and the completed analyses. You can display additional information about some items within each summary tab. If additional information is available when the mouse is moved onto a particular item in the Summary pane, a question mark appears next to the cursor.
- In the General tab, click Analysis resolution. A Help topic is displayed.
- Click the tabs along the top of the Summary pane and look at the information provided in the analysis summaries.
Tip: To hide the Summary pane, clear the Summary checkbox in the Study Tasks pane.
Fill+Pack analysis results are listed in the Study Tasks pane.