To try exporting a model or animation clips from the Game Exporter, you can use the sample file included in the Samples Visor.
Select Window > General Editors > Samples Visor.
In the Samples Visor, switch to the Feature Examples tab, then select the GameExporter directory.
Middle-drag GameExporter_Example.mlt into the scene view.
The animated Sven character loads in the scene.
Open the Game Exporter (File > Game Exporter) to see how it's set up.
Tip: If you don't see the Feature Examples tab in the Samples Visor, you may need to clear your preferences, or select Tabs > Revert to Default tabs.
Based on this file, the following video clips demonstrate how to use the Game Exporter when exporting a static mesh or animation clips from your scene.
In the first segment, the user exports a static mesh, using the Model Default preset.
The second segment demonstrates how to:
create, review, and play back a set of clips
create a selection set containing the character's skeleton objects
export the clip animation based on the selection set, with all clips included in one FBX file