Changing the Display of Key Elements

You can change the display of the tolerance ellipsoid, softness ellipsoid, and patches as you work on the key to suit the operation you are performing. For example, to adjust the tolerance range after setting the softness, you could set the softness display to wireframe, or remove its display altogether, for a better view of the tolerance. See Setting the Tolerance and Setting the Softness.

Setting the Tolerance and Softness Ellipsoids

As you sample the tolerance and softness in a key, corresponding key elements appear in the RGB viewer. Set the appearance of the tolerance and softness ellipsoids to make it easier to work with them while refining the precision of the key.

Use the Key menu to set the display of the tolerance and softness in the RGB viewer.

(a) Tolerance Convex Hull box  (b) Tolerance Display box  (c) Softness Convex Hull box  (d) Softness Display box  

Tolerance and Softness Display boxes
Select an option to set the appearance of the tolerance and softness ellipsoids.
Select: To display:
Ellipsoid An opaque ellipsoid of the exact colours sampled.
Cloud A semi-transparent grey ellipsoid. You can set the transparency of the ellipsoid using the Cloud Opacity field in the Preferences menu. See GUID-3A776674-0171-4EF4-8763-018901CFD322.htm#WSCBA3EE2B36D8CB6F7AF539341162BE3A0C5-7FE6.
Wireframe The ellipsoid as a wireframe outline
None No ellipsoid. Note that when an ellipsoid is not displayed, it still has an effect on the image
Tolerance and Softness Convex Hull boxes
Select an option to set the appearance of the tolerance and softness convex hulls.
Select: To display:
Vertices Only the vertices of the convex hull.
Surface Only the surface of the convex hull.
Vert&Surf Both the surface and vertices of the convex hull.
None No convex hull.
Note: Vertices do not appear on keyed elements when Tolerance Display or Softness Display is set to Ellipsoid (because an ellipsoid is opaque).

Changing the Patches Display

You set the display of each of the three patches individually. In the Patches menu, use the Display boxes to set the display of patches 1, 2 and 3.

Display box
Select an option to set the appearance of the current patch.
Select: To display:
Box The patch as a wireframe box.
Surface The convex hull of the patch.
Box&Surf Both the wireframe box and convex hull of the patch.
Cloud The patch as a semi-transparent grey box. You can set the transparency of the box using the Cloud Opacity field in the Preferences menu. See GUID-3A776674-0171-4EF4-8763-018901CFD322.htm#WSCBA3EE2B36D8CB6F7AF539341162BE3A0C5-7FE6.
None No patch. When a patch is not displayed, it still has an effect on the image.

Setting the Cloud Opacity

You can control the opacity of the Cloud setting of ellipsoids and patches as they appear in the RGB viewer using the Cloud Opacity fields in the Preferences menu.

(a) Overall Opacity field  (b) Key Element box  (c) Individual Opacity field  

You can adjust the opacity for all key elements or for individual key elements: