Trimming from the Edit Menu

Use the Trimming tools to adjust the frames used in your edits. When you trim, you are either adding frames to or removing frames from the head or tail of the shots in your cut.

Be aware that timeline Solo and Ripple mode affects how the shots are trimmed in the Edit menu. If Solo is enabled, the Trim In/Trim Out and Mark In/Out tools default to Ripple End behaviour. If Solo is disabled, the Trim In/Trim Out and Mark In/Out tools behave according to the Timeline Ripple mode (see GUID-068DE0F8-6907-4092-9284-DC1B8685752C.htm#WSC4E151A45A3B785A4D80AAFE11DF9297D3F-7FDA and GUID-BED3330F-60E7-477E-91A9-A1EF769D3032.htm#WSC4E151A45A3B785A4D80AAFE11DF9297D3F-7FD8) and apply to the layer that the focus point is on.

You can trim by entering exact frame values, by dragging frames interactively, or by marking in and out points. You can also trim by sliding the cut point between shots or slipping the frames used in a shot.