Action Particles

Use Action's 3D particle system to create a variety of effects such as snow, rain, fog, and tornadoes, as well as fireworks, sparks, and explosions.

Particles are 3D objects that originate from a surface, light, or 3D object. Particles can be spheres, cones, squares, points, lines, or any image, 3D text, or 3D object. Particles are generated in the direction of the normals of a surface, light, or 3D object—a normal is a line perpendicular to the surface of an object.

In Action, the main components for generating particles are generators, manipulators, and bouncers. You can also use the particle system to explode a 3D object or an image.

Note: Rendering particles is faster if Z-Buffer On is selected in the Rendering section of the Action Setup menu.


To create a particle stream, start by adding a particle generator that creates a stream of particles when attached to a light source, 3D object, or surface. You can use three different generators: light source, surface, and 3D object.

Particle generators have two settings:


Particle manipulators are used to influence either the position or the speed of particles. Manipulators can simulate the effects of a vortex, gravitational pull, or the pull toward a point, line, or plane. Manipulators are parented by the particle stream that they influence.

Action offers eight manipulators. Instructions on how to use each manipulator are provided in Manipulating Particles.


Particle bouncers are used to influence the behaviour of particles when they come into contact with a surface. You can parent an axis or light source to a particle bouncer. See Bouncing Particles.

Note: Action setups created in a pre-9.0 version of Flame Premium that use a Variation value for Number, LifeTime, Speed, and TrailSize can be restored in the current version, but will render slightly differently.