CActionDescription | Description of a command for building action tables from static data This is a helper structure used for building ActionTables |
CActiveXLicensor | |
CimrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive | Describes an area primitive, equivalent to miLight::primitive in the mental ray API |
CArrayPointerDestructor< Type > | DestructorPolicy template for pointer to array types |
CAutoPtr< Type, DestructorPolicy > | Automatic memory-ownership pointer supporting "resource acquisition is initialization |
►CAutoPtr< AnimatableImplData > | |
CAutoPtr< AnimatableImplData > | |
CAutoPtr< AssetUserImp > | |
►CAutoPtr< ClassDirectoryImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< ClassDirectoryImpl > | |
►CAutoPtr< ClassEntryImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< ClassEntryImpl > | |
►CAutoPtr< DataClassDescImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< DataClassDescImpl > | |
►CAutoPtr< DependentEnumProcImplData > | |
CAutoPtr< DependentEnumProcImplData > | |
CAutoPtr< DllDescImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< DllDirImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< INormalDataGenerator > | |
►CAutoPtr< MtlBaseImplData > | |
CAutoPtr< MtlBaseImplData > | |
►CAutoPtr< PathImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< PathImpl > | |
►CAutoPtr< RefEnumProcImplData > | |
CAutoPtr< RefEnumProcImplData > | |
►CAutoPtr< ReferenceMakerImplData > | |
CAutoPtr< ReferenceMakerImplData > | |
►CAutoPtr< RemapDir > | |
CAutoPtr< RemapDir > | |
CAutoPtr< Storage > | |
►CAutoPtr< SubClassListImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< SubClassListImpl > | |
►CAutoPtr< TPARotateTransformerImpl > | |
CAutoPtr< TPARotateTransformerImpl > | |
►CAutoPtr< Type > | |
CAutoPtr< Type > | Old AutoPtr class, maintained to support backwards compatibility |
►CAutoPtr< Type, ArrayPointerDestructor< Type > > | |
CArrayAutoPtr< Type > | Standard implementation of a AutoPtr for pointer to array types |
►CAutoPtr< Type, DeleteThisDestructor > | |
CDeleteThisAutoPtr< Type > | Partial template specialization of AutoPtr for types requiring destruction through a DeleteThis method |
CAutoPtrRef< OtherType > | Helper class used to implement destructive copy semantics and allow for AutoPtrs to be used as return values |
►CB | |
CAddExposureMaterialControl< B > | This class implements a small hack to get around issues in the VS2005 compiler |
CExposureMaterialControlImp< T, B > | This class implements the virtual methods in ExposureMaterialControl |
Cbinding | |
CCallbackScript | |
►CCallContext | |
CSMCallContext | |
Cclass_key | |
Cclass_table | |
►CCollectable | |
►CValue | |
CBoolean | |
►CCharStream | |
CCharBinaryStream | |
CPipe | |
CReadonlyTextFileStream | ReadonlyTextFileStream is only used for opening text file in read-only mode |
CCodeBlock | |
CCodeTree | |
CEmpty | |
CFPInterfaceValue | |
CFPMixinInterfaceValue | |
CFPStaticMethodInterfaceValue | |
►CFunction | |
►CGeneric | |
►CMappedGeneric | |
CNodeGeneric | |
►CInterfaceFunction | |
CActionPredicate | |
CInterfaceMethod | |
CStaticInterfaceMethod | |
CMAXScriptFunction | |
COLEMethod | |
►CPrimitive | |
CMappedPrimitive | |
CUserGenericValue | |
CHashTable | |
CIObjectValue | |
CListener | |
CMaker | |
CMAXClass | |
CMAXSuperClass | |
CMAXWrapper | |
CMenuItem | |
CMouseTool | |
CMSZipPackage | |
CNoValue | |
COk | |
COLEObject | |
►CParser | |
CDotRunParser | |
CPluginMethod | |
CRCMenu | |
CRollout | |
►CRolloutControl | |
CBitmapControl | |
►CButtonControl | |
CMapButtonControl | |
CMtlButtonControl | |
CCheckBoxControl | |
CCheckButtonControl | |
CColorPickerControl | |
CComboBoxControl | |
CEditTextControl | |
CGroupEndControl | |
CGroupStartControl | |
CLabelControl | |
CListBoxControl | |
CPickerControl | |
CRadioControl | |
CSliderControl | |
CSpinnerControl | |
CRolloutFloater | |
CSourceFileWrapper | |
CSourcePositionWrapper | |
CStructMethod | |
►CThunk | |
CCodeBlockLocalThunk | |
CContextThunk | |
CDerefThunk | |
►CFreeThunk | |
CIndirectFreeThunk | |
►CGlobalThunk | |
CConstGlobalThunk | |
CIndexThunk | |
►CLocalThunk | |
CIndirectLocalThunk | |
COwnerThunk | |
►CPluginLocalThunk | |
CConstPluginLocalThunk | |
CPluginParamThunk | |
►CPropertyThunk | |
CFnCallPropertyThunk | |
CRCMenuItemThunk | |
CRCMenuLocalThunk | |
CRolloutControlThunk | |
►CRolloutLocalThunk | |
CConstRolloutLocalThunk | |
CStructMemberThunk | |
CSystemGlobalThunk | |
CThunkReference | |
CToolLocalThunk | |
CUndefined | |
CUnsupplied | |
CValueHolder | |
CValueMetaClass | |
CCollection | |
CDataNodeWrapper< HeldType_ > | |
CMaterialRequiredStreamElement::DataUnion | |
CDeleteThisDestructor | DestructorPolicy template for types requiring destruction through DeleteThis |
CRasterizerState::DepthBias | The z buffer depth bias value Default value is 0 |
CDumpValueData | |
Cedit_window | |
CEditFileResult | |
CEditor_Interface | |
CEditorStyleDef | |
CEvaluationContext | This struct is a collection of elements that are necessary in a render view |
CCExcepInfo | |
CFlyOffData | |
Cfree_mem | |
►CGUID | |
CAssetId | |
CHashTabMapper | |
CIAbortableRenderer | An interface that may be implemented by ActiveShade renderers to enable asynchronous aborts |
CIPhysicalCamera_BitmapApertureSampler::IApertureBitmapAccess | Interface used to provide generic access to the bitmap aperture |
►CIClassFactory | |
CMSClassFactory | |
►CIDataObject | |
►CDropType | |
CBitmapDropType | |
►CDropScriptDropType | |
CDropScriptFileDropType | |
CMSZipPackageFileDropType | |
►CFileDropType | |
CDropScriptFileDropType | |
CImageFileDropType | |
CImportFileDropType | |
CMSZipPackageFileDropType | |
CPathConfigDropType | A DropType class specific to path configuration files |
CSceneFileDropType | |
CScriptFileDropType | |
►CIDispatch | |
CMSOLEObject | |
►CIDropSource | |
CDropType | |
CINoSignalCheckProgress | An alternative progress reporting interface to class RendProgressCallback, which does not process the window message queue |
CIPhysicalCamera_BitmapApertureSampler | Utility class that provides efficient sampling for a bitmap aperture on the physical camera |
Clayout_data | |
CListenerMessageData | |
►CMaxHeapOperators | The base class in Max that controls the memory management for any class that derives from it |
CAColor | |
CActionContext | An ActionContext is an identifer of a group of keyboard shortcuts |
CAdjEdgeList | |
CAdjFace | |
CAdjFaceList | |
CAffineParts | |
CAlertData | |
CAngAxis | |
CAnimatable::EnumAnimList | A callback class for enumerating animatables |
CAnimateSuspend | Suspends the "animate" mode in an exception safe manner |
►CAnimEnum | A callback class for Animatable::EnumAnimTree() |
CClearAnimFlagEnumProc | An animatable enumerator for clearing flags |
►CAnimProperty | |
CAnimAppData | |
CEaseCurveAnimProp | |
CInterpCtrlUI | |
CInterpKeyInfo | |
CIShapeRectRenderParams | Rectangular Shape Render Parameters API This interface gives access to the new Renderable SPline parameters for Rectangular Shapes The IShapeRectRenderParams interface can be retrieved like this: IShapeRectRenderParams* rparams = (IShapeRectRenderParams*)obj->GetProperty(SHAPE_RECT_RENDERPARAMS_PROPID); Note that this interface contains VPT and non VPT parameters |
►CJointParams | |
CJointParams2 | |
CMultCurveAnimProp | |
CNoteAnimProperty | |
CPStamp | |
CSchematicViewProperty | |
CAnyKey | |
CAppDataChunk | An application/plugin specific custom data that can be attached to animatables |
CAppLoad | |
CAppSave | |
CArcballCallback | |
CArcballDialog | |
CAreaShadowSampler | |
CArray< bindShape > | |
CArray< CapFace > | |
CArray< CapPatch > | |
►CArray< DelayedOp > | |
CDelayedMatrix3::OpQueue | |
CArray< DialogItemSizeData > | |
CArray< DWORD > | |
CArray< ExprVar > | |
CArray< ExtrudeData > | |
►CArray< FLT_FilterHandler > | |
CFLT_FilterList | |
CArray< FPValue > | |
►CArray< GUPHandler > | |
CGUPList | |
CArray< int > | |
CArray< MaxSDK::Graphics::MeshElementDescription > | |
CArray< MaxSDK::Graphics::RenderItemHandle > | |
CArray< MaxSDK::Graphics::Utilities::MarkerConsolidationItem::ConsolidationData > | |
CArray< MaxSDK::Graphics::Utilities::MeshEdgeConsolidationItemDX11::ConsolidationData > | |
CArray< MaxSDK::Graphics::Utilities::SplineConsolidationItem::ConsolidationData > | |
CArray< MeshCapVert > | |
CArray< ParserSourceData > | |
CArray< PatchCapVec > | |
CArray< PatchCapVert > | |
CArray< Point3 > | |
CArray< SSConstraintPoint > | |
CArray< SSParticle > | |
CArray< SSSpring > | |
CArray< TextureInfo > | |
CArray< UINT > | |
CArray< VertexBufferHandle > | |
►CAssetEnumCallback | |
CIEnumAuxAssetsCallback | An extension of AssetEnumCallback that exposes an interface for providing more detailed information about an asset |
CATSClientInfo | Client information for ATS Providers |
CATSExploreProviderParams | ATS Explore Provider Object |
CATSFileEntry | ATS File Object |
CATSFileList | ATS File List |
CATSNotification | Register for and Broadcast ATS Notification Messages |
CATSNotifyParams | Asset Tracking System Notification Parameter class |
CATSUserEntry | ATS User Object |
CATSUserList | ATS User List |
►CAttachMatDlgUser | |
CPatchObject | |
CSplineShape | |
CAvailableFont | A class used for listing the fonts we currently have available |
CAxisChangeCallback | |
CBasisFinder | Computes two components of a basis vector given a single input component |
►CBezFont | This class is the basic bezier font class |
►CBezFontEX | This class extends BezFont class It adds GetFont() which returns the font handle currently opened |
CBezFontEX2 | This class extends the BezFontEX class which extends the function BuildCharacter() to obtain glyph outline data from a character based on its TrueType glyph index |
CBezFontDll | A class for listing font input dlls |
CBezFontEnumProc | This is a callback class which is used to process font enumerations |
CBezFontInfo | |
CBezFontManager | Manages Bezier Fonts in 3ds Max |
CBezFontMetrics | |
CBezFontMgrEnumProc | A special enumerator for the font manager |
CBezierShapeTopology | |
CBigMatrix | |
CbindShape | Contains the data for the bind points |
CBitArray | |
CBitArray::NumberSetProxy | |
►CBitArrayCallback | |
COrbazTrueBlockEnumerator | |
COrbazTrueEnumerator | |
CBitmapDither | |
CBitmapFileInputDialog | Custom browse bitmap file for input dialog |
CBitmapFileOutputDialog | Custom browse bitmap file for output dialog |
CBitmapFilter | |
CBitmapInfo | Information about an image file or in-memory bitmap, including settings for loading/saving, gamma, etc |
CBitmapNotify | |
CBitmapProxyTemporaryDisableGuard | Useful Guard class for temporarily disabling bitmap proxies |
CBMM_Color_24 | 24 bit color: 8 bits each for Red, Green, and Blue |
CBMM_Color_32 | 32 bit color: 8 bits each for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha |
CBMM_Color_48 | 48 bit color: 16 bits each for Red, Green, and Blue |
CBMM_Color_64 | 64 bit color: 16 bits each for Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha |
CBMM_Color_fl | High Dynamic Range bitmaps make use of this class to store color information using floating point values |
CBMM_IOHandler | |
CBMM_Pyramid | |
CBMMBitmapList | |
CBMMFilterList | |
CBMMGammaSettings | |
CbmmHistoryList | |
CBMMImageInfo | |
CBMMStorageList | |
CBMMVfbPalette | |
CBox2 | |
CBox2D | |
CBox3 | |
CCacheClass | |
CCameraState | Note: The camera looks down the negative Z axis, with X to the right and Y up |
CCandidate | |
CCapFace | |
CCapPatch | |
CCapVert | |
CCAssertCB | Callback class that allows for hooking into 3ds Max's assertion mechanims |
►CChangeForegroundCallback | |
CChangeFGObject | |
CCIRCLE | Represents a circular region when doing hit testing |
CCJobText | |
CClass_ID | |
►CClassDesc | Class descriptors provide the system with information about the plug-in classes in the DLL |
►CClassDesc2 | |
CimrShaderClassDesc | |
CPFActionStateDesc | |
CDataClassDesc | A proxy for a class descriptor |
CClassDescReplaced | CallParam data for NOTIFY_CLASSDESC_REPLACED broadcasts |
CClassEntry | This class wraps a ClassDesc instance and maintains run-time related information about it |
CClientInfo | |
CCollisionVNormal | |
CColor | |
CColor24 | 8 bits for each of the Red, Green and Blue components |
CColor48 | 16 bits for each of the Red, Green and Blue components |
CColor64 | 16 bits for each of the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha components |
CColorPacker | |
CCombustionJob | |
►CCommandMode | This base class allows the developer to create a command mode that handles processing user interaction using the mouse in the viewports |
CEditSSMode | Edit Soft Selection Command Mode for interactively setting soft selection parameters |
CEP_BevelCMode | |
CEP_BindCMode | |
CEP_CopyTangentCMode | |
CEP_CreatePatchCMode | |
CEP_CreateVertCMode | |
CEP_ExtrudeCMode | |
CEP_NormalFlipCMode | |
CEP_PasteTangentCMode | |
CEP_VertWeldCMode | |
CMouseToolCommandMode | |
CMoveCtrlApparatusCMode | |
CMoveModBoxCMode | |
CNUScaleCtrlApparatusCMode | |
CNUScaleModBoxCMode | |
CPickCommandMode | Derive your command mode class from this one if you wish to implement your own pick command mode and want to hook it into the select by name mechanism |
CRotateCtrlApparatusCMode | |
CRotateModBoxCMode | |
CSelectCtrlApparatusCMode | |
CSelectModBoxCMode | |
CSquashCtrlApparatusCMode | |
CSquashModBoxCMode | |
CSSBindCMode | |
CSSBooleanCMode | |
CSSChamferCMode | |
CSSCopyTangentCMode | |
CSSCreateLineCMode | |
CSSCrossInsertCMode | |
CSSCrossSectionCMode | |
CSSExtendCMode | |
CSSFilletCMode | |
CSSOutlineCMode | |
CSSPasteTangentCMode | |
CSSRefineConnectCMode | |
CSSSegBreakCMode | |
CSSSegRefineCMode | |
CSSTrimCMode | |
CSSVertConnectCMode | |
CSSVertInsertCMode | |
CUScaleCtrlApparatusCMode | |
CUScaleModBoxCMode | |
►CCommandModeChangedCallback | |
CMouseToolCommandMode | |
CConfigurationBlock | |
CConstraintInOut | This structure is sent to the BaseBehavior Constraint function |
CCreateInstanceCallParam | |
►CCreateMouseCallBack | |
COneClickCreateCallBack | |
CCreateRendImgSeqCallback | A callback object called for each sequence file created with Interface8::CreateRendImgSeq() |
CCropCallback | |
CCStr | |
CCtrlHitLog | Class CtrlHitLog |
CCtrlHitRecord | Class CtrlHitRecord |
CCUIFrameMsgHandler | |
CCUIPosData | |
CCurvePoint | |
CCustomParticleDisplay | |
CDefaultActionSys | The Default Action System interface |
CDefaultLight | Describes a default light |
CDeformer | The callback object used by modifiers to deform "Deformable" objects |
CDelayedMatrix3::DelayedOp | |
►CDependentEnumProc | A callback class for enumerating dependents |
CFindCustAttribOwnerDEP | |
CFindMAXWrapperEnum | |
CDeviceRect | Represents a viewport rectangle, but with coordinates in the range [0..1] instead of in pixels |
CDialogItemSizeData | Dialog resizing and positioning |
CDialogResizer | |
CDispInfo | This is the display information structure |
CDllData | A class for Dlls to use for info that will be sent back to them at load time |
CDllDesc | This class models a plug-in DLL |
CDMatrix3 | Class DPoint3, Matrix Representations of 3D Transformations, Class Quat, Class AngAxis, Structure AffineParts, Class BigMatrix |
CDOFParams | |
CDPoint3 | Class DPoint3 Description: This class describes a 3D point using double precision x, y and z coordinates |
CDRay | |
CDropType | |
CDX9VSConstant | |
CDxGeneralFunctions | |
CDynamicMenu | Provides an easy mechanism for plug-ins to produce the menu needed in the ActionItem::GetDynamicMenu() method |
CDynamicMenuCallback | When a user makes a selection from a dynamic menu 3ds Max will call DynamicMenuCallback::MenuItemSelected() to process that selection |
CEdge | |
CEdgeBondage | |
CEdgeClusterList | |
CEditSSCB | Edit Soft Selection Callback used to control the new Edit Soft Selection Command Mode |
CEffectDescriptor | A mini Max class descriptor. This is purely to instantiate multiple objects, and query the Parser ID for the DLL |
CEventRouter | |
CEventUser | |
►CExitMAXCallback | A callback object that will get called before the program exits |
CExitMAXCallback2 | A callback object that will get called before the program exits |
CExpInterface | |
CExpr | |
CExprVar | |
CExtrudeData | |
CFace | This class represents a single triangular face |
CFaceChange | This class represents the notion of a mesh edit Face Change, which changes the visibiliy of the face's edges, its hidden state and/or its material ID |
CFaceClusterList | |
CFaceCreate | This class represents the notion of a face create within a MeshDelta |
CFaceDataFromPatch | |
CFaceElementList | |
CFaceEx | Simple extension to the 3ds Max Face class |
CFaceRemap | This class represents the notion of a mesh edit Face Remap, which changes one or more of the verticies a face uses |
CFaceSmooth | This class represents the notion of the edit mesh Face Smooth operation |
CFBox2 | |
CFilterList | Class FilterList |
CFilterManager | |
►CFlagUser | |
CMNEdge | An edge used with the MNMesh mesh |
CMNFace | The face structure used with the MNMesh mesh |
CMNMap | Holds the mapping information for a particular map channel of the MNMesh |
CMNMesh | Provided for temporary use by plug-ins, to help with complex topology-based modifications to Meshes |
CMNMeshSelectionConverter | When a Mesh object or modifier (such as Editable Mesh, Edit Mesh, or Mesh Select) handles viewport subobject selection, the flow is basically as follows from Editable Mesh |
CMNNormalSpec | |
CMNVert | The vertex class used with the MNMesh mesh |
CFlectForces | |
CFLT_FilterHandler | |
CFLTInterface | |
CFontMgrInterface | A class for providing access to required 3ds Max internals |
CFPActionDef | |
CFPEnum | |
CFPEnum::enum_code | |
CFPFunctionDef | |
CFPMacroEmitter | |
CFPParamDef | |
CFPParamOptions | |
CFPParams | This parameters class contains a MaxSDK::Array FPValue's |
CFPPropDef | |
CFPValue | |
CFrameRange | |
CGamConvert16 | |
CGamConvert8 | |
CGammaMgr | |
CGBufData | |
CGenEdge | A generalized representation of a geometric or texture edge as a pair of vertex indices and face indices |
CGenericCallback | |
CGenericHierarchy | |
CGenericNamedSelSetList | |
CGenFace | A generalized representation of a geometric or texture face as an array of vertex indices |
CGenSoftSelData | A generic set of parameters defining how soft selection weights are calculated |
CGenTri | |
CGenTriPoints | |
CGetBoundBoxRequestData | |
CGetParamDim | |
CGetParamName | |
CGetParticleDataRequest | |
CGetSubObjectRequestData | |
CGetTimeDataRequest | |
CHWIndex16Bit | This class is used to help with managing 16 bit hardware index buffer |
CHWIndex32Bit | This class is used to help with managing 32 bit hardware index buffer |
CHWIndexBuffer | This class is our hw index buffer representation |
CHWTupleMesh | This class is a container for vertex and index buffers |
CHWVertex | This class is used to help with managing hardware(hw) vertex buffer |
CHWVertexBuffer | This is a class that lets you create a hw vertex buffer |
►CIHWDrawMesh | This is a wrapper around our low level HW mesh |
CHWTupleMeshContainer | This is a container class of our sub meshes |
CIHWSubMesh | This is a wrapper class around our HW Mesh |
CMeshVertex | This is a class used to track mesh vertices to hw vertices |
CGlobalReferenceMaker | This class lets you tap in to ALL reference messages in the entire system |
CGlobalReferenceMaker::GlobalReferenceDisableGuard | This class is used to temporarily disable global reference makers |
CGMatrix | This class implements a 4x4 matrix object |
►CGPort | |
CGPort2 | This class adds extends GPort interface |
CGripChangedCallback | A grip changed callback A callback object passed to IGripManager::RegisterGripChangedCallback() The method GripChanged is called every time a different grip or no grip becomes active. */ |
CGUPManager | |
CGWFace | A triangular face, which is represented as indexes into a vertex array |
CGWinSetup | |
CHierarchyEntry | |
CHitByNameDlgCallback | |
►CHitData | This class is used during sub-object hit testing to identify sub-object components |
►CManipHitData | This is a special storage class for hit records that keep track of which manipulator was hit |
CSimpleManipHitData | |
CMNDiagonalHitData | This class is used for hit-testing diagonals of polygons in Editable Poly and Edit Poly |
CPatchHitData | |
CPFHitData | This class is used to identify the particle group and action list the hit particle belongs to |
CShapeHitData | |
CHitListWrapper | |
CHitLog | This class provides a data structure for keeping a log of hits during sub-object hit-testing |
CHitMesh | |
CHitRecord | This class provides a data structure used during sub-object hit-testing |
CHitRegion | Describes the properties of a region used for built-in hit testing of items in the interactive renderer |
CHitTestRequestData | |
CHoldSuspend | |
CHookPoint | |
CHSERVER | Used by the Network Rendering API as a handle to a server |
CHSVCallback | |
CI3DXIXRefManager | |
CIActionItemOverride | Class used to specify action item overrides |
CIAdjustMultipleTangents | |
►CIAssignVertexColors::Options | The options used when calculating the vertex colors |
CIAssignVertexColors_R7::Options2 | The options used when calculating the vertex colors |
CIATSClientAccess | Access to client of ATS Provider |
CIATSNotifyCallback | Asset Tracking System Notification Callback Interface |
CIATSProvider | ATS Provider Interface |
CIBaseGrip::ComboLabel | The label and icon that make up each individual option for Type::eCombo grip item |
CIBaseGrip::GripValue | The grip value that's used by the grip item when it's value is retrieved via GetValue or set via SetValue |
CIBipedCopy | A copy within a copy collection |
CIBipedExport | |
CIBipFootStep | |
►CIBipMaster | |
►CIBipMaster8 | Interface into the biped master controller for Max 8 |
►CIBipMaster9 | Interface into the biped master controller for Max 9 |
►CIBipMaster10 | Interface into the biped master controller for Max 10 |
►CIBipMaster11 | Interface into the biped master controller for Max 11 |
CIBipMaster12 | Interface into the biped master controller |
CIBrushPreset | The interface to a brush preset object, holding parameters for the PainterInterface and other brush tools |
CIBrushPresetContext | Interface to a brush preset context |
CIBrushPresetParams | Interface to a set of brush preset parameter values, associated with a particular Brush Preset context |
CICatRegistry | |
CIChkMtlAPI | |
CIColorSwatchDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IColorSwatch pointers |
CIContainerUpdateReplacedNode | This class provides an interface to retrieve what new node will replace an existing one during the local edit process |
CICopyCollection | A collection of copies |
CICUIFrameDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICUIFrame pointers |
CICustButtonDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustButton pointers |
CICustEditDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustEdit pointers |
CICustImageDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustImage pointers |
CICustomRenderPresets | |
CICustSeparatorDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustSeparator pointers |
CICustStatusDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustStatus pointers |
CICustStatusEditDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustStatusEdit pointers |
CICustToolbarDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustToolbar pointers |
CIDADWindowDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IDADWindow pointers |
CIDaylightControlledLightSystem::DaylightSimulationParams | Set of parameters that may be fed by the daylight system to the controlled light |
CIDelegate | An interface class to the delegate |
CIDialogMonitorNotification | Dialog Monitor Notification Callback Interface |
CIDxSceneManager | A system to manage the current state of the Dx Scene and render passes |
CIDxSceneTransformManager | An interface to allow access to scene transforms |
CIEffectManager | The Effect Manager is responsible for displaying effect parameters. In 3ds Max this is implemented by the DirectX 9 Material |
CIEffectParser | Implemented by Effect Parser |
CIEulerControl | IEulerControl is an interface for euler controllers so we can get/set their xyz ordering |
►CIExportEntity | Main property access |
CIGameConstraint | Simple wrapper class for constraints |
CIGameMaterial | Simple wrapper for 3ds Max materials |
►CIGameModifier | Simple wrapper for 3ds Max modifiers |
CIGameGenMod | A generic Modifier class |
CIGameMorpher | An IGame wrapper around the Morph Compound Object and the Morpher Modifier |
CIGameSkin | A skin wrapper Class |
►CIGameObject | Simple wrapper for 3ds Max objects |
CIGameCamera | Simple wrapper for camera objects |
CIGameGenObject | A Generic Object for IGame |
CIGameIKChain | Simple wrapper for IKChains |
CIGameLight | Simple wrapper for light objects |
CIGameMesh | Simple wrapper for tri mesh objects |
CIGameSpline | Simple wrapper for Splines |
CIGameSupportObject | Base class for "support" objects, such as bone, helpers dummies etc. |
CIGameXRefObject | An interface for an XRef Object |
CIGameTextureMap | Simple wrapper for 3ds Max textures |
CIGameUVGen | Class IGameBitmapTex |
CIFaceDataChannelsEnumCallBack | |
CIGameBezierKey | A generic animation key wrapper class |
CIGameControl | A simple access class for controllers |
CIGameConversionManager | A developer can use this class to define what Coord Systems IGame exports the data in |
CIGameErrorCallBack | Error callback |
CIGameFX | Main interface for parsing a generic effect file |
CIGameFXFunction | Access function data contained in the effect file |
CIGameFXPass | Interface that holds per pass information. Each technique will be made up of one or more passes |
CIGameFXProperty | An interface that holds the data for an individual parameter in the D3D effect. This will include global parameters, samplers and transform data |
CIGameFXTechnique | An interface holding technique information for the effect. Each technqiue is made up of one or more passes |
CIGameKey | Main animation key container |
CIGameKnot | Simple wrapper for spline knots |
CIGameLinearKey | A generic animation key wrapper class |
CIGameNode | A simple wrapper for max nodes |
CIGameProperty | Main property definition |
CIGameRenderedSurface | Class IGameRenderedSurface |
CIGameSampleKey | A generic animation key wrapper class |
CIGameScene | Main scene access |
CIGameSpline3D | A wrapper class for splines |
CIGameTCBKey | A generic animation key wrapper class |
CIGeometryChecker::OutputVal | The returned output of the checker |
CIGizmoBuffer | |
CIGizmoClass2 | |
CIGizmoClass3 | |
CIGraphNode | Represents a node in the schematic view graph and provides a few methods for querying information about the node |
CIGraphObjectManager | Represents an instance of a schematic view window and provides methods for adding nodes and node pointers, refreshing the schematic view, accessing filter bits and updating and controlling the various editors within 3ds Max in ways that are not surfaced in the general interface |
CIGraphRef | Represents a node pointer and currently has no methods |
CIGuest | |
CIHost | |
CIIKChainControl | |
CIIKControl | |
►CIImageViewer | |
CIMaxBitmapViewer | |
CIImageViewer::PostDisplayCallback | |
CIImageViewer::PreEventHandlerCallback | |
►CIIndirectReferenceMaker | The interface for an object to specify the ReferenceTargets it is dependent on, but doesn't hold a reference to (i.e., indirect references) |
CIIndirectRefTargContainer | The interface for a container of indirect references |
►CIKClipObject | |
CStdIKClipObject | |
CIKDeriv | |
CIKEnumCallback | |
►CIKey | |
CIBezFloatKey | |
CIBezPoint2Key | |
CIBezPoint3Key | |
CIBezPoint4Key | |
CIBezQuatKey | |
CIBezScaleKey | |
CIBipedFSKey | |
►CIBipedKey | |
CIBipedBodyKey | |
CIBipedHeadKey | |
CIBipedHorzKey | |
CIBipedPropKey | |
CIBipedTurnKey | |
CIBipedVertKey | |
CIBoolFloatKey | |
CILinFloatKey | |
CILinPoint3Key | |
CILinRotKey | |
CILinScaleKey | |
►CITCBKey | |
CITCBFloatKey | |
CITCBPoint3Key | |
CITCBPoint4Key | |
CITCBRotKey | |
CITCBScaleKey | |
►CIKeyControl | |
CIBoolCntrl | |
CIKeyControl2 | Extend IKeyControl to include interfaces to IKeyProperty |
►CIKeyProperty | Interface to the Key Property |
►CIIKKeyProp | Interface to the IK Key Property |
CISetIKKeyProp | This is a helper class |
CDofSet | |
CIterJoint | |
CIterJoint::JointAxes | |
CLink | |
CLinkChain | |
CRootLink | |
CZeroPlaneMap | |
CILightingData | Access Lighting data from 3ds Max lights |
CILightManager | A basic light container |
CILinkTMCtrl | |
►CILockedTrack | An interface to a track that can get locked |
►CILockedTrackImp | This class provides an implementation of ILockedTrack base class, including a local variable that's used for the persisting the lock |
CLockableControl | |
CLockableStdControl | |
CILockedTrackClient | An interface to an object who is a client that has subanims that may get locked |
CImageFilter | |
CImageFilterInfo | |
CIMCapManager | |
►CIMenuElement | |
►CIMenu | |
CIPopupMenu | |
►CIMenuItem | This abstract class represents an interface for a menu item Methods that are marked as internal should not be used |
CIMenuItemExtension | Extends the IMenuItem interface |
CIMenuGlobalContext | |
CIMenuLocalContext | |
►CIMenuSettings | |
CIQuadMenuSettings | |
CIMenuTimer | |
CIMeshSelect | |
CIMeshSelectData | |
CIMeshWrapper | |
CIMetaDataManager::ParamDescriptor | A description for a parameter to be used in a meta-data, and its UI in an eventual rollout |
►CIMixer | |
CIMixer8 | An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for the mixer |
CIMoFlow | |
CImpInterface | |
CImpNode | |
CimrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_cylinder | Same as miLight_cylinder in the mental ray API |
CimrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_disc | Same as miLight_disc in the mental ray API |
CimrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_rectangle | Same as miLight_rectangle in the mental ray API |
CimrLightTranslation::AreaPrimitive::AreaLight_sphere | Same as miLight_sphere in the mental ray API |
CimrLightTranslation::VectorStruct | A simple vector structure, equivalent to miVector in the mental ray API |
CimrShaderCreation | |
CimrShaderTranslation::AdditionalDependency | |
►CIMultiMenu | |
CIMenuBar | |
CIQuadMenu | |
►CIMXclip | |
CIMXclip8 | An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for clips in the mixer |
►CIMXtrack | |
CIMXtrack8 | An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for tracks in the mixer |
►CIMXtrackgroup | |
CIMXtrackgroup8 | An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for trackgroups in the mixer |
►CInitJointData | |
►CInitJointData2 | |
CInitJointData3 | class InitJointData3 : public InitJointData2 |
CInst | |
CInterface::SuspendSceneRedrawGuard | Scene redraw guard class |
CInterface_ID | |
►CInterfaceNotifyCallback | |
CFPInterfaceValue | |
CFPMixinInterfaceValue | |
CFPStaticMethodInterfaceValue | |
►CInterfaceServer | |
►CAnimatable | |
►CSealedReferenceMaker | A class for helping with sealed methods in ReferenceMaker |
►CReferenceMaker | A scene entity that owns other scene entities and listens to messages from them |
CIMCParamDlg | |
CIStdDualVS | |
►CReferenceTarget | A scene entity that is being owned and listened to by other scene entities |
CBaseBehavior | All behaviors must inherit from this base class |
►CBaseObject | This is the base class for objects and modifiers |
►CModifier | This is the class from which you may derive Object Space and Space Warp (World Space) Modifier plug-ins |
CISplineIKControl | |
CIUnwrapMod | |
COSModifier | This is a base class developers creating object space modifiers may derives their plug-ins from |
►CSimpleMod | Base class for parameter block 1 (PB1) based object space modifiers |
CSimpleMod2 | Base class for parameter block 2 (PB2) based object space modifiers |
►CSimpleWSMMod | |
CSimpleOSMToWSMMod | |
►CSimpleWSMMod2 | |
CSimpleOSMToWSMMod2 | |
CWSModifier | This is a base class for creating world space modifiers |
►CObject | The object class is the base class for all objects |
►CCameraObject | This is a base class from which camera plug-ins may be derived |
►CGenCamera | |
CIPhysicalCamera | Access to the properties of the Physical Camera object |
►CGeomObject | This is the base class for the creation of Geometric Object plug-ins |
CIBoolObject | |
►CParticleObject | This is the base class for creating particle system plug-ins |
CSimpleParticle | |
CPatchObject | |
CPolyObject | |
►CShapeObject | ShapeObjects are open or closed hierarchical shapes made up of one or more pieces |
CLinearShape | |
CSimpleShape | |
CSimpleSpline | |
CSplineShape | |
►CSimpleObject | |
CDynamHelperObject | |
CGenBoxObject | |
CGenCylinder | |
CGenSphere | |
CSimpleObject2 | |
CTriObject | |
►CHelperObject | This is used as a base class to create helper object plug-ins |
CConstObject | This is a base class used to create construction grid objects |
CDummyObject | |
►CGizmoObject | |
CBoxGizmoObject | |
CCylGizmoObject | |
CSphereGizmoObject | |
►CManipulator | |
CSimpleManipulator | |
►CPFSimpleAction | |
CPFSimpleOperator | |
CPFSimpleTest | |
CIDerivedObject | |
►CIXRefObject | Legacy interface for xref objects |
CIXRefObject8 | Class representing Xref objects |
►CLightObject | This is the base class from which plug-in lights may be derived |
►CGenLight | |
►CLightscapeLight | Common Photometric light |
CLightscapeLight2 | Extension to Photometric light This interface extends class LightscapeLight with new functionality in 3ds Max 2016 |
►CWSMObject | This class is a base class used to derived the helper object for a space warp modifier (WSM Modifier) |
►CSimpleWSMObject | |
CSimpleOSMToWSMObject | |
►CSimpleWSMObject2 | |
CDynamModObject | |
►CControl | |
CIKSlaveControl | |
CILinkCtrl | |
CIListControl | IListControl provides API access to list control functionality |
CILookAtConstRotation | |
CILookatControl | |
CIMCControl | |
CIOrientConstRotation | |
CIPathPosition | |
CIPosConstPosition | |
CISurfPosition | |
CIXRefCtrl | Interface implemented by the XRef controller |
CLockableControl | |
CMasterPointControl | |
CMorphControl | |
►CStdControl | |
►CIBaseScriptControl | |
CIBaseScriptControl8 | |
CIBaseWireControl | |
CIBoolCntrl | |
CINoiseControl | |
CLockableStdControl | |
►CCustAttrib | |
CimrMaterialCustAttrib | |
CMSCustAttrib | |
CDADBitmapCarrier | |
CEaseCurveList | |
CGizmoClass | |
CIADTCategory | |
CIADTObjMgr | |
CIADTStyle | |
►CICollision | |
CCollisionMesh | |
CCollisionPlane | |
CCollisionSphere | |
CICurve | |
CICurveCtl | |
CICustAttribContainer | |
CIKMasterControl | |
►CILayer | Interface to the layers functionality |
CILayerEx | Extended interface to the layers functionality. Added for 3dsMax 2016 |
►CILayerManager | This class is an interface to the layer manager |
CILayerManagerEx | This class is an extended interface to the layer manager |
CIMultiPassCameraEffect | The multipass camera effect allows modification of viewpoints and view directions or time for each pass of a multipass rendering |
►CINode | |
CINodeTransformed | |
CIParamBlock | |
CIParamBlock2 | |
CIProjectionModType | |
►CIRefTargContainer | Container that handles references to ReferenceTargets |
CIIndirectRefTargContainer | The interface for a container of indirect references |
CITrackViewNode | |
CMAXWrapper | |
CMCDeviceBinding | |
►CMtlBase | |
►CMtl | |
►CIXRefMaterial | Class representing xref materials |
CIXRefMaterial18 | Class extends IXRefMaterial interface with override material feature |
CMultiMtl | |
►CStdMat | |
CStdMat2 | |
►CTexmap | |
CBitmapTex | |
►CMultiTex | |
CGradTex | |
CStdCubic | |
CStdMirror | |
CTex3D | |
►CTextureOutput | |
CStdTexoutGen | |
►CUVGen | |
CStdUVGen | |
►CXYZGen | |
CStdXYZGen | |
CMtlBaseLib | |
CMtlLib | |
CMultCurveList | |
►CNoteTrack | |
CDefNoteTrack | |
CRefMgr< T > | Manages a variable number of references |
►CRenderer | This is the base class for any renderer plugin |
►CIScanRenderer | This class provides an interface into the standard 3ds Max scanline renderer |
CIScanRenderer2 | |
CShadowType | |
CSoundObj | |
►CSpecialFX | |
►CAtmospheric | |
CIXRefAtmospheric | Class representing xref atmospherics |
CStdFog | |
►CBaseShader | One of the base classes for the creation of the Shaders, which plug-in to the Standard material[?] |
CShader | Used by developers to create Shader plug-ins |
►CEffect | |
CEffect8 | Extension to class Effect, new to 3ds max 8 |
CFilterKernel | |
►CIRenderElement | |
►CMaxRenderElement | |
►CMaxBakeElement | |
►CMaxBakeElement8 | Extention to MaxBakeElement in 3ds Max 8 |
CMaxBakeElement10 | Extention to MaxBakeElement8 in 3ds Max 10 |
CRadiosityEffect | |
CSampler | |
►CToneOperator | |
►CToneOperator2 | Extended version of the ToneOperator interface |
CIPhysicalCameraToneOperator | Access to the properties of the Physical Camera Exposure Control |
CTexmapContainer | |
CUserType | |
CRefMgrAddDeleteRestore< T > | Restore class for RefTarget class Note, Do not use this class as this is used by the internal system only |
CRefTargMonitorRefMaker | Defines a class for monitoring a ReferenceTarget |
CRolloutControl | |
►CSingleRefMaker | Reference Maker to single entity |
CSingleWeakRefMaker | Utility base class for a ReferenceMaker with a single target that does not share ownership of it's ReferenceTarget |
CSingleRefMakerPatchMtl | |
CSingleRefMakerPatchNode | |
CSingleRefMakerSplineMtl | |
CSingleRefMakerSplineNode | |
►CBaseInterface | |
CBezierShapeInterface_Ex41 | class BezierShapeInterface_Ex41 : public BaseInterface |
CBitmapIOLayer | |
CBitmapIOMetaData | Extends BitmapIO with additional information for automatic gamma correction etc |
CEffect8 | Extension to class Effect, new to 3ds max 8 |
►CFPInterface | |
CCollisionOps | |
►CFPInterfaceDesc | |
CExposureMaterialControlDesc | This implementation of ClassDesc is to be used to implement the ExposureMaterialControl interface |
►CFPStaticInterface | |
CBitmapLayerUtl | |
CIActionItemOverrideManager | The interface for managing action item overrides |
CIActionManager | Manages a set of ActionTables, ActionCallbacks and ActionContext |
CIADTObjMgr | |
CIAnalyzer | Interface for perfoming workbench analysis functions |
CIAnimLayerControlManager | The interface to the functionality for animation layers |
CIAssemblyMgr | |
►CIAssignVertexColors | The IAssignVertexColors is a static interface to the Assign Vertex Color utility |
CIAssignVertexColors_R7 | This class extends IAssignVertexColors to include more options |
CIATSCustomDeps | Interface to Asset Tracking Custom Dependencies |
CIATSMax | Interface to Asset Tracking System |
CIAutodesk360 | Interface class for exposing methods associated with Autodesk 360 |
CIAutoTangentMan | Manages controller auto-tangent related options |
CIBatchRenderManager | This class is the manager of the batch rendering feature |
CIBitmapIO_Bmp | This class represents the interface for the Bitmap IO BMP format |
CIBitmapIO_Jpeg | |
CIBitmapIO_Png | |
CIBitmapIO_Rgb | |
CIBitmapIO_RLA | Expands upon the previous IBitmapIO classes |
CIBitmapIO_Tga | |
CIBitmapPager | |
CIBitmapProxyManager | Bitmap Proxy Manager Function-Published Interface |
CIBlockMgr | |
CIBrowserMgr | |
CIBrushPresetMgr | Interface to the brush preset manager |
CIColorCorrectionMgr | This interface manages the correction that can be made to the colors |
CIColorManager | |
CICommandPanel | |
CIContainerManager | The interface for global container functionality |
CIContainerPreferences | This interface provides access to the container preferences |
CICustAttribCollapseManager | This interface provides access for setting and querying the state of flag that defines whether a Custom Attribute should survive a stack collapse |
CIDaylightSystemFactory | Factory for daylight system objects |
CIDaylightSystemFactory2 | Factory for daylight system objects |
CIDialogMonitor | Interface to Dialog Monitor System |
CIDragAndDropMgr | Manager class for Drag and Drop The Drag and Drop system is managed through a Core FP interface (DND_MGR_INTERFACE), defined by this class |
CIDXShaderManagerInterface | An Interface that provides access to the actual manager |
CIFileResolutionManager | |
CIFilter | Interface for perfoming workbench filter functions This class peforms workbench functions related to the filtering of fcurves |
CIFixer | Interface for perfoming workbench fixer functions |
CIFPLayerManager | |
CIFrameTagManager | |
CIGeometryCheckerManager | The interface to the geometry checker manager |
►CIGlobalDXDisplayManager | This interface provides the user control over how the viewport shaders are displayed in the viewport |
CIGlobalDXDisplayManager2 | Provides methods to turn on DirectX based Scene effects |
CIGripManager | The interface to the functionality for using the Grip Manager |
CIHeightManager | This interface gives access to the HeightManager |
CIICEFlowFileBirthSetup | Factory for the Particle Flow creation from a OneClick plugin |
CIICEFlowParticleFactory | Factory interface for the Particle Flow creation from a plugin |
CIICEFlowShapeControl | Shape Control interface to change the shape of a given particle system |
CIInstanceMgr | Manages instances of objects, modifiers, transformation controllers Use this interface to work with object instances in a Max scene |
CIKChainActions | |
►CIKCmdOps | |
CIKCmdOpsEx | This interface extends interface IKCmdOps by providing access to notification suspension for the IK system |
CILightingUnits | The interface used to access the lighting system |
►CILoadSaveAnimation | The interface to the functionality for loading saving XML animation files |
CILoadSaveAnimation10 | An extension to ILoadSaveAnimation that exposes additional functionality |
CILockedTracksMan | Locked Track Manager This class provides an interface for managing and setting locks on acceptable tracks |
CIManipulatorMgr | |
CIMBOps | The interface for Image Motion Blur |
►CIMenuManager | Used for managing all menus To get an interface for calling the methods of this class use Interface::GetMenuManager() |
CIMenuManagerExtension | Extension class for IMenuManager, can be accessed by calling GetCOREInterface()->GetMenuManager() and downcasting to this interface |
CIMetaDataManager | The interface for creating, adding, removing and keeping track of meta-data on max Animatables |
CimrLPE | |
CimrPreferences | |
CimrShaderTranslation_ClassInfo | |
CIMSZipMgr | |
CIMtlBrowserFilter_Manager | |
CIMtlEditInterface | |
CIMtlRender_Compatibility_MtlBase | |
CIMtlRender_Compatibility_Renderer | |
CIMXSDebugger | |
CINamedSelectionSetManager | The Named Selection Sets management class |
►CINaturalLightClass | class INaturalLightClass: public BaseInterface |
CNaturalLightClassBaseImp | |
CINetCreateHelpers | |
►CInterface | |
►CIObjParam | |
►CIObjCreate | |
►CInterface7 | |
►CInterface8 | The interface class for max version 8 |
►CInterface9 | The interface class for max version 9 |
►CInterface10 | Extends Interface9 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface10 |
►CInterface11 | Extends Interface10 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface11 |
►CInterface12 | Extends Interface11 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface12 |
►CInterface13 | Extends Interface12 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface13 |
►CInterface14 | Extends Interface13 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface14 |
►CInterface15 | Extends Interface14 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface15 |
CInterface16 | Extends Interface15 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface16 |
CIObjXRefManager | Legacy interface for managing object xrefs |
►CIObjXRefManager8 | Class for managing object xrefs |
CIObjXRefManager18 | This interface extends IObjXRefManager8 interface |
CIParamPubMgr | |
CIParamWireMgr | |
CIParserLoader | A core interface used to store parser DLLs found in the system |
►CIPathConfigMgr | Provides access to application path configuration functionality |
CIPathConfigMgrEx | Provides extended access to application path configuration functionality |
CIProjectionIntersectorMgr | |
CIProjectionRenderMgr | |
CIQuadMenuSettings | |
CIRadiosityPreferences | |
CIRefHierarchy | |
CIRollupSettings | |
CISceneStateManager | This class is the public interface to the scene state feature |
CISimpleFaceDataManager | The function-published interface for managing SimpleFaceData channels on an object |
CIStatusPanel | |
CITabDialogManager | |
CITimeSlider | This class represents the interface for the time slider |
CITrackViewArray | |
CIUtilityPanel | class IUtilityPanel : public FPStaticInterface |
CIViewPanelManager | In 3ds Max 2013, 3ds Max introduces the tabbed view panels |
CIViewportButtonManager | A manager to control the usage of the viewport buttons |
►CIViewportShadingMgr | Viewport manager to control general illumination, including shadow support in the viewport |
CIViewportShadingMgr2 | Extends class IViewportShadingMgr |
CIVisualMSMgr | |
►CIWorkBench | The interface to the CS Workbench |
CIWorkBench2 | Additional interface for the CS Workbench |
CIWorkingPivot | The interface to the functionality for using the Working Pivot |
CIAssetManager | |
CIMouseConfigManager | A core interface for accessing properties of the customized mode introduced in 3ds Max 2013 |
CIDisplayManager | A core interface for accessing properties of the graphics library introduced in 3ds Max 2012 |
CIShaderManagerCreator | Factory class for IShaderManager objects |
CIHelpSystem | This interface provides access to the 3ds Max Help system |
CIPopulate | This is the interface class to Populate |
CRadiosityInterface | |
CToneOperatorInterface | |
CTrackSelectionSetMgr | |
CValueConverter | |
►CFPMixinInterface | |
CActionItem | Represents an operation contained in an ActionTabls |
CActionTable | A table of action items that can be used by plug-ins to export tables of action items that can be used by the UI to attach to keyboard shortcuts, assigned to toolbar buttons, and add to menus |
CBitmapTex | |
CCheckAbortCallback | |
►CEPoly | |
►CEPoly13 | This new class extends EPoly with new functionality, in particular the ability for epoly to support manipulate grips |
CEPoly18 | This new class extends EPoly with new functionality, for new hard/smooth edge workflow |
►CEPolyMod | This class is the published interface for Edit Poly modifiers |
►CEPolyMod13 | This new class extends EPolyMode, in particular adds a more efficient way for setting several vertex positions, and the ability for EPolyMod to support manipulate grips |
CEPolyMod18 | This new class for Phoenix extends EPolyMod for altering vertex and edge Crease/Weight/etc. values |
►CExposureMaterialControl | This is the inteface class to implement in order to support exposure controls |
CAddExposureMaterialControl< B > | This class implements a small hack to get around issues in the VS2005 compiler |
CGizmoShape | |
CIADTCategory | |
CIADTStyle | |
CIAnimTrack | Interface of a parameter track object, a member of a track set |
CIAssembly | This interface class allows for setting and retrieving assembly membership information to or from nodes |
CIBaseWireControl | |
CIBatchRenderView | This class represent one entry in the list of batch render views |
CIBlobMesh | Access to the UI controls of the Blob Mesh object; adding and removing nodes programatically, and initiating pick mode |
CIBlockRefComponent | |
CIBrowser | |
►CIChannelContainer | |
CIParticleContainer | |
►CIContainerObject | Container Interface |
►CIContainerObject13 | IContainerObject13 Interface |
CIContainerObject16 | IContainerObject16 Interface |
►CIDaylightSystem | Use this interface to access the sun and sky components of a daylight system created by IDaylightSystemFactory |
►CIDaylightSystem2 | Extends IDaylightSystem with new functionality This interface can be obtained when the daylight system is created |
CIDaylightSystem3 | Extends IDaylightSystem2 with new functionality This interface can only be obtained from an already existent daylight system, from the base object of the daylight assembly: |
►CIDxMaterial | An interface class to manage access to various parameters used by DirectX effects |
►CIDxMaterial2 | |
CIDxMaterial3 | |
CIEditNormalsMod | |
CIJiggle | |
CILagMod | |
CILayerControl | ILayerControl provides API access to layer control functionality |
CILayerDisplayProperties | |
CILayerProperties | |
CILimitControl | Base Limit Controller Interface |
CILinkCtrl | |
CIListControl | IListControl provides API access to list control functionality |
CILookAtConstRotation | |
CILookatControl_Extension | |
CILuminaire | |
CIMenu | |
CIMenuItem | This abstract class represents an interface for a menu item Methods that are marked as internal should not be used |
CIMeshDeformPWMod | IMeshDeformPWMod is the interface into the Skin Wrap(Mesh) modifier |
CIMorphByBone | |
CIMXSParticleContainer | |
CINode | |
CINodeBakeProjProperties | |
CINodeBakeProperties | |
CINodeDisplayProperties | Class INodeDisplayProperties : public FPMixinInterface |
CINodeExposure | Class INodeExposure: public FPMixinInterface |
►CINodeGIProperties | Class INodeGIProperties : public FPMixinInterface |
CINodeGIProperties2 | This interace accesses the adaptive subdivision properties |
CINodeLayerProperties | Class INodeLayerProperties : public FPMixinInterface |
CINodeMentalRayProperties | Extension to INode for accessing mental ray properties |
CINodeMonitor | The interface for working with NodeMonitor class |
CINodeShadingProperties | A node based interface to support new Viewport Rendering features |
CINodeTransformMonitor | The interface for working with NodeTransformMonitor class |
►CIObjXRefRecord | Class for managing an object xref record |
CIObjXRefRecord16 | This interface extends IObjXRefRecord interface |
CIOrientConstRotation | |
CIParticleCache | |
CIParticleChannel | |
►CIParticleChannelAmountR | |
CIParticleContainer | |
►CIParticleChannelAmountW | |
CIParticleContainer | |
CIParticleChannelAngAxisR | |
CIParticleChannelAngAxisW | |
CIParticleChannelBoolR | |
CIParticleChannelBoolW | |
CIParticleChannelExt | |
CIParticleChannelExt2 | |
CIParticleChannelFloatR | |
CIParticleChannelFloatW | |
CIParticleChannelIDR | |
CIParticleChannelIDW | |
CIParticleChannelINodeHandleR | |
CIParticleChannelINodeHandleW | |
CIParticleChannelINodeR | |
CIParticleChannelINodeW | |
CIParticleChannelIntR | |
CIParticleChannelIntW | |
CIParticleChannelMapR | |
CIParticleChannelMapW | |
CIParticleChannelMatrix3R | |
CIParticleChannelMatrix3W | |
CIParticleChannelMeshMapR | |
CIParticleChannelMeshMapW | |
CIParticleChannelMeshR | |
CIParticleChannelMeshW | |
CIParticleChannelNewR | |
CIParticleChannelNewW | |
CIParticleChannelPoint3R | |
CIParticleChannelPoint3W | |
CIParticleChannelPTVR | |
CIParticleChannelPTVW | |
CIParticleChannelQuatR | |
CIParticleChannelQuatW | |
CIParticleChannelTabTVFaceR | |
CIParticleChannelTabTVFaceW | |
CIParticleChannelTabUVVertR | |
CIParticleChannelTabUVVertW | |
CIParticleChannelTrueFalseIterator | |
CIParticleChannelTrueFalseIterator2 | |
CIParticleChannelVoidR | |
CIParticleChannelVoidW | |
CIParticleGroup | |
CIParticleGroupExt | |
CIParticleObjectExt | |
CIPatchDeformPWMod | |
CIPathPosition | |
►CIPFAction | |
CPFSimpleAction | |
CIPFActionExt | |
CIPFActionList | |
CIPFActionListMaterialHolder | |
CIPFActionListPool | |
CIPFActionListSet | |
►CIPFActionState | |
CPFSimpleActionState | |
CIPFArrow | |
CIPFIntegrator | |
►CIPFOperator | |
CPFSimpleOperator | |
CIPFOperatorPhysXWorld | |
CIPFRender | |
CIPFSystem | |
CIPFSystemPool | |
►CIPFTest | |
CPFSimpleTest | |
CIPFViewport | |
CIPointCache | |
CIPointCacheWSM | |
CIPosConstPosition | |
CIProjectionMod | |
CIProjectionMod10 | |
►CIPViewItem | |
CPFSimpleAction | |
CIPViewItemCreator | |
CIPViewManager | |
CIQuadMenu | |
CIRefTargMonitorClass | The interface for working with RefTargMonitor class |
CIRenderElementMgr | |
CIRotWindup | |
CIScanRenderer2 | |
CIScriptCtrl | |
CISimpleFaceDataChannel | The function-published interface for a simple per-face data channel |
►CISimpleManipulator | |
CSimpleManipulator | |
CISkinPose | |
CISplineIKControl | |
CITrackBar | |
►CITreeViewOps | |
CITreeView | |
CITreeViewUI | |
CIUnwrapMod | |
CIUnwrapMod2 | |
CIUnwrapMod3 | This class is only available in Max 6.0 and higher |
CIUnwrapMod4 | |
►CIVertexPaint | The IVertexPaint interface provides a way to set the vertex colors held in a VertexPaint modifier |
CIVertexPaint_R7 | |
►CIViewportShaderManager | An Interface class to access the Viewport Manager |
►CIViewportShaderManager2 | A new interface for 3dsmax 7 |
CIViewportShaderManager3 | A new interface for 3dsmax 10 |
CIVisualMSCallback | |
CIVisualMSForm | |
CIVisualMSItem | |
CIXRefAtmospheric | Class representing xref atmospherics |
CIXRefCtrl | Interface implemented by the XRef controller |
CIXRefItem | Generic interface that represents an xrefed scene entity |
CIXRefMaterial | Class representing xref materials |
CIXRefObject8 | Class representing Xref objects |
CIXRefProxy | Class for working with the proxy aspect of an xref scene entity |
CAssetUser | |
CIViewportViewSetting | Viewport Setting For The Nitrous Graphics Viewport |
CIPointCloud | The interface for interacting with point cloud objects |
CIPopulateFlow | IPopulateFlow is the interface class to Populate flow objects |
CNodeAndAnims | A class that holds a node and a list of anims under that node that can be used for loading,saving, mapping animation, or putting specific tracks into the mixer |
CPlane | |
CRadiosityMesh | |
CRealWorldMapSizeInterface | The commong mix-in interface for setting realWorldMapSize properties on objects and modifiers |
CXMLAnimTreeEntry | XMLAnimTreeEntry class that's used for storing a controller track |
CXMLAnimTreeEntryList | The list of XMLAnimTreeEntry tracks, that will then be loaded onto, or saved out, or put into the mixer |
CIMaterialBrowserEntryInfo | This interface allows materials and textures to customize their appearance in the Material Browser |
CIActionManager10 | A mixin-interface extension to IActionManager which allows a client to dispatch a Message back to the application if it is not handled by the focused control |
CIActionOptions | This interface should be implemented if an action item (ActionItem) supports an alternate options command |
CIAreaShadowType | |
CIAttachCtrl | IAttachCtrl is an interface for getting/setting properties on the Attach controller |
►CIBaseGrip | A pure virtual interface for implementing grips |
CIBaseGrip2 | A virtual interface to extend IBaseGrip |
CIColorSwatchRenamer | class IColorSwatchRenamer |
CID3D9GraphicsWindow | |
CID3DHWMeshCacheManager | |
CIDaylightControlledLightSystem | |
CIDX9PixelShader | |
CIDX9VertexShader | |
►CIDXDataBridge | Viewport DXEffect interface |
CIDX9DataBridge | |
CIEffectFile | Implemented by a plugin, typically a material, to provide access to the underlying shader code |
CIEmissionColor | |
CIFaceDataMgr | |
CIGeometryChecker | Base Class For Geometry Checkers |
►CIHardwareMaterial | |
►CIHardwareMaterial2 | Extension of IHardwareMaterial Interface |
CIHardwareMaterial3 | Extension of IHardwareMaterial2 Interface |
CIHardwareMesh | |
CIHardwareMNMesh | |
►CIHardwareShader | |
►CIHardwareRenderer | |
CIHardwareRendererST | |
CIIlluminationComponents | This is the interface to use illumination by components this may be supported by a light object returned by lightObjDesc::GetInterface( IID_IIlluminationComponents ); |
►CIIKGoal | |
CIHIIKGoal | |
►CISplineIKGoal | |
CISplineIKGoal2 | Extension to ISplineIKGoal, the interface of a spline IK goal object |
CILockedContainerUpdate | This class provides an interface for classes that may need to augment the new container update process that was introduced in 3ds Max 2011 |
CIMaterial | |
CIMaterialViewportShading | A new interface for 3ds Max 2008 |
CIMNMeshUtilities10 | Extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh |
CIMNMeshUtilities13 | Extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh |
CIMNMeshUtilities8 | IMNMeshUtilities8 extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh |
CIMNTempData10 | Interface for changes made to MNTempData in version 9.5 |
CimrGeomShaderTranslation | |
CimrLightTranslation | An interface used to translate custom lights to mental ray |
►CIMRPhysicalSkyEnvironmentMap | Access interface for the Mental Ray Physical Sky Environment Map |
CIMRPhysicalSkyEnvironmentMap2 | Access interface for the Mental Ray Physical Sky Environment Map |
►CIMRPhysicalSkyInterface | Access interface for the Mental Ray Physical Sky object |
CIMRPhysicalSkyInterface2 | Access to additional fucntionality for the Mental Ray Physical Sky object |
CIMRPhysicalSunLight | Access interface for the Mental Ray Physical Sun Light |
CimrShader | |
►CimrShaderTranslation | |
CimrMaterialPhenomenonTranslation | |
CIMrSkyPortalLight | Access interface for the Mental Ray Sky Portal |
►CIMtlBrowserFilter | |
CmrShaderFilter | |
CINewSubTexmapNotification | |
CINodeValidity | This interface provides access to the node's geometry pipeline, transform and whole world state validity intervals |
►CIOsnapManager | |
CIOsnapManager7 | |
CIParamBlock2PostLoadInfo | Informational class about ParamBlock2 objects loaded from file |
CIPFViewportExtension2 | This interface is used for extending IPFViewport with an additional method UpdateDisplay() |
►CIPipelineClient | |
CMeshNormalSpec | This class is an interface used to store user-specified normals (such as those created in the Edit Normals modifier) |
CMNNormalSpec | |
CIProjection_WorkingModelInfo | |
CIProjectionModData | |
CIPublishedCustAttrib | Any CustAttrib which wants to support being published should implement this interface |
CIRadiosityEffectExtension | |
CIRadiosityRenderParameters | |
CIRenderElementRequirements | |
CIRendererRequirements | |
CIRTShaderParameterBinding | Interface for setting parameters in a compiled effect file |
CISceneCallbackPriority | An interface to set priority to ViewportDisplayCallback's |
►CISceneEventCallback | |
CINodeEventCallback | |
CISceneEventManager | |
CISceneTraversal | |
CIShadeContextExtension8 | This class is an API extension for the ShadeContext class |
CISkyLight | Class ISkyLight : public BaseInterface |
CISpecularCompositeShader | class ISpecularCompositeShader : public BaseInterface |
CISplineIKControl2 | |
CISubMtlMap_BrowserFilter | |
CISunLight | Class ISunLight : public BaseInterface |
CITabDialogFilter | |
CITabDialogObject | |
CITabDialogPluginTab | |
CITabDialogProc | |
CITabPage | |
CITimeBasedConverter | |
CIToneOperatorExtension | |
CITrackBarFilterManager | |
CIViewPanel | Many viewpanel related methods of CORE interface only work on the active tabbed view panel |
CIXTCAccess | Provides an interface to access Extension Channels |
CLightscapeLight::AreaLightCustAttrib | Area Lights sampling custom attribute |
CIHLSLMaterialTranslator | Facilitates translation of material parameter values to their shaders representation |
CIMeshDisplay2 | Use this interface to query the per node related render items from a mesh or mnesh |
CIObjectDisplay2 | To give object plugins better control of display, now object plugins can expose IObjectDisplay2 interface |
CIParameterTranslator | Facilitates translation of material and texture map parameter values to their shaders representation |
CIShaderManager | Represents the programmable shader associated with a material or texture map plug-in |
►CISimpleMaterial | ISimpleMaterial provides any material or texture plugin the ability to display itself in the new Viewport Display system in 3ds Max 2012 |
CISimpleMaterialExt | ISimpleMaterialExt extends ISimpleMaterial to support more textures |
CITextureDisplay | This interface enables material and texture map plugins to display textures in the new viewport display system in 3ds Max 2012 |
CIPopulateSeat | IPopulateSeat is the interface class to Populate seat objects |
CTexmapThreadSafe | TexmapThreadSafe provides any texture plugin with thread safe support information in 3ds Max 2015 |
CMeshSelectionConverter | |
CNodeDisplayCallbackEx | |
COpenSubdivParameters | If a renderer or other plugin wants to determine if an object is using Pixar's OpenSubdiv to perform subdivision, it can use the GetInterface method to query the INode for the OSD_PARAMETER_INTERFACE interface |
CPBRescaleParamAccessor | |
CSkyLightEval | Class SkyLightEval : public BaseInterface |
CToneOperatorInvertable | |
►CBaseInterfaceServer | |
►CActionCallback | 3ds Max uses the ExecuteAction() method of an instance of this class when an ActionItem is executed |
CTrackViewActionCallback | |
CBezierShape | Defines a basic bezier shape object |
CBitmap | Class for image input and output |
CBitmapIO | Base class for image IO plugins |
►CBitmapStorage | |
CBitmapStorageHDR | |
CBitmapStorageLDR | |
CCamera | Represents the projection matrix and common properties of a perspective or orthographic camera |
CCUIFrameMgr | |
CFrameRendParams | This is passed to the renderer on every frame |
CHold | |
CIKSolver | |
CIlluminateComponents | Provides the components of the Illuminate function to Shaders, Materials and Render Elements |
CIllumParams | |
►CIObject | |
CIParticleContainer | |
CITreeView | |
CAssetUser | |
CPFSimpleActionState | |
CLight | Describes lights used in the interactive renderer |
CMacroEntry | This class provides access to a single macro entry |
CMacroRecorder | Provides various methods to emit pieces of script to the Macro Recorder |
CManipulatorGizmo | |
CMaterial | The main material class definition |
►CICustomRenderItem | This class is used to customize the behavior of a render item |
►CIConsolidationRenderItem | This class defines a consolidation render item, which is used to improve rendering performance by batching similar render items together |
CMarkerConsolidationItem | This class collects all marker items(both immediate and non-immediate), hardware build vertex buffer and index buffer in Realize() function and render them in Display() function |
►CMeshEdgeConsolidationItemDX11 | This class collects mesh edge render items and build hardware buffers for them |
CMeshEdgeConsolidationItemDX9 | |
CSplineConsolidationItem | This class collects all spline items(both immediate and non-immediate), hardware build vertex buffer and index buffer in Realize() function and render them in Display() function |
CMarkerRenderItem | Base class for marker render items |
CMeshEdgeRenderItem | This class is designed for small meshes that only renders edge element |
CSplineRenderItem | Base class for spline render items |
►CIRenderGeometry | IRenderGeometry is a presentation of geometry |
CSimpleRenderGeometry | SimpleRenderGeometry is a simple implementation of IRenderGeometry |
CMesh | Provided for use by plug-ins and is used by the system |
CMeshDelta | |
CMeshTempData | |
CMNMesh | Provided for temporary use by plug-ins, to help with complex topology-based modifications to Meshes |
CMNTempData | Used for caching face and edge clusters, vertex normals, and other derived data about an MNMesh |
CModContext | The ModContext stores information about the space the modifier was applied in, and allows the modifier to store data is needs for its operation |
►CMouseCallBack | Allows the developer to capture and process the mouse events entered by the user |
CDataEntryMouseProc | |
CEP_BevelMouseProc | |
CEP_BindMouseProc | |
CEP_CopyTangentMouseProc | |
CEP_CreatePatchMouseProc | |
CEP_CreateVertMouseProc | |
CEP_ExtrudeMouseProc | |
CEP_NormalFlipMouseProc | |
CEP_PasteTangentMouseProc | |
CEP_VertWeldMouseProc | |
CMouseToolCallBack | |
►CSelectionProcessor | |
►CGenControlSelectionProcessor | |
CSubControlSelectionProcessor | |
►CGenModSelectionProcessor | |
CEP_BevelSelectionProcessor | |
CEP_ExtrudeSelectionProcessor | |
CSSChamferSelectionProcessor | |
CSSFilletSelectionProcessor | |
CSSOutlineSelectionProcessor | |
CSubModSelectionProcessor | |
CSSBindMouseProc | |
CSSBooleanMouseProc | |
CSSChamferMouseProc | |
CSSCopyTangentMouseProc | |
CSSCreateLineMouseProc | |
CSSCrossInsertMouseProc | |
CSSCrossSectionMouseProc | |
CSSExtendMouseProc | |
CSSFilletMouseProc | |
CSSOutlineMouseProc | |
CSSPasteTangentMouseProc | |
CSSRefineConnectMouseProc | |
CSSSegBreakMouseProc | |
CSSSegRefineMouseProc | |
CSSTrimMouseProc | |
CSSVertConnectMouseProc | |
CSSVertInsertMouseProc | |
►CTransformCtrlApparatus | |
CMoveCtrlApparatus | |
CRotateCtrlApparatus | |
CScaleCtrlApparatus | |
CSelectCtrlApparatus | |
►CTransformModBox | |
CMoveModBox | |
CRotateModBox | |
CScaleModBox | |
CSelectModBox | |
CMouseManager | |
►COsnapHit | |
CTypedHit | |
CParamBlockDesc2 | |
CPatch | |
CPatchMesh | |
CRenderGlobalContext | |
CShadeOutput | |
CSpringSys | |
CSSSpring | |
CSubRendParams | This structure contains information on rendering for Mirror and Automatic Cubic materials |
CTextureInfo | |
CViewParams | Describes the properties of a view that is being rendered |
CBitmapManager | |
CCollisionObject | A collision object can be applied to a particle system by a Space Warp |
CColorPicker | |
CColPick | |
►CDADMgr | |
CmrShaderButtonHandler | |
CMtlDADMgr | |
CTexDADMgr | |
►CDisplayFilterCallback | |
CMSDisplayFilterCallback | |
CDragAndDropHandler | The base class from which specialized drag-and-drop handlers should be derived |
►CDropClipFormat | |
CDropScriptClipFmt | |
CIDropPackageClipFmt | |
CVIZableClipFmt | |
CExclList | |
CForceField | A Space Warp modifier usually uses an instance of this class and implements the Force() method |
CFPValidator | |
CGBuffer | |
CGBufReader | |
CGBufWriter | |
►CGeomPipelineEnumProc | |
CNotifyCollapseEnumProc | |
CNotifyCollapseMaintainCustAttribEnumProc | Class used by EnumGeomPipeline to notify the pipeline of a collapse as well as maintaing the Custom Attributes. (Obsolete) |
CNotifyCollapseMaintainCustAttribEnumProc2 | Class used by EnumGeomPipeline to notify the pipeline of a collapse as well as maintaing the Custom Attributes |
CGraphicsWindow | |
CGUP | |
CGUPHandler | |
CGUPInterface | |
CIAssetAccessor | A callback interface for declaring and modifying an asset reference |
►CICustomControl | |
CIColorSwatch | |
CICUIFrame | |
CICustButton | |
CICustEdit | |
CICustImage | |
CICustSeparator | |
CICustStatus | |
CICustStatusEdit | |
CICustToolbar | |
CIDADWindow | |
CIRollupWindow | |
CISliderControl | |
CISpinnerControl | |
►CIDataChannel | |
CIFaceDataChannel | |
CIInteractiveRender | |
CIIRenderMgr | |
CIIRenderMgrSelector | |
CILoad | |
►CIMenuContext | Represents the interface to the various menu types such as MenuBar, QuadMenus, and right-click Popup Menus |
CIMenuBarContext | This abstract class represents an interface for a menu bar context |
CIQuadMenuContext | This abstract class represents the interface for a quad menu bar context |
CIMergeManager | |
CimrShaderClassDesc | |
►CimrTranslation | Access interface for the mental ray translator |
CimrAdvancedTranslation | |
CIMtlParams | |
CINodeDisplayControl | |
CIParamMap2 | |
CIRayTexmap | |
CIRendParams | This is the interface given to a renderer, or atmospheric effect when it needs to display its parameters |
CIReshadeFragment | |
►CIRollupCallback | Class IRollupCallback : public InterfaceServer |
CRolloutFloater | |
CIRollupPanel | Class IRollupPanel : public InterfaceServer |
CIRollupRCMenuItem | Class IRollupRCMenuItem : public InterfaceServer |
CISave | |
►CISubObjType | Developers have to return a class derived from this class with implementations for all the methods when implementing sub-objects for objects and modifiers (see BaseObject::GetSubObjType()) |
CGenSubObjType | This class provides a generic implementation for sub-object types |
CITVUtility | |
►CLocalModData | This class allows a modifier to store application specific data |
CLagModData | |
CMacroDir | |
►CMaxIcon | |
CMaxBmpFileIcon | |
CMeshDeltaUser | |
►CNodeDisplayCallback | |
CNodeDisplayCallbackEx | |
CObjectConverter | This virtual class is implemented by applications that want to supply a conversion method from one object type to another |
►CParamDlg | |
CIAutoMParamDlg | |
CShaderParamDlg | A shader parameter dialog class |
CPBAccessor | |
►CPBValidator | |
CmrShaderFilter | |
►CPickModeCallback | |
CPickerControlMode | |
CPOPickPatchAttach | |
CSSPickSplineAttach | |
►CPostLoadCallback | |
CParamBlock2PLCB | |
CParamBlockPLCB | This is a handy post load call back for fixing up parameter blocks |
CValueLoadPLCB | |
►CRenderData | |
►CLightDesc | |
CObjLightDesc | A light must be able to create one of these objects to give to the renderer |
►CRestoreObj | |
CAppendGizmoRestore | |
CDeletedRestore | |
CDeleteGizmoRestore | |
CJPLimitsRestore | |
CPatchObjectRestore | |
CRealWorldScaleRecord< T > | Class for creating undo record for any class with a "Real-World Map Size" property |
CRefMgrAddDeleteRestore< T > | Restore class for RefTarget class Note, Do not use this class as this is used by the internal system only |
CSamplingCallback | |
►CSelectFilterCallback | |
CMSSelectFilterCallback | |
CSetKeyModeCallback | |
CSetKeyModeInterface | |
►CSFXParamDlg | |
CIAutoEParamDlg | |
CShadeContext | |
CTrackViewFilter | |
CTrackViewUtility | |
CView | This class is passed in to GeomObject::GetRenderMesh() to allow objects to do view dependent rendering |
►CViewExp | |
►CViewExp10 | Extends ViewExp |
►CViewExp11 | Extends ViewExp10 |
►CViewExp13 | Extends ViewExp11 |
CViewExp18 | Extends ViewExp13 |
CViewportDisplayCallback | Enables non-geometric plugins to draw in the viewport |
►CViewWindow | |
CListenerViewWindow | |
►CXTCObject | |
CTriObjectNormalXTC | |
CIntersectionCallback2D | |
CIntersectionCallback3D | |
CInterval | |
CIOffScreenBuf | |
CIOurBipExport | |
CIPainterCanvasInterface_V5 | |
CIPainterCanvasInterface_V5_1 | |
CIPainterCanvasInterface_V7 | This is the additional functionality in the Max7.0 version of the PainterCanvas |
►CIPainterInterface_V5 | |
►CIPainterInterface_V7 | |
CIPainterInterface_V14 | |
CIPainterRightClickHandler | |
►CIParamArray | |
CDynamHelperObject | |
CIParamBlock | |
CIParameterManager | A data management class for accessing data required for displaying real time effects |
CIParamMap | |
►CIPatchOps | |
CPatchObject | |
►CIPatchSelect | |
CPatchObject | |
►CIPatchSelectData | |
CPatchObject | |
CIPhyContextExport | |
CIPhyContextImport | |
CIPhysiqueExport | |
CIPhysiqueImport | |
►CIPhyVertexExport | |
CIPhyBlendedRigidVertex | |
CIPhyDeformableOffsetVertex | |
CIPhyFloatingVertex | |
CIPhyRigidVertex | |
►CIPhyVertexImport | |
CIPhyBlendedRigidVertexImport | |
CIPhyRigidVertexImport | |
CIPoint2 | |
CIPoint3 | |
CIProjectionIntersector | |
CIProjectionRenderHandler | |
CIProjectionRenderHandler::ProjectionResult | |
CIPropertyContainer | Property container |
CIRefTargMonitor | The interface for an owner of a RefTargMonitorRefMaker class |
CIRenderElementCompatible | |
CIRenderMesh | Maintains a Dx version of the current mesh in the cache. It will render either the 3ds Max mesh or a screen aligned quad |
CIRenderMeshCache | This class maintains a list of the meshes and RenderMeshes used per instance. It acts as a factory class |
CIRenderMessageManager | An interface to manage the renderer messages (error, warning, progress, etc.) |
CIRenderPresetsManager | |
CIRenderSSEControl | |
►CIReshading | |
CShader | Used by developers to create Shader plug-ins |
CIRollupWindowDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IRollupWindow pointers |
►CIRTShaderManager | A simple public manager for IRTShaderNode |
CIRTShaderManager2 | An extension to the IRTShaderManager interface |
CIRTShaderNode | A Hardware shader node for use with compiled shader trees |
CIScene | |
CISect | |
CISectList | |
CISetKey | |
CIShadowLightData | Access shadow data from 3ds Max lights |
CISkin | |
CISkin2 | class ISkin2 |
CISkinContextData | |
CISkinImportData | class ISkinImportData |
CISliderControlDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ISliderControl pointers |
CISoftSelect | |
CISpinnerControlDestructorPolicy | Class representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ISpinnerControl pointers |
►CISplineOps | |
CSplineShape | |
►CISplineSelect | |
CSplineShape | |
►CISplineSelectData | |
CSplineShape | |
CIStdDualVSCallback | |
►CISubMap | |
CMSCustAttrib | |
CMtlBase | |
►CISubMtlAPI | |
CPatchObject | |
CSplineShape | |
CISubTargetCtrl | ISubTargetCtrl gives access to sub-transform controller |
CISystemXRef | Interface for interactions between 'systems', in particular biped, and the max xref core |
CITabbedDialog | |
CITabPageProc | |
CITargetedIO | |
CItemID | An ID for a Menu or Menu Item |
CITextObject | |
CITreeEnumProc | |
CIUnReplaceableControl | Basically it's a backwards-compatabile fix for the fact that the 'IsReplaceable' control flag isn't used by PB2's. Secondly the class provides |
CIUtil | |
CIValidateNodeCallback | A simple class that a developer must implement if they want to use Scene traversal |
►CIValidityToken | |
CIValidityTokenImp | |
CIVertexPaint::FaceColor | |
►CIVertexShader | |
CIDX9VertexShader | |
CIStdDualVS | |
►CIViewportButton | Viewport button abstraction |
CViewportTextButton | A simple text based button implementation of the IViewportButton |
CIWavePaint | |
CIWaveSound | SeeAlso: Class Interface |
CJob | |
CJobList | |
CJobRenderElement | |
CJobServer | |
CJobText | |
CJointDlgData | |
CKeyReduceStatus | |
CLayerParentChange | This is a struct for NOTIFY_LAYER_PARENT_CHANGED BroadcastNotification layerChanged is the pointer on the layer that has changed parent |
CLightDispInfo | |
CLightRayTraversal | This is a callback class that can be given to a ObjLightDesc to have a ray traced through the light volume |
CLightState | This structure describes the properties of a light |
CLineBuffer | A line buffer, containing a single Point3 and color |
CLinkedEntryT< T > | |
►CLinkedListT< T, TE > | |
CBMM_IOList | This class is used for storing a linked list of Bitmap Manager BMM_IOHandler objects |
CLinkedListT< MSTR, MSTREntry > | |
CLoadSaveRetargetData | Class used to input retargeting info when creating a map file |
CLoadSubAnimInfo | Structure specifying which controllers to load from a BIP file |
CLogLUV24Pixel | |
CLogLUV32Pixel | |
CLogSys | Class for writing out log information to a file |
CMacroButtonData | |
CMacroRecorder::MacroRecorderDisable | Class for easily & safely disabling the macro recorder |
CManagerInfo | |
CMapBitArray | This class can be used to store a bit per map channel, including both negative and positive map channels, and it works with any size index |
CMapDelta | Represents some kind of change to a mesh map |
CMapSampler | |
►CMarketDefaults | This class manages the default settings of a range of 3ds Max features |
CMarketDefaults13 | |
CMarketDefaults::Range< T, low, high > | |
CMatrix2 | |
►CMatrix3 | |
CIdentityTM | This class is another version of Matrix3 where the matrix is initialized to the identity by the default constructor |
►CMatrix3Indirect | |
►CDelayedMatrix3 | |
CDelayedNodeMat | |
CMatrix3Stack | |
CMAXException | |
CMAXFileOpenDialog | |
CMAXFileSaveDialog | |
CMaxJob | |
CMaxJobRenderElements | |
CMaxLocaleHandler | MaxLocaleHandler handles Globalization |
CMaxMixerManager | A class that allows a user to access the new max mixers in max 8 |
►CMaxNet | |
CMaxNetManager | |
CMaxNetCallBack | |
►CMaxNetFile | |
►CMaxNetEngine | |
CMaxNetJob | Network Job |
CMsgFromMax | |
CMsgFromSrv | |
►CMaxNetworkInterface | |
CMaxNetworkInterface2 | |
CArray< T > | A generic array container, with proper support for non-POD types |
CAssetId | |
CAtomicRefCounter | This class contains an integer which is initialized to zero |
CAutoRestoreRenderNodeMaterial | This is a utility class for assigning customized solid material to the solid mesh render item of a render node when generating render items from IMeshDisplay2::GetRenderItems() during the execution of BaseObject::UpdatePerNodeItems() |
CAutoRestoreWorldMatrix | |
CBlendState | This class holds the blend state for all render targets |
►CConnectionPoint | ConnectionPoint is the base class that manages the connections between view fragments |
CInput | Class that stores input information for a fragment |
COutput | Class that stores output information for a fragment |
CConsolidationData | This a structure that holds parameters used for render item consolidation |
CDefaultLifeTimePolicy< RefObjectType > | |
CDepthStencilState | This class encapsulates a complete depth buffer and stencil buffer state |
CDeviceCaps | This struct is used to store some device related information |
CDisplayCallbackContext | This class contains context which can be queried in IDisplayCallback |
CDrawContext | Typically ICustomRenderItem::Draw() and ICustomRenderItem::HitTest() bring instance of this class as parameter |
CFragmentMessageParameter | Message parameters |
CGenerateMeshRenderItemsContext | This class contains all information that will be passed to Mesh::GenerateRenderItems() or MNMesh::GenerateRenderItems() to update its display data |
CHitTestContext | This is a hit test context class |
CHLSLMaterialHandle::ParameterDesc | This is parameter description of HLSLMaterialHandle parameter |
►CIConsolidationStrategy | This class defines a strategy to consolidate one type of consolidation key |
CMarkerConsolidationStrategy | This class defines a marker item consolidation strategy |
CMeshEdgeConsolidationStrategy | This class defines an immediate mesh edge render item consolidation strategy |
CSplineConsolidationStrategy | This class defines a spline item consolidation strategy |
►CIDisposable | |
CIDisplayCallback | A developer would implement this interface to allow immediate mode drawing of primitives, text and markers |
CIFixedViewportPipeline | This class provide some facility to add some extended behavior to the fixed render pipeline |
CIPrimitiveRenderer | This class is used to draw simple primitives, markers, text with given material and transformations |
►CIRefObject | This class is similar to IUnknown in COM |
►CARefObject | This class implemented IRefObject interfaces |
►CFragment | Fragment is the base computation unit in the view system |
CFragmentGraph | FragmentGraph is a graph consisting of fragment nodes |
CViewFragment | Base class of all viewport fragment |
CICamera | The interface of a render camera for nitrous viewport |
►CIConsolidationKey | This class is used as a key for a hash table |
CMarkerItemKey | This is a utility class for provide a key for marker consolidation item |
CMeshEdgeKey | This is a utility class for provide a key for MeshEdgeRenderItem |
CSplineItemKey | This is a utility class for provide a key for spline consolidation item |
CICustomRenderItem | This class is used to customize the behavior of a render item |
CIDisplayCallback | A developer would implement this interface to allow immediate mode drawing of primitives, text and markers |
CIRenderGeometry | IRenderGeometry is a presentation of geometry |
►CIView | This class is a representation of a basic view |
►CIRenderView | This class is a representation of a render view which provides some common functions to manipulate a viewport |
CIRenderView2 | IRenderView2 provide the access to IFixedViewportPipeline with which 3rd party developer can add some extended behavior to the fixed render pipeline |
CViewParameter | This class wrap up all viewport related parameters |
►CIRenderItemContainer | A render item container, it provides various methods to access the contained render items |
CRenderItemHandleArray | This is a utility class |
CIRenderStateManager | IRenderStateManager controls primitive renderer's current render style |
CIVirtualDevice | This class provides low level access to the GPU device |
CLockedRect | Defines a rectangular region that has been locked by a call to TextureHandle::LockRect() |
CMaterialRequiredStreamElement | This struct describes a single stream element that will be used by the hardware shader of a material |
CMaterialRequiredStreams | This class is used for describing the mesh stream requirements of a material |
CMatrix44 | |
CMeshElementDescription | This class describes a single mesh element(which corresponds to a render item) required to be generated by calling Mesh::GenerateRenderItems() or MNMesh::GenerateRenderItems() from the specified mesh(or mnmesh) |
CRasterizerState | This class encapsulates a complete rasterizer state, like fill mode, cull mode, point size, etc |
CRefPtr< RefObjectType, SafeRefObjectType, LifeTimePolicy > | This template class act similar as CComPtr |
CRenderRegion | Note: The render region can set the clipping rectangle,offset and scale of render target in the screen space of render view |
CSimpleVertexStream | Used by DrawPrimitive and DrawIndexedPrimitive for vertex data |
CStencilOperation | This class encapsulates a complete set of stencil buffer operations for stencil test |
CTargetBlendState | This class holds the blend state for single render target |
CTextureCoordStream | This structure is used to define vertex's texture coordinate information |
CTextureHandleUtility | This is utility class to create TextureHandle from Texmap |
CUpdateDisplayContext | This class contains all information that will be passed to IObjectDisplay::UpdateDisplay and will be used by plugin to update its display data |
CUpdateNodeContext | This class contains node dependent information for calling IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerNodeItems(), and IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerViewItems() |
CUpdateViewContext | This class contains view dependent information for calling IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerViewItems() |
CMarkerConsolidationItem::ConsolidationData | Data structure used by the item |
CMeshEdgeConsolidationItemDX11::ConsolidationData | |
CSplineConsolidationItem::ConsolidationData | Data structure used by the item |
CVariable | Variable is a simple class that stores certain data that a developer can decide at runtime |
CHoldBegin | |
CIPhysicalCamera::RenderTransformEvaluationGuard | A guard class which enables a physical camera INode to evaluate itself for ray-traced rendering (as opposed to viewport rendering) |
►CSlateModelWrapper | SlateModelWrapper is a simple wrapper class that holds an internal pointer to a particle flow slate model |
CPFSimpleAction | |
CThreadTools | This class lets control the amount of threading in different parts of Max */ |
CTimer | Just a helper class to record how long a task takes. Just call this at the start and EndTimer at the end will return the amount of time that has passed in milliseconds |
CDoublePoint3 | |
CIPointCloudVisibleVoxelNode | The interface for interacting with point cloud voxel nodes |
CPointCloudVertex | A structure that contains the basic information about a point cloud vertex |
CUBytePoint4 | |
►CBinaryStream | Represent an abstract binary stream of data |
CBinaryStreamMemory | Holds binary data in memory only |
CChar | Represents a single unicode character |
CCharAccumulator | Character accumulator |
CCharIterator< ChType > | Iterate intelligently inside a string |
►CException | Base exception class for 3ds Max |
CNullDereferenceException | Thrown when a null pointer is dereferenced |
►COutOfRangeException | Thrown when an out of bounds index is detected |
CTabOutOfRangeException | Thrown when an invalid index is passed into Tab::operator[] or Tab::Addr |
CRunTimeException | General multi-purpose exception for runtime errors |
CIBailOutBusyProcessManager | An interface of bailing out the busy processing functions by pressing the 'Esc' key |
CMaxString | Stores all the strings inside CStr and WStr |
CMaxStringCast< ChType > | A MaxStringCast is used when casting a MaxString to a type |
►CNoncopyable | Noncopyable is a handy utility mix-in base class that makes any class derived from it non-copyable |
CActionTable | A table of action items that can be used by plug-ins to export tables of action items that can be used by the UI to attach to keyboard shortcuts, assigned to toolbar buttons, and add to menus |
CAnimatable | |
CClassDirectory | This class represents the directory of all plug-in classes known to the system |
CDataClassDesc | A proxy for a class descriptor |
CDependentIterator | Iterates through all direct dependents of a given ReferenceTarget |
CDllDir | Represents the plug-in DLL "directory", which is a registry of every plug-in DLL loaded by 3ds Max |
CIActionManager10 | A mixin-interface extension to IActionManager which allows a client to dispatch a Message back to the application if it is not handled by the focused control |
CIBatchRenderView | This class represent one entry in the list of batch render views |
CIFileResolutionManager | |
CIPublishedCustAttrib | Any CustAttrib which wants to support being published should implement this interface |
CMacroEntry::DisableCompileGuard | Helper class for disabling macroscript compiles in an exception-safe manner |
CIAssetManager | |
CIVariableDictionary | IVariableDictionary is a map structure that contains key/variable pairs |
►CSmartHandle | This is the base wrapper class for all graphics primitive classes in max viewport: worlds, nodes, render items, materials, etc |
►CBaseMaterialHandle | This is base graphics material class |
CHLSLMaterialHandle | HLSLMaterialHandle is a material class to support HLSL custom material |
CSolidColorMaterialHandle | SolidColorMaterialHandle is a material class to support solid color |
CStandardMaterialHandle | StandardMaterialHandle is a material class to support phong style material |
CTextureMaterialHandle | This is material class to support material with texture |
CVertexColorMaterialHandle | VertexColorMaterialHandle is a material class to support vertex color |
►CBaseRasterHandle | This is our base graphics raster resource class |
CMemoryTargetHandle | Application can use this class to create a render target in memory which can be a target input/output for a fragment node |
►CTargetHandle | Application can use this class either as a render target or convert it to texture and assign to model |
CPresentableTargetHandle | This class is similar as TargetHandle |
CTextureHandle | This is texture class to support texture for material, such as TextureMaterialHandle |
CCustomRenderStageHandle | CustomRenderStageHandle is the base wrapper class of the custom render stage |
CImmediateFragment | ImmediateFragment is a class which let application render primitives outside the render loop |
CIndexBufferHandle | IndexBufferHandle is a memory buffer that contain index data |
►CRenderItemHandle | This is the base wrapper class for all viewport render items |
CCustomRenderItemHandle | CustomRenderItemHandle is a wrapper of ICustomRenderItem |
CGeometryRenderItemHandle | This is a special render item which used only by Mesh/MNMesh |
CImmediateRenderItemHandle | This class is used to wrap user defined IDisplayCallback class |
CRenderItemHandleDecorator | This is a decorator class for RenderItemHandle |
CRenderNodeHandle | This class describes a graphics node |
CRenderWorldHandle | RenderWorldHandle is the base wrapper class of the nitrous world |
CVertexBufferHandle | VertexBufferHandle is a memory buffer that contain vertex data |
CMarkerConsolidationItem | This class collects all marker items(both immediate and non-immediate), hardware build vertex buffer and index buffer in Realize() function and render them in Display() function |
CMarkerRenderItem | Base class for marker render items |
CMeshEdgeConsolidationItemDX11 | This class collects mesh edge render items and build hardware buffers for them |
CMeshEdgeRenderItem | This class is designed for small meshes that only renders edge element |
CSplineConsolidationItem | This class collects all spline items(both immediate and non-immediate), hardware build vertex buffer and index buffer in Realize() function and render them in Display() function |
CSplineRenderItem | Base class for spline render items |
CIPopulateIdleArea | IPopulateIdleArea is the interface class to Populate idle area objects |
CIDlgShowingStatusForPolyObj | A pure virtual interface for Poly Object's UI as dialog Showing Status |
CVariableGuard< T > | Resets a variable when the object goes out of scope |
CWindowsMessageFilter | Runs a message loop without blocking, allowing only acceptable Windows messages through to their destination UI controls |
CReferenceSaveManager | Used to specify and enumerate the save reference hierarchy, if different from the normal reference hierarchy |
CSubClassList | A collection of ClassEntry objects that have the same super class id |
CPath | Path type - adds path-operation richness over symbol strings |
CStopWatch | A basic timer tool |
►CBaseTextReader | This class is the base for all text file readers |
CReader | Reads and interprets text files |
CReaderWriter | This class is used to access text file with both reader and writer functionality |
►CBaseTextWriter | This class is the base for all text file writers |
CReaderWriter | This class is used to access text file with both reader and writer functionality |
CWriter | Write Text files |
CVertexNormal | The class used to compute vertex normals considering smoothing |
►CMaxStringCast< char > | |
CMaxStringCastCP | A Utility class for helping to convert to a specified code page |
CMaxStringCastUTF8 | A Utility class for helping to convert to UTF8 |
CMCInputDevice | |
CMEdge | |
CMenuColors | |
CMenuEvent | Represents a Menu Event |
CMergeable | Description: This class allows referenceTargets that are not INodes to be mergeable through the File->Merge command |
CMeshAccess | |
CMeshCapInfo | |
CMeshCapper | This class is used to apply the MeshCapInfo data to a mesh |
CMeshCapPoly | |
CMeshCapVert | |
CMeshChamferData | |
CMeshData | |
CMeshDeltaUserData | |
CMeshFaceData | |
CMeshMap | In 3ds Max 3.0 and later the user may work with more than 2 mapping channels |
CMeshNamedSelClip | |
CMeshNormalFace | See Also: class MeshNormalSpec This class is used to store specified normal information for a particular face in a Mesh |
CMeshOpProgress | A callback used while doing a lengthy operation to a mesh |
CMeshRenderData | A developer may derive a class from this class, put any required data in it, and then hang this data off a Mesh |
CMeshSubHitRec | This class allows access to the sub-object hit records used in Mesh hit testing |
CMetaParticle | |
CMixerManager | |
CMNChamferData | Contains all the data needed to move points (and map vertices) as the user drags a chamfer or extrude |
CMNChamferData10 | MNChamferData for use with IMNMeshUtilities10::ChamferEdges |
CMNEdgeClusters | Represents a list of edge "clusters" for a given MNMesh |
CMNFaceClusters | Used for grouping faces in an MNMesh into clusters for applying transformations |
CMNFaceElement | Used to assist in the process of sorting MNMesh faces into separate elements |
CMNMapFace | Used to store map vertex information for a given face and map channel |
CMNMapPreserveData | This class is used to "preserve" mapping coordinates while moving vertices |
CMNMeshBorder | Hold boundary information for an MNMesh mesh |
CMNMeshUtilities | Provides a number of utility functions for working with MNMesh |
CMNNormalFace | This stores specified normal information for a given face |
CMocapManager | |
CModContextEnumProc | Callback object used with Modifier::EnumModContexts() |
Cmsgdata | |
CMtlRemap | |
CMultFprintParams | |
CMultiSelectCallback | This is the callback object used to perform the [de]selection via Animatable:: SvGetMultiSelectCallback() |
CNameAccum | |
CNameChange | The name change call parameter structure |
CNamedPolySelSetList | |
CNamedSegSelSetList | |
CNamedVertSelSetList | |
CNameMaker | Creates unique names |
CNetworkStatus | |
CNodeIterator | |
CNoteKey | |
CNotifyCustomAttribute | Structure used with NOTIFY_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES_ADDED and NOTIFY_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES_REMOVED notifications |
CNotifyInfo | 3ds Max supports a system where a plug-in can ask to receive a callback when certain events occur |
CNotifyPreEval_FrameInfo | The call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_RENDER_PREEVAL_FRAMEINFO is a pointer to this struct, which contains information about the view and the frame to be rendered |
CNURBSDisplay | |
CNURBSFuseCurveCV | |
CNURBSFuseSurfaceCV | |
►CNURBSObject | |
CNURBSControlVertex | |
►CNURBSCurve | |
CNURBSBlendCurve | |
CNURBSChamferCurve | |
►CNURBSCVCurve | |
CNURBSCurveOnSurface | |
CNURBSFilletCurve | |
CNURBSIsoCurve | |
CNURBSMirrorCurve | |
CNURBSOffsetCurve | |
►CNURBSPointCurve | |
CNURBSPointCurveOnSurface | |
CNURBSProjectNormalCurve | |
CNURBSProjectVectorCurve | |
CNURBSSurfaceEdgeCurve | |
CNURBSSurfaceNormalCurve | |
CNURBSSurfSurfIntersectionCurve | |
CNURBSXFormCurve | |
►CNURBSPoint | |
CNURBSCurveConstPoint | |
CNURBSCurveCurveIntersectionPoint | |
CNURBSCurveSurfaceIntersectionPoint | |
CNURBSIndependentPoint | |
CNURBSPointConstPoint | |
CNURBSSurfConstPoint | |
►CNURBSSurface | |
CNURBS1RailSweepSurface | |
CNURBS2RailSweepSurface | |
CNURBSBlendSurface | |
CNURBSCapSurface | |
CNURBSCVSurface | |
CNURBSExtrudeSurface | |
CNURBSFilletSurface | |
CNURBSLatheSurface | |
CNURBSMirrorSurface | |
CNURBSMultiCurveTrimSurface | |
CNURBSNBlendSurface | |
CNURBSOffsetSurface | |
CNURBSPointSurface | |
CNURBSRuledSurface | |
CNURBSULoftSurface | |
CNURBSUVLoftSurface | |
CNURBSXFormSurface | |
CNURBSTexturePoint | |
CNURBSProceeduralCurve | |
CNURBSProceeduralSurface | |
CNURBSTextureChannel | |
CNURBSTextureChannelSet | |
CNURBSTextureSurface | |
CNURBSTrimPoint | |
CObjectDataReaderCallback | |
CObjectDefinitionChangeNotificationParam | The object redefinition call parameter structure |
CObjectState | The ObjectState is the structure that flows up the geometry pipeline |
CObjectWrapper | |
COpenBezFont | A class used to list the fonts currently open |
►COrbazTrueBlock | |
COrbazTrueBlockIterator | |
►COsnap | |
COSnapDecorator | |
COsnapMarker | |
CParamAlias | |
CParamBlockDesc2::map_spec | |
CParamDef | |
►CParamDimensionBase | |
CParamDimension | |
CParamMap2UserDlgProc | |
►CParamMapUserDlgProc | |
CSimpleSplineDlgProc | |
CParamUIDesc | |
CParamVersionDesc | |
CParticleChannelMask | |
CParticleID | |
CParticleSys | |
CPatchCapInfo | This is the information class for patch capping |
CPatchCapper | |
CPatchCapPoly | |
CPatchCapVec | Patch cap vectors |
CPatchCapVert | Patch cap vertices |
CPatchEdge | |
CPatchNamedSelClip | |
CPatchSubHitRec | |
CPatchTVert | |
CPatchVec | |
CPatchVert | |
Cpath_properties | |
Cpath_property | |
CPB2Value | |
CPBBitmap | |
CPerData | This class is used for per -'something' floating-point information |
CPerformOut | This structure is sent to the BaseBehavior Perform function |
CCreatedChannelLinker | |
CPFActiveActionDataRequest | |
CPickAnimatableCallback | |
CPickClassCallback | |
►CPickNodeCallback | |
CPickerControlFilter | |
CPOPickPatchAttach | |
CSSPickSplineAttach | |
CPickObjectProc | |
CPixelBufT< T > | |
CPoint2 | |
CPoint3 | |
CPoint4 | |
CPolyLine | Describes a single polygon in a PolyShape using linear segments |
►CPolyLineProc | This is a callback used to draw a series of lines |
CBoxLineProc | This class provides a bounding box and a matrix |
CDrawLineProc | This class provides a simplified way to draw a connected series of lines to the GraphicsWindow passed to the class constructor |
CPolyPt | Represents a single point of a PolyLine |
CPolyShape | A multi-polygon shape class |
CPOModRecord | |
►CPostPatchProc | |
CRefTargMonitorRefMaker | Defines a class for monitoring a ReferenceTarget |
CPreciseTimeValue | |
CPreviewParams | |
CPrintManager | |
CPropertyEnum | Property Enumeration |
CPRVertex | |
►CPtrVector | Class PtrVector |
CPtrVec< T > | |
CQuantizer | |
CQuat | |
CRandGenerator | Class RandGenerator |
CRandObjLinker | |
CRandom | |
CRay | |
CRCMData | |
CRealPixel | |
CRedrawViewsCallback | |
CRefEnumProc | A callback class for ReferenceMaker::EnumRefHierarchy |
CRefPtr< ViewParameter > | |
CRefTarget | Note, Do not use this class as this is used by the internal system only |
►CRemapDir | For remapping references during a Clone |
CDefaultRemapDir | Implements a default version of a RemapDir |
CRendContext | This class is passed into the method ObjLightDesc::Update() |
CRenderInfo | |
CRenderInstance | This class provides information about a single node being rendered |
CRenderMapsContext | An instance of this class is passed into the MtlBase::BuildMaps() method |
CRenderPresetsContext | |
CRendParamDlg | An instance of this class is created by Renderer::CreateParamDlg() |
CRendParams | This class has a set of data members, and these parameters are passed to the renderer when the renderer is opened |
CRendPickProc | An instance of this class is passed to IRendParams::SetPickMode() |
►CRendProgressCallback | This class is a callback passed in to the renderer |
CIRenderProgressCallback | This class represent a callback object which can be used with an interactive renderer. Information set via RendProgressCallback::SetCurField() or RendProgressCallback::SetSceneStats() will be ignored. If a title is set via the inherited method SetTitle(), it will appear in the main status bar, but will be replaced by the 'IRenderTitle' when necessary. An interactive renderer should abort if RendProgressCallback::Progress() returns RENDPROG_ABORT |
CRendProgressCallback2 | This class extends the progress reporting of rendering with the ability to add high level task number and set progression through them |
CResourceMakerCallback | |
►CRightClickMenu | |
CMSRightClickMenu | |
CRightClickMenuManager | |
CRNormal | |
CRotationValue | |
CRVertex | |
►CSaveEnumProc | A callback class for saving dependents |
CReferenceSaveManager::PostSave | Used to tear down a save reference hierarchy |
CReferenceSaveManager::PreSave | Used to prepare a save reference hierarchy |
CSaveSubAnimInfo | Structure specifying which controllers to save in a BIP file |
CScaleValue | |
CSceneExport | |
CSceneImport | |
CSceneInfo | |
CSchedule | Used by the Network Rendering API to store hourly scheduling information |
CSClassUIInfo | This class allows developers to provide some additional information on a superclass |
CScript | |
CScriptItem | |
CServerInfo | |
CServerList | |
CSetMorphTargetPacket | |
CSetXFormPacket | |
CShadBufRenderer | |
►CShadowGenerator | |
CAreaShadowGenerator | |
CShadowParamDlg | |
CShapeContextCallback | |
CShapeHierarchy | |
CShapeNamedPolySelClip | |
CShapeNamedSegSelClip | |
CShapeNamedVertSelClip | |
CShapePSel | |
CShapeSSel | |
CShapeSubHitRec | |
CShapeVSel | |
CSimpleRandom | |
CSlot | |
CSnapInfo | Describes the snap settings used for snap operations |
CSnippet | |
CSpaceArrayCallback | |
CSphereData | |
CSpline3D | General-purpose 3D spline class |
CSplineKnot | Describes a single knot in a spline |
CSplineKnotAssy | Used for the internal storage of spline knot assemblies in the Spline3D class |
CSplinePoint | Provides the vertex-level point information for the Spline3D class |
CSplineShapePointTab | |
CSplineShapeVertexDelta | |
CSpringClass | |
CSpringSysClient | |
CSSConstraintPoint | |
CSSNamedSelSetList | |
CSSParticle | |
CSSParticleCache | |
CStack< T > | A simple stack implementation |
CStack< HMENU > | |
CStack< IMenu * > | |
CStatistics | |
CStrip | Graphics Strip Class |
CStripData | |
CSubObjAxisCallback | |
CSubObjHitList | This class describes a list of sub-object hit records |
CSubPatchHitList | |
CSubShapeHitList | Class SubShapeHitList |
CSurfTabEntry | |
CSuspendAll | Suspends various system states in an exception safe manner |
CSvGraphNodeReference | A small container type class that associates graph nodes with traversal status |
CTab< T > | Generic container class |
CTab< AColor * > | |
CTab< ActionItem * > | |
CTab< AdjFace > | |
CTab< AngAxis * > | |
►CTab< AnimProperty * > | |
CAnimPropertyList | |
CTab< AppDataChunk * > | |
CTab< AvailableFont * > | |
CTab< BaseInterface * > | |
CTab< BezFontDll * > | |
CTab< BitArray * > | |
CTab< BOOL > | |
CTab< bool > | |
CTab< Box3 * > | |
CTab< BYTE > | |
CTab< CacheClass > | |
CTab< Candidate * > | |
CTab< char > | |
CTab< CharStream * > | |
CTab< Class_ID > | |
CTab< ClassDesc * > | |
CTab< ClassEntry * > | |
CTab< CollisionObject * > | |
CTab< Color * > | |
►CTab< const MCHAR * > | |
CNameTab | This class is used to store a table of names |
CURLTab | |
CTab< const MCHAR > | |
CTab< Control * > | |
CTab< double > | |
CTab< DropClipFormat * > | |
►CTab< DWORD > | |
CTab< EdgeBondage > | |
CTab< FaceChange > | |
CTab< FaceCreate > | |
CTab< FaceRemap > | |
CTab< FaceSmooth > | |
CTab< FileDropType * > | |
CTab< float > | |
CTab< ForceField * > | |
CTab< FPEnum * > | |
CTab< FPEnum::enum_code > | |
CTab< FPFunctionDef * > | |
CTab< FPInterface * > | |
CTab< FPInterfaceDesc * > | |
CTab< FPParamDef * > | |
CTab< FPPropDef * > | |
CTab< FPValue * > | |
CTab< GFX_MESH::GFX_MESH::HWTupleMesh * > | |
CTab< GFX_MESH::HWIndexBuffer * > | |
CTab< HMENU > | |
CTab< HookPoint > | |
CTab< HWND > | |
CTab< IGameModifier * > | |
CTab< IMenu * > | |
►CTab< INode * > | |
CINodeTab | Class representing a dynamic array of INodes |
CTab< Inst > | |
►CTab< int > | |
CNumList | |
CTab< INT64 > | |
CTab< INT_PTR > | |
CTab< Interface_ID > | |
CTab< InterfaceNotifyCallback * > | |
CTab< InterpolationData * > | |
CTab< Interval * > | |
CTab< IObject * > | |
CTab< IParamMap2 * > | |
CTab< IPoint2 > | |
CTab< ManipulatorGizmo * > | |
CTab< MapID > | |
CTab< MapInterpolationData * > | |
CTab< Matrix3 * > | |
CTab< Matrix3 > | |
CTab< MEdge > | |
CTab< Mesh * > | |
►CTab< ModContext * > | |
CModContextList | A modifier may be applied to several objects in the scene |
CTab< Mtl * > | |
►CTab< MtlBaseHandle > | |
►CMtlBaseList | Simple list of MtlBase |
CMtlBaseLib | |
►CTab< MtlHandle > | |
►CMtlList | |
CMtlLib | |
►CTab< MZPExtraction * > | |
CTabMZPExtraction | |
►CTab< NoteKey * > | |
CNoteKeyTab | |
CTab< NURBSFuseCurveCV > | |
CTab< NURBSFuseSurfaceCV > | |
CTab< NURBSId > | |
CTab< NURBSObject * > | |
CTab< NURBSTextureChannel * > | |
CTab< Object * > | |
CTab< OpenBezFont * > | |
CTab< ParamBlockDesc2 * > | |
CTab< ParamBlockDesc2::map_spec > | |
CTab< PatchTVert * > | |
CTab< PBBitmap * > | |
CTab< PEventUser > | |
CTab< POINT * > | |
CTab< Point2 * > | |
CTab< Point3 * > | |
CTab< Point3 > | |
CTab< Point4 * > | |
CTab< PRightClickMenu > | |
CTab< Quat * > | |
CTab< RandGenerator * > | |
CTab< Ray * > | |
CTab< RCMData > | |
CTab< ReferenceTarget * > | |
CTab< ReferenceTarget > | |
CTab< Rollout * > | |
CTab< rollout_control > | |
CTab< RolloutControl * > | |
CTab< ShapePSel * > | |
CTab< ShapeSSel * > | |
CTab< ShapeVSel * > | |
CTab< size_t > | |
CTab< SpringClass > | |
CTab< T * > | |
CTab< Tab< float > * > | |
CTab< Tab< int > * > | |
CTab< Texmap * > | |
CTab< TimeValue > | |
►CTab< tooltabentry * > | |
CToolTab | |
CTab< TriFaceData * > | |
CTab< TriStrip * > | |
CTab< TVFace > | |
CTab< TVPatch * > | |
CTab< ULONG > | |
CTab< unsigned int > | |
CTab< UVVertSet > | |
CTab< Value * > | |
CTab< VertexNormalsCallback * > | |
CTab< VertMove > | |
CTab< void * > | |
CTab< WORD > | |
CTab< WStr * > | |
►CTab< XMLAnimTreeEntry * > | |
CXMLAnimTreeEntryList | The list of XMLAnimTreeEntry tracks, that will then be loaded onto, or saved out, or put into the mixer |
CTab< XTCContainer * > | |
CTabDialogPointer | |
CTabHd< T > | |
CTabHd< AColor * > | |
CTabHd< ActionItem * > | |
CTabHd< AdjFace > | |
CTabHd< AngAxis * > | |
CTabHd< AnimProperty * > | |
CTabHd< AppDataChunk * > | |
CTabHd< AvailableFont * > | |
CTabHd< BaseInterface * > | |
CTabHd< BezFontDll * > | |
CTabHd< BitArray * > | |
CTabHd< BOOL > | |
CTabHd< bool > | |
CTabHd< Box3 * > | |
CTabHd< BYTE > | |
CTabHd< CacheClass > | |
CTabHd< Candidate * > | |
CTabHd< char > | |
CTabHd< CharStream * > | |
CTabHd< Class_ID > | |
CTabHd< ClassDesc * > | |
CTabHd< ClassEntry * > | |
CTabHd< CollisionObject * > | |
CTabHd< Color * > | |
CTabHd< const MCHAR * > | |
CTabHd< const MCHAR > | |
CTabHd< Control * > | |
CTabHd< double > | |
CTabHd< DropClipFormat * > | |
CTabHd< DWORD > | |
CTabHd< EdgeBondage > | |
CTabHd< FaceChange > | |
CTabHd< FaceCreate > | |
CTabHd< FaceRemap > | |
CTabHd< FaceSmooth > | |
CTabHd< FileDropType * > | |
CTabHd< float > | |
CTabHd< ForceField * > | |
CTabHd< FPEnum * > | |
CTabHd< FPEnum::enum_code > | |
CTabHd< FPFunctionDef * > | |
CTabHd< FPInterface * > | |
CTabHd< FPInterfaceDesc * > | |
CTabHd< FPParamDef * > | |
CTabHd< FPPropDef * > | |
CTabHd< FPValue * > | |
CTabHd< GFX_MESH::GFX_MESH::HWTupleMesh * > | |
CTabHd< GFX_MESH::HWIndexBuffer * > | |
CTabHd< HMENU > | |
CTabHd< HookPoint > | |
CTabHd< HWND > | |
CTabHd< IGameModifier * > | |
CTabHd< IMenu * > | |
CTabHd< INode * > | |
CTabHd< Inst > | |
CTabHd< int > | |
CTabHd< INT64 > | |
CTabHd< INT_PTR > | |
CTabHd< Interface_ID > | |
CTabHd< InterfaceNotifyCallback * > | |
CTabHd< InterpolationData * > | |
CTabHd< Interval * > | |
CTabHd< IObject * > | |
CTabHd< IParamMap2 * > | |
CTabHd< IPoint2 > | |
CTabHd< ManipulatorGizmo * > | |
CTabHd< MapID > | |
CTabHd< MapInterpolationData * > | |
CTabHd< Matrix3 * > | |
CTabHd< Matrix3 > | |
CTabHd< MEdge > | |
CTabHd< Mesh * > | |
CTabHd< ModContext * > | |
CTabHd< Mtl * > | |
CTabHd< MtlBaseHandle > | |
CTabHd< MtlHandle > | |
CTabHd< MZPExtraction * > | |
CTabHd< NoteKey * > | |
CTabHd< NURBSFuseCurveCV > | |
CTabHd< NURBSFuseSurfaceCV > | |
CTabHd< NURBSId > | |
CTabHd< NURBSObject * > | |
CTabHd< NURBSTextureChannel * > | |
CTabHd< Object * > | |
CTabHd< OpenBezFont * > | |
CTabHd< ParamBlockDesc2 * > | |
CTabHd< ParamBlockDesc2::map_spec > | |
CTabHd< PatchTVert * > | |
CTabHd< PBBitmap * > | |
CTabHd< PEventUser > | |
CTabHd< POINT * > | |
CTabHd< Point2 * > | |
CTabHd< Point3 * > | |
CTabHd< Point3 > | |
CTabHd< Point4 * > | |
CTabHd< PRightClickMenu > | |
CTabHd< Quat * > | |
CTabHd< RandGenerator * > | |
CTabHd< Ray * > | |
CTabHd< RCMData > | |
CTabHd< ReferenceTarget * > | |
CTabHd< ReferenceTarget > | |
CTabHd< Rollout * > | |
CTabHd< rollout_control > | |
CTabHd< RolloutControl * > | |
CTabHd< ShapePSel * > | |
CTabHd< ShapeSSel * > | |
CTabHd< ShapeVSel * > | |
CTabHd< size_t > | |
CTabHd< SpringClass > | |
CTabHd< T * > | |
CTabHd< Tab< float > * > | |
CTabHd< Tab< int > * > | |
CTabHd< Texmap * > | |
CTabHd< TimeValue > | |
CTabHd< tooltabentry * > | |
CTabHd< TriFaceData * > | |
CTabHd< TriStrip * > | |
CTabHd< TVFace > | |
CTabHd< TVPatch * > | |
CTabHd< ULONG > | |
CTabHd< unsigned int > | |
CTabHd< UVVertSet > | |
CTabHd< Value * > | |
CTabHd< VertexNormalsCallback * > | |
CTabHd< VertMove > | |
CTabHd< void * > | |
CTabHd< WORD > | |
CTabHd< WStr * > | |
CTabHd< XMLAnimTreeEntry * > | |
CTabHd< XTCContainer * > | |
CTabHdr | |
CTangentBasis | |
CTCBGraphParams | |
CTemplate | |
CTemplate3D | |
CTempStore | |
CTessApprox | |
CTexHandle | |
►CTexHandleMaker | |
►CDisplayTextureHelper | Used for creating texture handles (TexHandle) and updating texture data managed by the viewport display system |
CDisplayTextureHelperExt | DisplayTextureHelperExt extends DisplayTextureHelper to support more textures Used for creating stage texture handles (TexHandle) and updating texture data managed by the viewport display system |
CMtlMakerCallback | |
CTextBufferOutput | |
►CTimeChangeCallback | |
CRolloutChangeCallback | |
CTimeChange | |
CTimeMap | |
CTMComponentsArg | |
CToneOperator2::ThreadedProcessor | Enables processing a tone operator independently of class ToneOperator, for example in a multi-threaded manner |
►CToolItem | |
CToolButtonItem | This class describes the properties of a 3ds Max custom toolbar button |
CToolMacroItem | |
CToolOtherItem | |
CToolSeparatorItem | |
CToolStatusItem | |
Ctooltabentry | |
CToolTipExtender | Internal use only. Hidden internal implementation for ToolTipExtender |
►CTrackClipObject | |
CNoteKeyClipObject | |
CTrackHitRecord | |
CTrackViewPick | |
CTranInfo | |
►CTransformer | |
CMoveTransformer | |
CRotateTransformer | |
CScaleTransformer | |
CSSChamferTransformer | |
CSSFilletTransformer | |
CSSOutlineTransformer | |
CSSSegBreakTransformer | |
CTransition | |
CTriStrip | |
CTVFace | This class is used for texture faces as well as vertex colors |
►CTVNodeNotify | |
CUndoNotify | |
CTVPatch | |
CUTF8Str | |
CUtilityObj | |
CUVVertSet | This class represents the notion of a mesh edit UVW vertex assignment |
►CUVWMapper | |
CUVWMapperDesc | |
CValueHolderMember | |
CVDataDelta | |
Cvector | |
CVEdge | |
CVertexBuffer | A vertex buffer, containing a Point3 and color |
CVertexNormalsCallback | |
CVertexNormalsControl | |
CVertexShaderCache | |
CVertMove | This class represents the notion of a mesh edit vertex move |
CViewFile | Class ViewFile |
CViewWindowMetaData | Meta data of ViewWindow class; it contains the description of how the window is created |
CWeekSchedule | Used by the Network Rendering API to store weekly scheduling information |
CWireMeshData | |
CWStr | |
CXFormModes | This class contains a set of six command mode pointers that make up the XForm modes |
CXTCContainer | This class represents a container class for XTCObjects |
Cz_stream_s | |
CMAXScript_TLS | |
►CMAXScriptException | |
CAccessorError | |
CArgCountError | |
CAssignToConstError | |
►CCompileError | |
CSyntaxError | |
CConversionError | |
CDebuggerRuntimeError | |
CFunctionReturn | |
CIncompatibleTypes | |
CLoopContinue | |
CLoopExit | |
CNoMethodError | |
CRuntimeError | |
CSignalException | |
CTypeError | |
CUnknownSystemException | |
CUserThrownError | |
CMAXScriptPrefs | |
Cmbm_window | |
Cmessage_box_data | |
►CMSPlugin | |
CMSCustAttrib | |
►CMSPluginClass | |
CMSCustAttribDef | |
CMXS_Editor_Interface | |
Cmxs_notify_ref_data | |
Cmxs_value_id_pair | |
►CMXSEditor_Interface | |
CMXSEditor_Interface2 | |
CMZPExtraction | |
CParamBlockDesc | |
CParamBlockDescID | |
CIPhysicalCameraToneOperator::Parameters | The set of parameters used by the Physical Camera Exposure Control |
CParamRef | |
Cparm_desc | |
CPB2Param | |
Cproperty_accessors | |
►CRECT | |
CBox2 | |
CRectangleSize | Struct that defines the width and height of one rectangle |
►CRefObjectType | |
CSafeReferenceObjectProxy< RefObjectType > | This class is internally used for preventing the AddRef and Release of a pointer returned by RefPtr::operator -> from being called |
CRenderNodeIterator | RenderNodeIterator is the iterator class to iterate all render nodes in the current render world |
CIPhysicalCamera_BitmapApertureSampler::RGBValue | A simple RGB color value. the Max SDK's Color class couldn't be used since we want to remain independent from the rest of the Max SDK |
Crollout_control | |
CScriptEditor | |
Csecondary | |
CSelectionIterator | |
CIMRPhysicalSkyEnvironmentMap2::ShadingParameters | |
CSinglePointerDestructor< Type > | DestructorPolicy template for pointer to single object types |
Csrc_info | |
CStaticAssert< bool > | An assert that works at compile time |
CStaticAssert< true > | |
CStringConverter< char_type > | |
Csuperclass_table | |
►CT | |
CIFFDMod< T > | |
CTempBitmapManagerSilentMode | |
CTempQuietMode | |
CUserCoord | A User definable Coordinate System |
CUserGeneric | |
CUserProp | |
CUVTangentVectors | Return value of ComputeUVTangents() |
CValueLoadCallback | |
CValueLoader | |
CValueMapper |