Here are the various surface component shaders currently implemented in the layering package:
The specular reflection component provides mirror-like reflection. It is similar to the mia_material reflection shading when that glossiness is set to 1. It also relates to the specular elemental BSDF used in MDL.
These are the parameters:
- tint
- is the reflection color.
- use_max_dist
- enables limiting of ray lengths. By turning this on and setting a nonzero max_dist, the actual distance reflection rays are shot can be limited (for performance or effect). These rays fade either to the environment color (when use_max_dist_color is off) or the supplied max_dist_color (if it is on).
- "mila use max dist inside" on/off (string option)
- Use the above option only when reflecting internally inside of transmissive objects like glass. This is useful for correct color in colored glass. Typically, matching this to the same setting for the color in the transmissive component.
Glossy Transmission Component
Implemented as basically the same as the mia_material refractive part - as before, the Architectural library documentation will fill in any gaps.
"mila_glossy_transmission" (
color "tint" default 1 1 1,
scalar "roughness" default 0.0, #: min 0.0 max 1.0
scalar "quality" default 1.0, #: min 0.0 softmax 2.0
scalar "ior" default 1.2,
scalar "anisotropy" default 1.0,
scalar "aniso_angle" default 0,
integer "aniso_channel" default -1,
boolean "use_max_dist" default off,
scalar "max_dist" default 0.0,
boolean "use_max_dist_color" default off,
color "max_dist_color" default 0 0 0,
scalar "direct" default 1.0,
scalar "indirect" default 1.0
- tint
- is the color applied to the transmission/refraction at the surface (which is a simplistic way to model coloration of transparent objects - more on this below).
- roughness
- is the roughness of the material causing the transmission, ranging from 0.0 (flat mirror-like transmission) to 1.0 (diffuse).
- quality
- controls the number of rays used for a glossy transmission. The ray count adjusts based on roughness and the importance of the component relative to all the components, combined with ray importance. This local shader value is also multiplied by the global "mila glossy quality" string option, so all glossy shaders in a scene can be affected with a single control.
- ior
- is the index of refraction of the surface. If rays are travelling from the inside to the outside of the object (as defined by the normal vector), and the thin_walled parameter of the containing mila_material is notset, the inverse of this value is used.
- anisotropy
- is 1.0 for isotropic refractions. The actual value is the ratio of U spread to V spread of the refraction lobe, meaning, both values above and below 1.0 are valid, i.e. it is the "U vector scale factor" of refractions.
- aniso_angle
- defines the rotation of the anisotropy in the UV space, and aniso_channel defines from which texture mapping channel the U and V directions are derived. If set to -1, a default canonical direction based on object space is computed (does NOT relate to any of the texture coordinate spaces).
- use_max_dist
enables limiting of ray lengths. By turning this on and setting a nonzero max_dist, the actual distance refraction rays are shot can be limited (for performance or effect), or proper volume attenuation effects can be modelled.
When use_max_dist_color is off, the refraction rays fade to black (and then stop completely, improving performance). If use_max_dist_color is on, rays fade to the max_dist_color over the max_dist, being properly exponentially attenuated, such that at two times max_dist they are twice as attenuated and so on, like travelling through an absorbing medium. This is a much more realistic way to model colored refraction than changing the color at the surface. This is discussed in detail in the mia_material documentation.
- "mila propagate alpha" on/off default on for mila_transparency (string option)
- when on passes the alpha of the background through the transparency. This can be useful in some cases, however, in most use cases for composition, what one really wants to do is to replace the mila_glossy_transmission with a mila_transparency instead, which implicitly always passes alpha (as well as all other framebuffers) through.
Left: Specular (glossiness=1.0).
Center: Glossy and Surface Coloration
Right: With volume attenuation
Specular Transmission Component
Implemented as basically the same as the mia_material refractive part - as before, the Architectural library documentation will fill in any gaps.
"mila_specular_transmission" (
color "tint" default 1 1 1,
scalar "ior" default 1.2,
boolean "use_max_dist" default off,
scalar "max_dist" default 0.0,
boolean "use_max_dist_color" default off,
color "max_dist_color" default 0 0 0,
scalar "direct" default 1.0,
scalar "indirect" default 1.0
- tint
- is the color applied to the transmission/refraction at the surface (which is a simplistic way to model coloration of transparent objects - more on this below).
- ior
- is the index of refraction of the surface. If rays are travelling from the inside to the outside of the object (as defined by the normal vector), and the thin_walled parameter of the containing mila_material is notset, the inverse of this value is used.
- use_max_dist
enables limiting of ray lengths. By turning this on and setting a nonzero max_dist, the actual distance refraction rays are shot can be limited (for performance or effect), or proper volume attenuation effects can be modelled.
When use_max_dist_color is off, the refraction rays fade to black (and then stop completely, improving performance). If use_max_dist_color is on, rays fade to the max_dist_color over the max_dist, being properly exponentially attenuated, such that at two times max_dist they are twice as attenuated and so on, like travelling through an absorbing medium. This is a much more realistic way to model colored refraction than changing the color at the surface. This is discussed in detail in the mia_material documentation.
Transparency Component
Transparency (not refraction, but "straight through" transparency)
"mila_transparency" (
color "transparency" default 1 1 1
- transparency
- the transparency of the surface, typically used with thin-walled when the reflective layer on top of it uses a fresnel directionally-dependent weight. That models a thin glass type of surface. It does not make physical sense to have transparency, ie straight through rays, for non-thin-walled objects, when mixed with a fresnel outer layer, because that would be an inconsistent material index of refraction. On the other hand, with thin-walled, the inside of the material would be considered to have an ior = 1.0, and therefore transparency would be an effective replacement for specular transmission.
Transparency vs. Tranmission/Refraction
It is important to understand the conceptual difference of transparency and refraction in the layering shaders.
Transparency always goes straight through, does not refract, and may propagate the framebuffer components of the objects behind it, depending on the Light Path Expression passes specified, and available.
Transmission rays,typically with index of refraction not equal to one, will bend and may have separate light path interactions available.
There is also a very important technical difference in that while transmission is implemented by the actual mila_glossy_transmission shader, transparency is implemented by the mila_material (root) node (as discussed on the framebuffers page), and is really propagated around the shade tree as meta-information.
This, however, matters little to the end user. From an end-user perspective, the important difference is that transparency is used for any time you want rays to go straight through, which can be used for:
- modelling 'thin walled' shading effects that do not involve refraction
- use as cutout feature, typically under another layer.If the cutout is top level, better to use the "visibility" opacity-type input on the mila_material.
For example, creating a solid glass sphere means applying a fresnel-weighted specular reflection component layered on top of a refracting specular transmission component. To create an "empty" glass sphere (think helicopter canopy or soap-bubble), apply a similar fresnel-weighed reflection component on top of a transparent component. The distinction between these two are similar to using the thin_walled parameter in mia_material

Left: Completely transparent (and you can't see it).
Center: Texture-mapped transparency used as a cutout
Right: Using transparency for
thin-walled effects
Diffuse Transmission (Translucency) Component
Implemented as basically the same as the mia_material translucency
"mila_diffuse_transmission" (
color "tint" default 1 1 1,
scalar "roughness" default 0,
scalar "quality" default 1.0, #: min 0 softmax 2.0
scalar "direct" default 1.0,
scalar "indirect" default 1.0
This is a very simple shader which only does diffuse transmission on a face,
and is hence only really useful on "thin" geometry, allowing light from the
backside to shine through.
- tint
- is the amount of diffuse light coming from the back side to the front side of the surface
- indirect
- is the percent of that which is indirect light (normally 1.0)
Translucency (quad object only): Simple diffuse transmission
Emission Component
Allows an additional color to be added to the shading, as if the surface was emissive
"mila_emission" (
color "tint" default 1 1 1,
scalar "intensity" default 10
This is a very simple shader which only adds a constant value - but in a combinable fashion.
Beyond that is does nothing complex, and any "emitted" light will only be picked up if FG is on.
- color
- is the color of the emitted (added) light.
- intensity
- is the intensity.
Emission example.
Left: Emission only
Center: Emission on top, emitting in a grid
Right: Emission on the lowest level, seeping through cracks. Like an exploding planet, perhaps.
Subsurface Scattering Component
This is a new implementation of sub-surface scattering, similar in the rendered appearance to the misss_fast_shader2
but without the use of lightmapping.
The use of lightmapping in the old SSS shaders has become an issue for several reasons:
- First, lightmapping requires the use of a lightmapping shader and a surface shader
that talks to eachother. These shaders must be set up properly and be given a writeable
texture to communicate over. This is difficult and error prone, and makes it difficult
to set up layering with the old SSS shaders.
- Secondly, lightmapping is often - due to it's implementation in mental ray - single threaded.
In today's multi-core world, this is suboptimal - one does not want to see only one core busily
working away generating the lightmap.
This subsurface scattering (SSS) shader uses a "lazy evaluation" technique, where light is stored (cached) temporarily in a refillable buffer accessible to all cores at rendering time. So even in cases where the same light needs to be computed twice (due to buffer size overruns), it can be done in parallel on multiple cores.
So while the old SSS shaders with the precomputed lightmap may potentially be faster after the lightmap
had been computed, these new SSS shaders (which compute the same information on-the-fly) often win overall, since
all the cores can be used properly.
Due to this, all parameters live on a single shaders, rather than being split up into the lightmapping and shading phase, as was done with the old misss_fast* shaders.
In most cases, this shader is the preferred way to do SSS now, and one should generally migrate away
from the old misss_fast* shader set if one wants to do efficient layering, and especially for
skin rendering. More on this in the tutorial page.
"mila_scatter" (
color "front_tint" default 1.0 1.0 1.0,
scalar "front_weight" default 1.0,
vector "front_radius" default 20 10 5,
color "front_radius_mod" default 1 1 1,
color "back_tint" default 1.0 1.0 1.0,
scalar "back_weight" default 1.0,
vector "back_radius" default 20 10 5,
color "back_radius_mod" default 1 1 1,
scalar "back_depth", # unassigned (zero) means "same as radius"
scalar "sampling_radius_mult" default 2.0,
scalar "light_storage_gamma" default 0.75,
scalar "scale_conversion" default 1.0,
integer "resolution" default 2,
scalar "quality" default 1.0,
scalar "direct" default 1.0,
scalar "indirect" default 1.0
The new shader still uses the same division into "front" and "back" as the old misss_fast* shaders (see
the manual for the "subsurface" library for more information about "front" vs. "back"). However, in most day-to-day cases, one would set these to the same values, since the colorization of the scattering is now done
with the per-color scatter radii, so that red automatically scatters further, for example. This means that rather than making the "back" scattering red manually, this happens by itself.<&p>
This also means that the shader still inherently work in a screen based coordinate space.
And while the new parameters are much closer to how "physical" scattering works, the shader is still a bit of a "trick" and
does not claim to be absolutely physically accurate - rather to be extremely visually convincing.
These are the parameters:
- front_tint
- are the color and weight (amount) of "front" scattering. The value for weight is generally left at 1.0 since you would usually control amounts in the containing mila_layer instead
- front_radius
- is a vector with three different radii, for the red, green and blue light
respectively. Generally, red scatters the most, green less, and blue very
little. Note, that the falloff is exponential and has no hard stop (unlike
the old misss_fast_shader shader), so the value set here is the distance
at which the light has diminished to 10 precent of its original intensity,
NOT where the intensity is zero.
- front_radius_mod
- is a color parameter allowing the modification of the scatter radii. This exists to ease applying a texture map for changing the scatter radii across the surface; the texture can vary within a normal black-to-white range, which is multiplied by the values set in the front_radius parameters.
- back_tint
- work identically to their front_* counterparts. The only difference is that there is a back_depth parameter that defines how "deep" the scattering goes. By default it is 0.0 and means the scattering is uniform (reaches the same distance both in depth and side-to-side)
- sampling_radius_mult
- is a multiplier for the largest radii set in either of the front_radius and back_radius for within which any samples are actually taken. So if the largest of any these radii is e.g. 10 units, setting this parameter to 2.0 will cause samples to actually be taken within 20 units distance, completely ignoring any light outside that radius. Setting this value too small, can yield a visible hard cutoff to the scattering. Setting it too large, and too many samples are wasted in far away samples with extremely small contribution; since the falloff is exponential, and the scattering radii parameters are defined as "distance until 10 percent contribution" the furthest samples would have a weight of 10 percent raised to the power of this parameter (2 = 1 percent, 3 = 0.1 percent, 4 = 0.01 percent etc)
- light_storage_gamma
- is applied to the diffuse angular distribution (normally a Lambertian cosine) before the light is stored by the shader. Generally this is a value slightly lower than one, which is a power to which the cosine function is raised. A cosine raised to a power less than one will "flatten" it out and make the bulge "wider", spreading out the light more, and helps the apparent simulation of the scattering. The default value is 0.75. When using the old misss_fast... shaders, this is equivalent to the gamma value used in the misss_lambert_gamma shader.
- scale_conversion
- is a divider applied on the given radii measurements, to map the values given to actual scene units. So setting e.g. the front_radius to 10,5,2 and scale_conversion to 10 makes the effective radii used 1, 0.5, 0.2
- indirect
- is a multiplier applied to any indirect light reaching the shader
- resolution
- defines the actual resolution of the light storage. The storage is done roughly in screen space, and 1 means "same resolution as render", 2 means "half resolution", 3 means "third resolution" etc, with 0 the special case meaning "double resolution". The default is 2 (half resolution) and is often plenty. New in 3.13, the special value of -1, means brute force calculation each intersection without interpolation from previously stored values. It is useful for extreme close-ups.
- quality/"mila scatter quality" (string option)
- controls the number of samples taken in the map of stored light values. Prefer to use the global string option over the local quality. May also be affected by trace depth and other considerations, for better optimization. Also note, that the impact of the sampling_radius_mult
parameter is huge, and should probably not be turned up in many cases ...
the default value of 2 will take samples out at twice the maximum radius distance, front or back, as to where the filter weight is 1%.

Left: SSS only.
Center: SSS + diffuse (to see bumps)
Right: SSS + Diffuse + Reflection