
#ifndef _assemblyReference_h_
#define _assemblyReference_h_
// AssemblyReference
// Autodesk reference implementation scene assembly reference node.
// Assembly references use assembly definitions to provide them with
// their list of representations, and representation attributes. This
// allows a single assembly definition to be used by many assembly
// reference nodes, with a change in representations in the assembly
// definition being reflected in all assembly references that refer to
// it. Fundamentally, multiple assembly references of the same
// assembly definition can be thought of logically "instancing" the
// assembly definition multiple times (though this mechanism is
// different from Maya DAG instancing). See AssemblyDefinition for
// more details.
// Assembly references cannot add or remove representations from the
// list given to them by their assembly definition.
// When an assembly definition file path is set onto an assembly reference,
// the assembly reference will automatically call its own postLoad() method
// to initialize itself.
#include "assemblyDefinition.h"
#include "assemblyDefinitionFileCache.h"
class assemblyReferenceInitialRep;
class AssemblyReference : public AssemblyDefinition
/*----- static member functions -----*/
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
static MStatus uninitialize();
static const MTypeId id;
static const MString typeName;
/*----- member functions -----*/
// See base class. Only getExternalContent is overridden: no need to
// override setExternalContent as it already does the right thing, which is
// to assume keys are plug names.
virtual void getExternalContent( MExternalContentInfoTable& table ) const;
virtual void setExternalContent(
// Returns failure: can't create representations through an
// assembly reference.
virtual MString createRepresentation(
const MString& input,
const MString& type,
const MString& representation,
MDagModifier* undoRedo,
MStatus* status
// Representation creation query for existing assemblies. Since
// assembly references cannot create representations, returns an
// empty array.
virtual MStringArray repTypes() const;
// MPxAssembly overrides. The representation namespace is stored in
// our representation namespace attribute.
virtual MString getRepNamespace() const;
virtual void updateRepNamespace(const MString& repNamespace);
// Returns failure: can't delete representations through an
// assembly reference.
virtual MStatus deleteRepresentation(const MString& representation);
virtual MStatus deleteAllRepresentations();
virtual bool supportsEdits() const;
/*----- types and enumerations ----*/
typedef AssemblyDefinition BaseNode;
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Listen to writes to our definition file attribute.
virtual bool setInternalValueInContext(
const MPlug& plug, const MDataHandle& dataHandle, MDGContext& ctx);
// Invoked when an assembly reference node is duplicated.
virtual void copyInternalData(MPxNode* srcNode);
// Called to perform any processing before the assembly is saved.
// The beforeSave() in this class saves the state of the active
// representations for all subassemblies in an attribute on the
// assembly node (these will be read back and used as the initial
// representation when the assembly is next loaded)
void beforeSave();
// Called to initialize node with file path of assembly definition file.
// The postLoad() initialization in this class does the following:
// 1) Clear the existing representation list of the assembly reference.
// 2) Import the assembly definition file as a member of the assembly
// reference, and look for an assembly definition inside it. If there
// is none, or more than one, an error is reported.
// 3) Copy the list of representations from the assembly definition
// node to the assembly reference.
// 4) Delete the assembly definition node.
// 5) Activate the initial representation
void postLoad();
// Called on top level assemblies, to determine the initial representation
// for the assembly specified
virtual MString getInitialRep(const MObject &assembly, bool& hasInitialRep, MStatus* status = NULL) const;
// Return the name of the default icon for the node.
virtual MString getDefaultIcon() const;
// Return the name of the definition file for this assembly reference.
MString getDefinitionFile() const;
// Error handler when assembly definition error occurs. Display
// the error string corresponding to the argument id, and clear the
// container.
void definitionError(const MStringResourceId& id);
// Prohibited and unimplemented.
AssemblyReference(const AssemblyReference& obj);
const AssemblyReference& operator=(const AssemblyReference& obj);
/*----- static data members -----*/
// File path to assembly definition file.
static MObject aDefnFile;
// String attribute for the assembly's representation namespace.
static MObject aRepNamespace;
// Array of compound attributes describing the representations.
static MObject aRepresentations;
// Representation name.
static MObject aRepName;
// String attribute for the representation label.
static MObject aRepLabel;
// String attribute for the representation type.
static MObject aRepType;
// String attribute for the representation data.
static MObject aRepData;
// String attribute for the assembly's initial representation configuration
static MObject aInitialRep;
/*----- data members -----*/
// Definition file transiently set in setInternalValueInContext().
MString fDefnFile;
// Use the definition file from the plug attribute if true, otherwise
// use definition file from fDefnFile.
bool fUseDefnFileAttrib;
// Pointer to an entry in the assembly definition file cache. This
// keeps the entry alive in case another assembly reference node
// refers to the same definition file.
AssemblyDefinitionFileCache::EntryPtr fDefnFileCacheEntry;
// Initial representation information, transiently set in postLoad
assemblyReferenceInitialRep *fInitialRep;
// Used to tell if we're in the process of updating the rep namespace.
// Used to distinguish between cases where the NS change was initiated
// by Maya or via the NS editor (so fUpdatingRepNamespace == true)
// and when the repNamespace attribute was edited directly
// (fUpdatingRepNamespace == false).
bool fUpdatingRepNamespace;
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.