From the Results page of the Analyze Gravity Network wizard, you can output a .csv file which contains the results of the gravity network analysis.
The report is output in a format that is generally similar to computation sheets in the Urban Drainage Design Manual, Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 22 (HEC-22), Third Edition, published by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. For more information about the data, see
The first set of rows in the table generally follows the data format of HEC-22 Figure 7-8, the storm drain computation sheet. This section is included in the report if you selected Resize Pipes and Reset Inverts on the General page of the wizard.
The following data is included in this section of the report:
#Line | Pipe | From | To | Length | Drainage Area Inc | Drainage Area Total | Runoff Coeff "C" | "Area" X "C" Inc | "Area" X "C" Total | Time of Concentration Inlet | Time of Concentration System | Rain "I" | Runoff "Q" | Pipe Dia. | Full Q | Velocity Full | Velocity Design | Sec Time | Invert Elevation U/S | Invert Elevation D/S | Crown Drop | Slope |
The second set of rows in the table generally follows the data format of HEC-22 Figure 7-10, the energy grade line computation sheet - Table A. This section is included in the report if you selected Compute Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines on the General page of the wizard.
The following data is included in this section of the report:
#Line | Struct. ID | D | Q | L | V | d |
dc |
v2/2g |
EGLo |
HGLo |
Sf |
Total Pipe Loss |
EGLi |
HGLi |
Ea |
EGLa |
U/S TOC | Surface Elev. |
The third set of rows in the table generally follows the data format of HEC-22 Figure 7-11, the energy grade line computation sheet - Table B. This section is included in the report if you selected Compute Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines on the General page of the wizard.
The following data is included in this section of the report:
#Line | Struct. ID |
Exit Ho |
Hf |
Hb |
Hc |
He |
Hj |
Total |
Ei |
y+(P/γ) |
DI |
Eai |
CB |
Cθ |
Cp |
Ha |
Ea |
The fourth set of rows in the table generally follows the data format of HEC-22 Figure 4-19, the inlet spacing computation sheet. This section is included in the report if you selected either of the analysis options on the General page of the wizard.
The following data is included in this section of the report:
No. | Name | Stat. | Drain. Area A | Runoff Coeff. C | Time of Conc. | Rainfall Intens. |
Q=CIA/Kc |
Known Q | Total Q |
Long Slope SL |
Cross Slope Sx |
Cross Slope Sw |
Prev. Bypass Flow | Total Gutter Flow | Depth d | Grate Width | Gutter Width | Spread T | W/T | Inlet Type |
Intercept Flow Qi |
Bypass Flow Qb |
Bypass Structure | Remark |