Prepare the pipe network for flow rate analysis and sizing
Before analyzing and sizing the pipe network, you must first set up the pipe network and create catchments or determine the Known Q. For more information about prerequisites, see
About Analyzing and Sizing a Gravity Pipe Network.
To analyze and size a pipe network for specified rainfall data
Click the
Analyze tab Design panel Analyze Gravity NetworkFind.
Select the pipe network you want to analyze. You can select the network in the drawing or press Enter and select the pipe network from the Select Pipe Network dialog box.
After you select the pipe network, the
Analyze Gravity Network wizard is displayed.
Note: If the selected pipe network is data-referenced, the energy and hydraulic grade lines can be computed, but analysis results cannot be applied to the pipe network.
On the
General page, review and specify the following items:
Pipe network
Outfall part
Tailwater condition
Analysis types to run
Default Settings to use for structures, tributary areas, and pipes
On the
Rainfall page, specify the rainfall file and the Annual Exceedance Probability to use for the analysis.
On the
Structures page, specify settings and values for the structures.
Note: On the Structures, Tributary Areas, and Pipes pages, you can load the default settings into either all fields or all empty fields. A dash (---) indicates that a property is not applicable to the object type.
Note: To edit multiple rows in a column, hold down the Ctrl or Shift keys when selecting the rows and then keep the Shift key pressed when you click the column.
On the
Tributary Areas page, specify settings and values for the tributary areas.
Only inlet structures are displayed on this page. Catchments that have been created in the drawing for the inlets are shown as associated with the inlet structures. You can specify a Known Q for inlet structures which do not have catchments associated with them, or to include additional flow.
On the
Pipes page, specify settings and values for the pipes.
Click the Analyze button at the bottom of the wizard to process the analysis.
On the
Results page, you can review the results by saving them to a .csv file and previewing the changes in profile view, you can modify the results, and you can apply the results to the pipe network.