FBX C++ API Reference
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#include "DisplayPose.h"
void DisplayPose(FbxScene* pScene)
int i,j,k,lPoseCount;
FbxString lName;
lPoseCount = pScene->GetPoseCount();
for (i = 0; i < lPoseCount; i++)
FbxPose* lPose = pScene->GetPose(i);
lName = lPose->GetName();
DisplayString("Pose Name: ", lName.Buffer());
DisplayBool(" Is a bind pose: ", lPose->IsBindPose());
DisplayInt(" Number of items in the pose: ", lPose->GetCount());
for (j=0; j<lPose->GetCount(); j++)
lName = lPose->GetNodeName(j).GetCurrentName();
DisplayString(" Item name: ", lName.Buffer());
if (!lPose->IsBindPose())
// Rest pose can have local matrix
DisplayBool(" Is local space matrix: ", lPose->IsLocalMatrix(j));
DisplayString(" Matrix value: ","");
FbxString lMatrixValue;
for (k=0; k<4; k++)
FbxMatrix lMatrix = lPose->GetMatrix(j);
FbxVector4 lRow = lMatrix.GetRow(k);
char lRowValue[1024];
FBXSDK_sprintf(lRowValue, 1024, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n", lRow[0], lRow[1], lRow[2], lRow[3]);
lMatrixValue += FbxString(" ") + FbxString(lRowValue);
DisplayString("", lMatrixValue.Buffer());
lPoseCount = pScene->GetCharacterPoseCount();
for (i = 0; i < lPoseCount; i++)
FbxCharacterPose* lPose = pScene->GetCharacterPose(i);
FbxCharacter* lCharacter = lPose->GetCharacter();
if (!lCharacter) break;
DisplayString("Character Pose Name: ", lCharacter->GetName());
FbxCharacterLink lCharacterLink;
while (lCharacter->GetCharacterLink(lNodeId, &lCharacterLink))
FbxAMatrix& lGlobalPosition = lCharacterLink.mNode->EvaluateGlobalTransform(FBXSDK_TIME_ZERO);
DisplayString(" Matrix value: ","");
FbxString lMatrixValue;
for (k=0; k<4; k++)
FbxVector4 lRow = lGlobalPosition.GetRow(k);
char lRowValue[1024];
FBXSDK_sprintf(lRowValue, 1024, "%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n", lRow[0], lRow[1], lRow[2], lRow[3]);
lMatrixValue += FbxString(" ") + FbxString(lRowValue);
DisplayString("", lMatrixValue.Buffer());
lNodeId = FbxCharacter::ENodeId(int(lNodeId) + 1);