FBX C++ API Reference
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// This file contains functions to:
// 1) find the current camera;
// 2) get the relevant settings of a camera depending on it's projection
// type and aperture mode;
// 3) compute the orientation of a camera.
#include <fbxsdk.h>
#include "GetPosition.h"
#include "GlFunctions.h"
#include "SetCamera.h"
#include "SceneContext.h"
#define HFOV2VFOV(h, ar) (2.0 * atan((ar) * tan( (h * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) * 0.5)) * FBXSDK_180_DIV_PI) //ar : aspectY / aspectX
#define VFOV2HFOV(v, ar) (2.0 * atan((ar) * tan( (v * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) * 0.5)) * FBXSDK_180_DIV_PI) //ar : aspectX / aspectY
FbxCamera* GetCurrentCamera(FbxScene* pScene,
FbxTime& pTime,
FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer,
const FbxArray<FbxNode*>& pCameraArray);
void GetCameraAnimatedParameters(FbxNode* pNode,
FbxTime& pTime,
FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer);
bool IsProducerCamera(FbxScene* pScene, FbxCamera* pCamera);
static double gsOrthoCameraScale = 178.0;
// Set the view to the current camera settings.
void SetCamera(FbxScene* pScene,
FbxTime& pTime,
FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer,
const FbxArray<FbxNode*>& pCameraArray,
int pWindowWidth, int pWindowHeight)
// Find the current camera at the given time.
FbxCamera* lCamera = GetCurrentCamera(pScene, pTime, pAnimLayer, pCameraArray);
if( lCamera == NULL)
FbxNode* lCameraNode = lCamera ? lCamera->GetNode() : NULL;
// Compute the camera position and direction.
FbxVector4 lEye(0,0,1);
FbxVector4 lCenter(0,0,0);
FbxVector4 lUp(0,1,0);
FbxVector4 lForward, lRight;
if (lCamera)
lEye = lCamera->Position.Get();
lUp = lCamera->UpVector.Get();
if (lCameraNode && lCameraNode->GetTarget())
lCenter = GetGlobalPosition(lCameraNode->GetTarget(), pTime).GetT();
if (!lCameraNode || IsProducerCamera(pScene, lCamera))
if (lCamera)
lCenter = lCamera->InterestPosition.Get();
// Get the direction
FbxAMatrix lGlobalRotation;
FbxVector4 lRotationVector(GetGlobalPosition(lCameraNode, pTime).GetR());
// Get the length
FbxVector4 lInterestPosition(lCamera->InterestPosition.Get());
FbxVector4 lCameraGlobalPosition(GetGlobalPosition(lCameraNode, pTime).GetT());
double lLength = (FbxVector4(lInterestPosition - lCameraGlobalPosition).Length());
// Set the center.
// A camera with rotation = {0,0,0} points to the X direction. So create a
// vector in the X direction, rotate that vector by the global rotation amount
// and then position the center by scaling and translating the resulting vector
lRotationVector = FbxVector4(1.0,0,0);
lCenter = lGlobalRotation.MultT(lRotationVector);
lCenter *= lLength;
lCenter += lEye;
// Update the default up vector with the camera rotation.
lRotationVector = FbxVector4(0,1.0,0);
lUp = lGlobalRotation.MultT(lRotationVector);
// Align the up vector.
lForward = lCenter - lEye;
lRight = lForward.CrossProduct(lUp);
lUp = lRight.CrossProduct(lForward);
// Rotate the up vector with the roll value.
double lRadians = 0;
if (lCamera)
lRadians = lCamera->Roll.Get() * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180;
lUp = lUp * cos( lRadians) + lRight * sin(lRadians);
double lNearPlane = 0.01;
if (lCamera)
lNearPlane = lCamera->GetNearPlane();
double lFarPlane = 4000.0;
if (lCamera)
lFarPlane = lCamera->GetFarPlane();
//Get global scaling.
FbxVector4 lCameraScaling = GetGlobalPosition(lCameraNode, pTime).GetS();
static const int FORWARD_SCALE = 2;
//scaling near plane and far plane
lNearPlane *= lCameraScaling[ FORWARD_SCALE];
lFarPlane *= lCameraScaling[ FORWARD_SCALE];
// Get the relevant camera settings for a perspective view.
if (lCamera && lCamera->ProjectionType.Get() == FbxCamera::ePerspective)
//get the aspect ratio
FbxCamera::EAspectRatioMode lCamAspectRatioMode = lCamera->GetAspectRatioMode();
double lAspectX = lCamera->AspectWidth.Get();
double lAspectY = lCamera->AspectHeight.Get();
double lAspectRatio = 1.333333;
switch( lCamAspectRatioMode)
lAspectRatio = lAspectX / lAspectY;
lAspectRatio = lAspectX;
lAspectRatio = lAspectX / lAspectY * lCamera->GetPixelRatio();
lAspectRatio = lCamera->GetPixelRatio() / lAspectY;
lAspectRatio = lCamera->GetPixelRatio() * lAspectX;
//get the aperture ratio
double lFilmHeight = lCamera->GetApertureHeight();
double lFilmWidth = lCamera->GetApertureWidth() * lCamera->GetSqueezeRatio();
//here we use Height : Width
double lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
//change the aspect ratio to Height : Width
lAspectRatio = 1 / lAspectRatio;
//revise the aspect ratio and aperture ratio
FbxCamera::EGateFit lCameraGateFit = lCamera->GateFit.Get();
switch( lCameraGateFit )
if( lApertureRatio > lAspectRatio) // the same as eHORIZONTAL_FIT
lFilmHeight = lFilmWidth * lAspectRatio;
lCamera->SetApertureHeight( lFilmHeight);
lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
else if( lApertureRatio < lAspectRatio) //the same as eVERTICAL_FIT
lFilmWidth = lFilmHeight / lAspectRatio;
lCamera->SetApertureWidth( lFilmWidth);
lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
lFilmWidth = lFilmHeight / lAspectRatio;
lCamera->SetApertureWidth( lFilmWidth);
lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
lFilmHeight = lFilmWidth * lAspectRatio;
lCamera->SetApertureHeight( lFilmHeight);
lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
lAspectRatio = lApertureRatio;
if( lFilmWidth > lFilmHeight)
lFilmHeight = lFilmWidth * lAspectRatio;
lFilmWidth = lFilmHeight / lAspectRatio;
lApertureRatio = lFilmHeight / lFilmWidth;
//change the aspect ratio to Width : Height
lAspectRatio = 1 / lAspectRatio;
double lFieldOfViewX = 0.0;
double lFieldOfViewY = 0.0;
lFieldOfViewY = lCamera->FieldOfView.Get();
lFieldOfViewX = VFOV2HFOV( lFieldOfViewY, 1 / lApertureRatio);
else if (lCamera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eHorizontal)
lFieldOfViewX = lCamera->FieldOfView.Get(); //get HFOV
lFieldOfViewY = HFOV2VFOV( lFieldOfViewX, lApertureRatio);
else if (lCamera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eFocalLength)
lFieldOfViewX = lCamera->ComputeFieldOfView(lCamera->FocalLength.Get()); //get HFOV
lFieldOfViewY = HFOV2VFOV( lFieldOfViewX, lApertureRatio);
else if (lCamera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eHorizAndVert) {
lFieldOfViewX = lCamera->FieldOfViewX.Get();
lFieldOfViewY = lCamera->FieldOfViewY.Get();
double lRealScreenRatio = (double)pWindowWidth / (double)pWindowHeight;
int lViewPortPosX = 0,
lViewPortPosY = 0,
lViewPortSizeX = pWindowWidth,
lViewPortSizeY = pWindowHeight;
//compute the view port
if( lRealScreenRatio > lAspectRatio)
lViewPortSizeY = pWindowHeight;
lViewPortSizeX = (int)( lViewPortSizeY * lAspectRatio);
lViewPortPosY = 0;
lViewPortPosX = (int)((pWindowWidth - lViewPortSizeX) * 0.5);
lViewPortSizeX = pWindowWidth;
lViewPortSizeY = (int)(lViewPortSizeX / lAspectRatio);
lViewPortPosX = 0;
lViewPortPosY = (int)((pWindowHeight - lViewPortSizeY) * 0.5);
//revise the Perspective since we have film offset
double lFilmOffsetX = lCamera->FilmOffsetX.Get();
double lFilmOffsetY = lCamera->FilmOffsetY.Get();
lFilmOffsetX = 0 - lFilmOffsetX / lFilmWidth * 2.0;
lFilmOffsetY = 0 - lFilmOffsetY / lFilmHeight * 2.0;
GlSetCameraPerspective( lFieldOfViewY, lAspectRatio, lNearPlane, lFarPlane, lEye, lCenter, lUp, lFilmOffsetX, lFilmOffsetY);
//double lTestPerpMatrix[ 16];
//glGetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, lTestPerpMatrix);
//lTestPerpMatrix[ 8] -= lFilmOffsetX;
//lTestPerpMatrix[ 9] -= lFilmOffsetY;
//glLoadMatrixd( lTestPerpMatrix);
glViewport( lViewPortPosX, lViewPortPosY, lViewPortSizeX, lViewPortSizeY);
// Get the relevant camera settings for an orthogonal view.
double lPixelRatio = 1.0;
if (lCamera)
lPixelRatio = lCamera->GetPixelRatio();
double lLeftPlane, lRightPlane, lBottomPlane, lTopPlane;
if(pWindowWidth < pWindowHeight)
lLeftPlane = -gsOrthoCameraScale * lPixelRatio;
lRightPlane = gsOrthoCameraScale * lPixelRatio;
lBottomPlane = -gsOrthoCameraScale * pWindowHeight / pWindowWidth;
lTopPlane = gsOrthoCameraScale * pWindowHeight / pWindowWidth;
pWindowWidth *= (int) lPixelRatio;
lLeftPlane = -gsOrthoCameraScale * pWindowWidth / pWindowHeight;
lRightPlane = gsOrthoCameraScale * pWindowWidth / pWindowHeight;
lBottomPlane = -gsOrthoCameraScale;
lTopPlane = gsOrthoCameraScale;
// Find the current camera at the given time.
FbxCamera* GetCurrentCamera(FbxScene* pScene,
FbxTime& pTime,
FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer,
const FbxArray<FbxNode*>& pCameraArray)
FbxGlobalSettings& lGlobalSettings = pScene->GetGlobalSettings();
FbxGlobalCameraSettings& lGlobalCameraSettings = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings();
FbxString lCurrentCameraName = lGlobalSettings.GetDefaultCamera();
// check if we need to create the Producer cameras!
if (lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective() == NULL &&
lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom() == NULL &&
lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop() == NULL &&
lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront() == NULL &&
lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack() == NULL &&
lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight() == NULL &&
lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft() == NULL)
if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) == 0)
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective();
else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_BOTTOM) == 0)
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom();
else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_TOP) == 0)
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop();
else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_FRONT) == 0)
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront();
else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_BACK) == 0)
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack();
else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_RIGHT) == 0)
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight();
else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_LEFT) == 0)
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft();
else if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(FBXSDK_CAMERA_SWITCHER) == 0)
FbxCameraSwitcher* lCameraSwitcher = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings().GetCameraSwitcher();
FbxAnimCurve* lCurve = NULL;
if (lCameraSwitcher)
lCurve = lCameraSwitcher->CameraIndex.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
int lCameraIndex = lCurve ? int(lCurve->Evaluate(pTime)) - 1 : 0;
if (lCameraIndex >= 0 && lCameraIndex < pCameraArray.GetCount())
FbxNode* lNode = pCameraArray[lCameraIndex];
// Get the animated parameters of the camera.
GetCameraAnimatedParameters(lNode, pTime, pAnimLayer);
return (FbxCamera*) lNode->GetNodeAttribute();
int i;
FbxNode* lNode = NULL;
// Find the camera in the camera array.
for (i = 0; i < pCameraArray.GetCount(); i++)
if (lCurrentCameraName.Compare(pCameraArray[i]->GetName()) == 0)
lNode = pCameraArray[i];
if (lNode)
// Get the animated parameters of the camera.
GetCameraAnimatedParameters(lNode, pTime, pAnimLayer);
return (FbxCamera*) lNode->GetNodeAttribute();
return lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective();
// Get the animated parameters of a camera contained in the scene
// and store them in the associated member variables contained in
// the camera.
void GetCameraAnimatedParameters(FbxNode* pNode, FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer)
FbxCamera* lCamera = (FbxCamera*) pNode->GetNodeAttribute();
lCamera->Position.Set(GetGlobalPosition(pNode, pTime).GetT());
FbxAnimCurve* fc = lCamera->Roll.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
if (fc)
FbxCamera::EApertureMode lCameraApertureMode = lCamera->GetApertureMode();
if (lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eHorizontal ||
lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eVertical)
double lFieldOfView = lCamera->FieldOfView.Get();
fc = lCamera->FieldOfView.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
if (fc)
lFieldOfView = fc->Evaluate(pTime);
//update FOV and focal length
lCamera->FieldOfView.Set( lFieldOfView);
lCamera->FocalLength.Set( lCamera->ComputeFocalLength( lFieldOfView));
else if ( lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eHorizAndVert)
double lOldFieldOfViewX = lCamera->FieldOfViewX.Get();
double lOldFieldOfViewY = lCamera->FieldOfViewY.Get();
//update FOV
double lNewFieldOfViewX = lOldFieldOfViewX;
double lNewFieldOfViewY = lOldFieldOfViewY;
fc = lCamera->FieldOfViewX.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
if (fc)
lNewFieldOfViewX = fc->Evaluate(pTime);
fc = lCamera->FieldOfViewY.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
if (fc)
lNewFieldOfViewY = fc->Evaluate(pTime);
//update aspect
double lUpdatedApertureX = lCamera->GetApertureWidth();
double lUpdatedApertureY = lCamera->GetApertureHeight();
lUpdatedApertureX *= tan( lNewFieldOfViewX * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) / tan( lOldFieldOfViewX * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180);
lUpdatedApertureY *= tan( lNewFieldOfViewY * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180) / tan( lOldFieldOfViewY * 0.5 * FBXSDK_PI_DIV_180);
lCamera->FilmWidth.Set( lUpdatedApertureX);
lCamera->FilmHeight.Set( lUpdatedApertureY);
lCamera->FilmAspectRatio.Set( lUpdatedApertureX / lUpdatedApertureY);
else if ( lCameraApertureMode == FbxCamera::eFocalLength)
double lFocalLength = lCamera->FocalLength.Get();
fc = lCamera->FocalLength.GetCurve(pAnimLayer);
if (fc && fc ->Evaluate(pTime))
lFocalLength = fc->Evaluate( pTime);
//update FOV and focal length
lCamera->FocalLength.Set( lFocalLength);
lCamera->FieldOfView.Set( lCamera->ComputeFieldOfView( lFocalLength));
bool IsProducerCamera(FbxScene* pScene, FbxCamera* pCamera)
FbxGlobalCameraSettings& lGlobalCameraSettings = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings();
if (pCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective())
return true;
if (pCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop())
return true;
if (pCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom())
return true;
if (pCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront())
return true;
if (pCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack())
return true;
if (pCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight())
return true;
if (pCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft())
return true;
return false;
FbxCamera* GetCurrentCamera(FbxScene* pScene)
FbxCamera* lRet = NULL;
FbxString lCurrentCameraName;
FbxGlobalCameraSettings& lGlobalCameraSettings = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings();
FbxGlobalSettings& lGlobalSettings = pScene->GetGlobalSettings();
lCurrentCameraName = lGlobalSettings.GetDefaultCamera();
if (lCurrentCameraName == FBXSDK_CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE)
lRet = lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective();
else if (lCurrentCameraName == FBXSDK_CAMERA_TOP)
lRet = lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop();
else if (lCurrentCameraName == FBXSDK_CAMERA_BOTTOM)
lRet = lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom();
else if (lCurrentCameraName == FBXSDK_CAMERA_FRONT)
lRet = lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront();
else if (lCurrentCameraName == FBXSDK_CAMERA_BACK)
lRet = lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack();
else if (lCurrentCameraName == FBXSDK_CAMERA_RIGHT)
lRet = lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight();
else if (lCurrentCameraName == FBXSDK_CAMERA_LEFT)
lRet = lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft();
FbxNode* lCameraNode = pScene->FindNodeByName( lCurrentCameraName);
if( lCameraNode)
lRet = lCameraNode->GetCamera();
return lRet;
double TransformAperture( double pAperture, double pTransform)
double lTransformAperture = ( pAperture + pTransform);
if( lTransformAperture < 0.25)
lTransformAperture = 0.25;
if( lTransformAperture > 179.0)
lTransformAperture = 179.0;
return lTransformAperture;
void UpdatePerspCameraAttributes( FbxCamera* pCamera, double pNewApertureW, double pNewApertureH)
if( pCamera == NULL || FbxAnimUtilities::IsAnimated( pCamera))
// update focal length or field of view.
double lApertureWidthOrig = pCamera->GetApertureWidth();
double lApertureHeightOrig = pCamera->GetApertureHeight();
// update focal length according to hypothetic new apertures.
double lFLOrig = pCamera->FocalLength.Get();
double lFOVOrig = pCamera->ComputeFieldOfView(lFLOrig); // recompute to be sure.
// transform aperture width and height temporarily
pCamera->SetApertureWidth( pNewApertureW );
pCamera->SetApertureHeight(pNewApertureH );
double lFLNew = pCamera->ComputeFocalLength(lFOVOrig);
double lFOVNew = pCamera->ComputeFieldOfView(lFLNew);
} else if (pCamera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eVertical
double lFOVOrig = pCamera->FieldOfView.Get();
double lFLOrig = pCamera->ComputeFocalLength(lFOVOrig); // recompute to be sure.
// transform aperture width and height temporarily
pCamera->SetApertureWidth(pNewApertureW );
pCamera->SetApertureHeight(pNewApertureH );
double lFOVNew = pCamera->ComputeFieldOfView(lFLOrig);
double lFLNew = pCamera->ComputeFocalLength(lFOVNew);
} else if (pCamera->GetApertureMode() == FbxCamera::eHorizAndVert) {
double lFOVOrigX = pCamera->FieldOfViewX.Get();
double lFLOrig = pCamera->ComputeFocalLength(lFOVOrigX); // recompute to be sure.
// transform aperture width and height temporarily
pCamera->SetApertureWidth(pNewApertureW );
pCamera->SetApertureHeight(pNewApertureH );
double lFOVNewX = pCamera->ComputeFieldOfView(lFLOrig);
double lFOVNewY = pCamera->ComputeFieldOfView(lFLOrig);
double lFLNew = pCamera->ComputeFocalLength(lFOVNewX);
// reset aperture width and height
void CameraZoom(FbxScene* pScene, int pZoomDepth, int pZoomMode)
FbxCamera* lCamera = GetCurrentCamera(pScene);
if( lCamera == NULL)
if( pZoomMode == SceneContext::ZOOM_FOCAL_LENGTH)
double lTransform = 0 - pZoomDepth / 400.0;
double lApertureW = lCamera->GetApertureWidth();
lApertureW = TransformAperture( lApertureW, lTransform);
double lApertureH = lCamera->GetApertureHeight();
lApertureH = TransformAperture( lApertureH, lTransform);
UpdatePerspCameraAttributes( lCamera, lApertureW, lApertureH);
if( pZoomDepth > 0)
gsOrthoCameraScale *= 0.8;
gsOrthoCameraScale *= 1.25;
FbxNode* lCameraNode = lCamera ? lCamera->GetNode() : NULL;
// Compute the camera position and direction.
FbxVector4 lEye(0,0,1);
FbxVector4 lCenter(0,0,0);
FbxVector4 lForward(0,0,0);
if (lCamera)
lEye = lCamera->Position.Get();
if (lCameraNode && lCameraNode->GetTarget())
lCenter = lCameraNode->GetTarget()->LclTranslation.Get();
lForward = lCenter - lEye;
if (!lCameraNode || IsProducerCamera(pScene, lCamera))
if (lCamera)
lCenter = lCamera->InterestPosition.Get();
lForward = lCenter - lEye;
// Get the direction
FbxAMatrix lGlobalRotation;
FbxVector4 lRotationVector( lCameraNode->LclRotation.Get());
// Set the center.
// A camera with rotation = {0,0,0} points to the X direction. So create a
// vector in the X direction, rotate that vector by the global rotation amount
// and then position the center by scaling and translating the resulting vector
lRotationVector = FbxVector4(1.0,0,0);
lForward = lGlobalRotation.MultT(lRotationVector);
lEye += lForward * pZoomDepth;
FbxDouble3 lPosition(lEye[0], lEye[1], lEye[2]);
void CameraOrbit(FbxScene* pScene, FbxVector4 lOrigCamPos, double OrigRoll, int dX, int dY)
// Orbit the camera horizontally dX degrees, vertically dY degrees.
FbxCamera* lCamera = GetCurrentCamera(pScene);
if (!lCamera) return;
FbxGlobalCameraSettings& lGlobalCameraSettings = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings();
if (lCamera != lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerPerspective()) return;
if (lCamera->LockMode.Get()) return;
if (dX == 0 && dY == 0) return;
FbxVector4 lRotationVector, lNewPosition, lCurPosition;
FbxAMatrix lRotation;
FbxVector4 lCenter = lCamera->InterestPosition.Get();
// current position
FbxVector4 lPosition = lCamera->Position.Get();
lCurPosition = lPosition-lCenter;
// translate
lNewPosition = lOrigCamPos-lCenter;
int rotX;
if (lNewPosition[2] == 0) {
rotX = 90;
} else {
rotX = (int) (atan((double)lNewPosition[0]/(double)lNewPosition[2]) * FBXSDK_180_DIV_PI);
bool bRoll = (((int)OrigRoll % 360) != 0);
if ( (lNewPosition[2] < 0 && !bRoll)
|| (lNewPosition[2] > 0 && bRoll) ) {
dY = -dY;
if (bRoll) dX = -dX;
// Center on the X axis (push)
lRotationVector[1] = -rotX;
lNewPosition = lRotation.MultT(lNewPosition);
// Rotation for the vertical movement: around the X axis
lRotationVector[1] = 0;
lRotationVector[0] = dY;
lNewPosition = lRotation.MultT(lNewPosition);
// Back from the X axis (pop)
lRotationVector[0] = 0;
lRotationVector[1] = rotX;
lNewPosition = lRotation.MultT(lNewPosition);
// Rotation for the horizontal movement
lRotationVector[1] = -dX;
lNewPosition = lRotation.MultT(lNewPosition);
// Detect camera flip
if ( lNewPosition[0]*lCurPosition[0] < 0
&& lNewPosition[2]*lCurPosition[2] < 0) {
// flip -> roll 180.
double lRoll = lCamera->Roll.Get();
lRoll = 180.0-lRoll;
// Back from center
lNewPosition = lNewPosition + lCenter;
void CameraPan(FbxScene* pScene, FbxVector4 lOrigCamPos, FbxVector4 lOrigCamCenter, double OrigRoll, int dX, int dY) {
// Pan the camera horizontally dX degrees, vertically dY degrees.
FbxCamera* lCamera = GetCurrentCamera(pScene);
if (!lCamera) return;
if (!IsProducerCamera(pScene, lCamera)) return;
if (lCamera->LockMode.Get()) return;
if (dX == 0 && dY == 0) return;
FbxGlobalCameraSettings& lGlobalCameraSettings = pScene->GlobalCameraSettings();
FbxVector4 lRotationXV, lRotationYV, lTranslationV;
FbxAMatrix lRotationX, lRotationY, lRotationXInverse, lRotationYInverse, lTranslation;
FbxVector4 lNewPosition = lOrigCamPos;
FbxVector4 lNewCenter = lOrigCamCenter;
// Translate the camera in dX and dY according to its point of view.
if (lCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerTop()) {
lTranslationV[0] = -dX;
lTranslationV[1] = 0;
lTranslationV[2] = dY;
} else if (lCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBottom()) {
lTranslationV[0] = dX;
lTranslationV[1] = 0;
lTranslationV[2] = dY;
} else if (lCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerFront()) {
lTranslationV[0] = -dX;
lTranslationV[1] = -dY;
lTranslationV[2] = 0;
} else if (lCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerBack()) {
lTranslationV[0] = dX;
lTranslationV[1] = -dY;
lTranslationV[2] = 0;
} else if (lCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerRight()) {
lTranslationV[0] = 0;
lTranslationV[1] = -dY;
lTranslationV[2] = dX;
} else if (lCamera == lGlobalCameraSettings.GetCameraProducerLeft()) {
lTranslationV[0] = 0;
lTranslationV[1] = -dY;
lTranslationV[2] = -dX;
} else {
// Perspective view. More computation.
// Adjust displacement when there is roll
bool bRoll = (((int)OrigRoll % 360) != 0);
if (bRoll) {
dX = -dX;
dY = -dY;
// Compute angles aY and aZ of the camera with Y and Z axis.
double aZ, aY;
FbxVector4 lDist = lNewPosition - lNewCenter;
// Euclidian distance between camera and lookat
double dist = (double)(lDist[0]*lDist[0]+lDist[1]*lDist[1]+lDist[2]*lDist[2]);
// aZ
if (lDist[2] == 0) {
aZ = 90.0;
} else {
aZ = (atan((double)lDist[0]/(double)lDist[2]) * FBXSDK_180_DIV_PI);
if (lNewPosition[2] < lNewCenter[2]) aZ += 180;
// aY
if (dist > 0.001) {
aY = (asin(sqrt((double)(lDist[1]*lDist[1])/ dist)) * FBXSDK_180_DIV_PI);
} else {
aY = 0;
if (lNewPosition[1] < lNewCenter[1]) aY = -aY;
// Basis translation
lTranslationV[0] = -dX;
lTranslationV[1] = -dY;
lTranslationV[2] = 0;
// Rotation around Y axis
lRotationYV[0] = 0;
lRotationYV[1] = -aZ;
lRotationYV[2] = 0;
// Rotation around X axis
lRotationXV[0] = aY;
lRotationXV[1] = 0;
lRotationXV[2] = 0;
// Modify translation according to aY and aZ.
lRotationYInverse = lRotationY.Inverse();
lRotationXInverse = lRotationX.Inverse();
lTranslation = lRotationYInverse * lRotationXInverse * lTranslation * lRotationY * lRotationX;
lTranslationV = lTranslation.GetT();
// Translate camera and center according to pan.
lNewPosition += lTranslationV;
lNewCenter += lTranslationV;